The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 305: Mom, you are stupid, I am willing to be deceived by you!

Chapter 305: Mom, you are stupid, I am willing to be deceived by you!

"No, no, no, no, nothing!"

The guard looked excited and shook his head like a rattle.

He took a step back and opened the door, "Miss, come in quickly! Come in quickly! I will report to the master and madam right now!"

"Well, you go ahead!" Luo Jiuli stepped through the door.

Zi Su paid the bill and followed.

"Yes, yes, yes! Go right now, slave! Go right now!!!"

The guard turned around and before running a few steps, he saw Shu Yaxian and Luo Gan rushing over from the other side.

"Ouch! Oh my god!! My baby girl, you are back safely!!!! Woo woo hoo!!! If you don't come back, your father and I will be worried to death!!!"

Luo Gan came up with a bear hug, which caught Luo Jiuli off guard and almost left him breathless.

"Okay, you are so old, and you are holding your daughter and crying, what does it look like!"

Shu Yaxian pulled Luo Gan away with a smile on her face.

Luo Jiuli was able to breathe, "Mom is right, what does it look like!"

She glanced at Luo Gan's bulging belly with disgust, "Dad, why are you so fat again?"

"Tell me the truth, did you go drinking secretly behind my mother's back again?"

"I didn't!" Luo Gan said stiffly.

"Hey!" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes and imitated his example, "I didn't!"

"The devil believes you!"

"You and your mother believe it, why don't you believe it!" Luo Gan was angry!You little bastard, come back and cause trouble!
"Mom, you are stupid, I am willing to be deceived by you!"

"You! You!! You!!!" Luo stared at you for a long time, only hating why the person in front of him at this moment was not his son, but his daughter.

If it were a son, he would have slapped him away!

It’s my daughter, I can’t bear to beat her!
"Hey hey hey!!!" Luo Jiuli stuck out his tongue playfully.

She went over to hold Luo Gan's hand and rubbed his shoulder like a baby, "Okay, okay, daddy, don't be angry, don't be angry, I believe it, I believe it!"

"Hahahahaha, you girl!" Luo Gan laughed loudly.

He wasn't angry, he was just happy to argue with his daughter!

Now that Luo Jiuli is coaxing him like this, he can't even keep pretending!

From the moment she saw Luo Jiuli, the smile on Shu Yaxian's face never stopped.

Seeing that the father and daughter were almost bickering, she said, "Okay, don't stand outside anymore, let's go inside and talk!"

"Okay!" Luo Jiuli responded with a smile.

She held Luo Gan in one arm and Shu Yaxian in the other, happily walking along the corridor.

"After being out for half a month, my daughter really wants to be kissed by her parents!"

"Silly girl, why don't I see you missing home so much on weekdays?"

"Hehe! My daughter has always missed her family, but isn't she married now? It's not a good idea to run to her parents' house all the time!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! Glib tongue!!"

A discordant voice sounded.

"I didn't see you staying at home for a few days before you left the cabinet!"

Luo Jiuli was unconvinced, "Who said that!"

Turning his head to look, he saw Luo Yaozhi and Qiao Su walking from the other side.

"Am I wrong???" Luo Yaozhi spread his hands and shrugged, clearly looking innocent, but what he said was not too much to deserve a beating.

"There are twelve months in a year. Excluding the days when you travel with Master Bai, you can only count how many days you stay at home!"

"..." Luo Jiuli gritted his teeth, "If you have the skills, you can count them!"

Luo Yaozhi came closer and stood in front of Luo Jiuli. He chuckled lightly and counted with his fingers.

"Every year you travel with Master Bai, it will take at least three months. If it takes more, I won't give it to you. I'll just count it as three months!"

"Except for three months, there are still nine months. During these nine months, you will mostly stay in Tianshan Pavilion. Unless you have something to do, you will go home during the holidays. Every time you come back, you will just stay for a while. Walk!"

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Damn things, they really count!

"During these days at home, you don't stay at home every day, but you run out all the time!"

"My parents didn't let you go out, so you jumped over the wall, dug into dog holes, and ran out no matter what!"

"Drilling into a dog hole!" Luo Jiuli didn't admit it, "My martial arts skills are so good, why do I need to drill into a dog hole?!"

"Whoever has been through a dog hole knows it first!"


"I may not even see you at home, but if someone's family encounters something evil, then you will definitely be in that family's home!"


On the other side, Jingren Palace.

Xiao Hui was sitting high up, with Jun Mohan and Jun Mozhe sitting on her left and right, and there were many maids and eunuchs waiting on her side.

Xiao Hui picked up the tea cup with Dankou-stained hands, lifted the lid of the cup, brushed off the tea leaves, and took a sip with graceful and noble movements.

"This is the best Kowloon tea sent as tribute from neighboring countries. The Ai family remembers that King Yi loved to drink it the most."

"Yes." Jun Mohan nodded, but he only glanced at the tea that Nanny Wu had brewed for him next to him, showing no intention of drinking it.

"Hahahahaha!!!" Jun Mozhe was dressed in bright yellow and wore a dragon robe, "The Queen Mother treats King Yi so well, she still remembers his preferences after not seeing him for many years!"

"The Queen Mother is also kind to the Emperor!" said Nanny Wu who was waiting nearby. "The Queen Mother cannot touch cold things, but because the Emperor likes it, our Jingren Palace always has ice!"

"Hahahaha!!!" Jun Mozhe laughed heartily, looked at the iced fruit plate beside him and said, "No wonder I always get something iced every time I come here!"

Xiao Hui put down the tea cup and looked at Jun Mohan and Jun Mozhe with a kind smile.

"Although you two are not biological children of the Ai family, in the end you are both the children of the late emperor, and therefore also the children of the Ai family."

"As a mother, Aijia, if she doesn't do good to you, who will do good to you?"

"Hahahaha, yes! Sons and ministers should also be filial to their mothers!"

Jun Mozhe and Xiao Hui have a loving mother and a filial son, talking and laughing.

Jun Mohan sat aside, like a wooden man, neither talking nor smiling, but he could not be ignored.

"Yes." Xiao Hui nodded with relief. She glanced at Jun Mohan and warned Jun Mozhe: "You, don't be too busy with government affairs all day long and ignore the feelings of the concubines. Concubine Shu You just had a miscarriage, so when you have time, you should go sit more often, see her more, and spend more time with her."

"I know this," Jun Mozhe said. "With your mother and uncle helping me with government affairs, it's okay for me to just step aside and do nothing!"

"But I'm the only one with Yan'er, and I can't worry about her. I will visit her more often when I have time to stay with her. Mother, don't worry."

"Well, the Ai family sees the affection between the emperor and Concubine Shu, so don't worry, don't worry!"

Xiao Hui's smiling face remained unchanged, but she was actually sarcastic in her heart.

After all, he is a piece of shit and useless!

He actually gave up his country for a woman!
"The way of a king is about balance, and you should never indulge in women. Otherwise, in the court, the Ai family can help you for a while, but they will not be able to help you forever!"

(End of this chapter)

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