Chapter 304 I’m not worried about you!
A good night's sleep.

When Luo Jiuli woke up, there was no one around him.

She yawned and stretched greatly.

Zi Su and Xin Yi, who were waiting outside the door, heard the noise and pushed the door open.

"Master is awake?"

"Yes." Luo Jiuli sat up, and Zisu placed the wooden basin filled with water beside him and came over to help her put on her shoes.

"Where is Jun Mohan?" Luo Jiuli asked.

"Someone has just arrived in the palace. The prince has entered the palace." Zi Su said with a smile, "I thought you wanted to sleep a little longer. When the prince left, he specifically told the slaves not to disturb your sleep!"

"Enter the palace?" Luo Jiuli frowned slightly, "The palace received the news so quickly? Who is coming?"

"It's Eunuch Fu from the Emperor's side. When he came, he brought a lot of good things. They were piled all over the hall and he was putting them away one by one!" Zi Su put on Luo Jiuli's shoes. Seeing that her face was not very pretty, she was worried. Ask, "What's wrong? But what's wrong?"

Luo Jiuli collected his thoughts, shook his head, and smiled slightly, "Nothing, just wash up!"

Zisu had no doubt that she was there, "Yes!"

Luo Jiuli sat down in front of the dressing table. Zi Su cleansed his face and Xin Yi tied his hair.

Zisu Xinda couldn't see it, but Xin Yi could clearly see Luo Jiuli's slightest trace of sadness hidden between his brows.

She said, "Mo Yu is back and waiting outside. If the master wants to know something, just call her in and ask."

Luo Jiuli looked at Xin Yi in the mirror, "Well, let her in!"

Xin Yi couldn't do without her hair, and Zi Su happened to go out with a basin after washing her face, and called Mo Yu in along the way.

"Princess!" Mo Yu bowed slightly towards Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli hummed and raised his hand to stop Xin Yi from continuing to twist his hair.

"I'll just wear men's clothes when I go out and tie my hair with a jade crown."

"Yes!" Xin Yi responded.

Luo Jiuli then turned around and looked at Mo Yu, "Jun Mohan and I came in through a secret passage. How did the palace get the news so quickly? Did he leak the news on purpose? Or..."

"The princess is smart, the news was indeed leaked by the prince on purpose." Mo Yu said truthfully.

Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows, "That's good!"

Then she won't worry anymore!

"But, isn't he too boring?"

"Since you intended to leak the news, why did you bother to return home through the secret passage yesterday?"

"I must want you to have a good night's sleep, Princess." Mo Yu said, "The news was only brought to the palace half an hour ago."

"Haha!" Luo Jiuli sneered, "Then they came very quickly. The news only reached the palace half an hour ago, and people have already entered the palace!"

Mo Yu nodded, "It's pretty fast!"

Luo Jiuli, who was standing by, didn't ask any questions. Since Jun Mohan wanted to leak the news, he had his own plan to deal with it!

After leaving Prince Yi's Mansion, the master and servant called a carriage and headed all the way towards Luo Mansion.

In the carriage, Luo Jiuli seemed to have remembered something, and asked Xinyi and Zisu, "By the way, is that piece of bird poop called Yuan Shu that my brother gave me still there?"

When Xin Yi heard this, he bowed his head with guilt and did not dare to speak.

"It must be there!" Zisu looked at Luo Jiuli, "Didn't you ask Sister Xinyi to put it away? Have you forgotten?"

When Zi Su mentioned this, Xin Yi lowered his head even lower, "Yes, yes!"

How could Luo Jiuli not see such a guilty conscience?

She raised the corners of her mouth and looked at Xin Yi, "Really?"

The tone is neither light nor serious, just like everyday gossip.

Pian Xinyi felt extremely guilty. Seeing him like this, he started to sweat all over his body.

With a bang, she knelt straight down, "This slave has made his own decision, please ask the master to punish you!"

"Oh! Sister Xin Yi! What's wrong with you? Why are you still kneeling down? Get up quickly, get up!"

Looking at Xin Yi who suddenly knelt down, Zi Su was confused.She stepped forward to help Xin Yi up, but Xin Yi refused. He still stubbornly knelt there and refused to get up no matter how Zi Su pulled.

"This slave has made his own decisions, please let the master punish you!"

Zi Su couldn't pull Xin Yi up, so she had no other choice but to ask Luo Jiuli for help, "Master."

Luo Jiuli held his forehead, "Okay, okay, get up!"

When Luo Jiuli spoke, Xin Yi naturally wanted to listen.

She stood up with Zi Su's help, sat back down, looked at Luo Jiuli with an apologetic look, and tried to ask, "Does the master know?"

Luo Jiuli hummed, "Tell me, when? And how did you let me eat it?"

"Just that morning, red bean and barley porridge."

Xin Yi's voice sounded like a mosquito, but Luo Jiuli still heard it clearly.


Since receiving Yuanshu's feces, she has only eaten red bean and barley porridge once.

She asked why the red bean and barley porridge that day tasted so strange, sour and astringent, and it took a long time...

"This slave has made his own decisions. Master should punish the slave!"

Xin Yi knelt down again.

"Who said I was going to punish you?" Luo Jiuli personally helped Xin Yi up, "You have done a great job this time. It's too late for me to thank you and reward you! How can I punish you!"


This time it was Xin Yi's turn to be confused.

"Brother said that there is a beast in Beiyuan, called Yuan rat, and eating it can ward off hundreds of poisons, right?"

Xin Yi nodded repeatedly, "No, that's right."

"Before falling off the cliff, the assassin shot a cold arrow at Jun Mohan and me, and the arrow was coated with poison." Luo Jiuli said to Xin Yi, "If you hadn't mixed Yuan rat feces into red bean and barley porridge for me to eat, , I'm afraid that Jun Mohan and I have already been exposed in the wilderness."

"What! Poisonous!!"

Zisu next to her suddenly jumped up. She held Luo Jiuli's shoulders, turning him around and looking over and over.

"Master, you, you, you, are you okay!!!"

Luo Jiuli was dizzy as she spun him around.

He quickly took a step back, avoided her hand, and knocked her head angrily.

"What are you thinking in your little head! If something happens, can I still stand here with my beard and tail intact?"

"Ouch!" Zi Su felt aggrieved in pain, "Isn't this slave worried about you?"


Just as Luo Jiuli was about to say something, a cry came from outside the carriage! 'sound.

"Sir, Luo Mansion has arrived."

After getting off the carriage, Xin Yi paid the bill to the driver.

Zi Su took the gift she had prepared early in the morning, followed Luo Jiu and knocked on the door, "Bang bang bang!!!"

"Who is it?"

The guard's voice came from inside the door.

"Me!" Although Luo Jiuli was wearing men's clothes, his voice did not change.

However, the guard didn't hear anything at all, and opened the door while talking.

"Who are you? My lady's whereabouts are still unknown, and the house does not accept guests. If nothing happens, the girl will be beaten wherever she comes from, little lady!!!!"

The guard saw the person standing outside the door clearly, and his fluent words suddenly became stammering.

"Little Miss!!! You, you, you are back!!!!"

Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows in a good mood, "If nothing happens, where did you come from? What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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