The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 303: I don’t know which barren mountain or ridge I came from

Chapter 303: He came back from nowhere in the wilderness

Luo Jiuli, "Is it so excessive?"

"Yeah, yeah." Zi Su nodded like garlic, with an aggrieved look on his face, "That's not all!"

"She found out the birthday gift that sister Xin Yi and I were preparing to give to the master, slandered us that what we stole was from Jinglan Courtyard, and threatened to slap us thirty times as punishment!"

"If Brother Kang and Sister Mo Yu hadn't come back in time, Sister Xin Yi and I would have had our butts beaten and thrown into the woodshed to fend for ourselves!"

"Haha!" Luo Jiuli's face was slightly cold, and he smiled softly, "It's like there are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkeys dominate!"

How could she, Luo Jiuli, be bullied by others if they wanted to?
If you don't give her some color, you really think she is a sick cat!
Luo Jiuli took Zi Su and sat down on the edge of the swing.

Xin Yi also sat over.

Luo Jiuli no longer lay down, but sat with his legs crossed.

She held Zi Su with one hand and Xin Yi with the other.

"The three of us have grown up together since childhood. Although we are called master and servant, we are actually as close as sisters!"

"You voluntarily marry into the palace with me and are trapped in this world with me. It is my duty to protect you!"

"I am not in the house this time, which has really made you feel wronged, but don't worry, I will make her pay back everything she did to you two sooner or later!"

"What are you talking about, Master!" Zi Su shook Luo Jiuli's hand, "What does it mean to protect us?"

"Sister Xinyi and I are your personal maids. If you want to get married, Sister Xinyi and I will naturally be your dowry!"


"My slave, I hope that you will protect us only when you are safe and sound, not when you are unable to protect yourself, but you still have to protect us!"

"Yes, yes, yes!!!" Zisu nodded repeatedly, "Sister Xinyi is right!!!"

"Just like what happened in Qingci Garden this time, if Sister Mo Yu had stayed, the master and prince might not have fallen off the cliff!"

"I hope you will do it next time, bah bah bah!!!" Zi Su hurriedly slapped her mouth, "Look at my slave's mouth, there will be no next time, there will never be a next time!"

"Anyway, what I mean is, just in case, just in case, if something like the last time happens again, I hope that the master will protect himself first, instead of asking someone to send the slave back first, and then you can But I can’t escape!”

Zisu pursed her lips as she spoke, "You don't even know that as soon as I returned to the house, I heard someone said that you and the prince fell off a cliff, and your life or death was uncertain. I was so frightened that I lost my soul and cried all day long!"

"If Brother Kang hadn't said later that he had received a letter from you and the prince, saying that you were safe and sound, I would have wished to die as an apology!"

Looking at the serious faces of the two girls, Luo Jiuli knew that falling off the cliff this time would definitely frighten them.

She smiled pretending to be relaxed, trying to ease the depressive atmosphere that suddenly arose around her.

However, Zisu and Xin Yi didn't buy it, and still looked at her with their eyes wide open, as if if she didn't agree, they would keep looking at her until she agreed!

Luo Jiuli had no choice but to agree, "Oh! Okay, okay, I know, I know, don't worry! If something happens next time, I will definitely listen to you and protect myself first, and wait until I am safe before I think about it." I’ll find a way to protect you, that’s all!”

"That's pretty much it!" Zisu smiled with satisfaction.

Xin Yi also laughed.

"Master, tell me quickly, how did you and the prince spend the past half month after they fell off the cliff?"

Zi Su stood up and sat back on the low stool, climbed on the edge of the swing with both hands, raised her head, and looked at Luo Jiuli with curiosity.

"Is it true, as Brother Kang said, that you lived in a village called Chenjiacun, and then you met a good family, and you had good food and drink every day?" "Hahahahaha, yes, yes, yes, That’s right!”

Luo Jiuli responded with a smile, then kept the story short and briefly told Zisu and Xinyi about their days in Chenjiacun.

After saying that, she looked up at the moon, then stood up, put on her shoes, and straightened her sleeves and skirt.

"Okay, it's getting late tonight, so let's stop talking here and go back to sleep!"

"Oh, by the way, I was away for many days and couldn't even make it back in time for my father's birthday party. I think my father and mother are very worried!"

"Tomorrow morning you prepare some good things and come with me back home to see your father and mother!"

Xin Yi, "Yes! I have remembered it!"

"The master and his wife are indeed very worried about the master!" Zisu followed Luo Jiuli downstairs, "In the past years, when the master was born, our house was not full of guests, happy and lively!"

"Once the banquet is held, in addition to the guests coming and going, even the beggars on the street can feel a little happy and have a good meal."

"But this time, everything for the banquet was clearly prepared early tomorrow, but on that day, all the guests came, and the master just asked the butler to drive them back, saying that his daughter was not here and he was not in the mood to celebrate her birthday!"

Luo Jiuli said, "Dad likes fun the most. This time it's my fault. I will definitely organize a bigger birthday party for him next year."

"Although the master likes to be lively, I think that the master still wants the master and the eldest son to be safe and sound!"

Luo Jiuli hummed and asked, "What about dad's birthday party? Is my brother back?"

"He's back." Speaking of Luo Yaozhi, Zisu couldn't help but laugh, "The eldest son came back from nowhere in the wilderness. His clothes and hair are messy, and his shoes have many holes."

"If the guards guarding the door hadn't been accustomed to the eldest young master's appearance, they would have kicked him out as a beggar!"

"Hahahaha!!!" Luo Jiuli laughed loudly.

She had seen Luo Yao look like a beggar many times, and it was not difficult for her to imagine this image.

But this time, I wonder if he was chased or bitten by something?
tiger?eagle? ?Blind bear? ? ?
Zi Su, "There is no news that you fell off the cliff. The master was already in a bad mood, and the eldest son looked like this again. The master saw that his heart was filled with anger, and he chased after the eldest master with a broom."

"In the past, Madam would hold back a little, but this time she just goes with them!"

"The eldest son was chased by the master several times. As soon as he heard that you fell off the cliff, he didn't care about anything. He immediately wanted to go to the place where you fell. If it weren't for Master Qiao, sister Xinyi and I, we wouldn't be able to go there. In time, I'm afraid there will be no one in the house."

Luo Jiuli returned to the room, and Jun Mohan happened to have finished taking a shower and put on his clothes.

Seeing her coming, he stretched out his hand towards her, "Madam, come this way!"

Wei Yan was carrying a wooden bucket, scooping and pouring water back and forth.

Kang Xiang leaned against the door, as if watching the fun, with no intention of helping.

Zi Su looked at Wei Yan who was busy going back and forth, "Brother Kang, are we... okay?"

Kang Xiang shook his head, "Not good!"

Zisu: “…………”

Since it was not good, then why was he still leaning against the door, leisurely and motionless?
 We have all seen the monthly tickets and recommended tickets, my dears!You are the motivation for me to persevere. I will continue to persevere until the end and will not give up!Don’t worry!What the hell! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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