Chapter 307: Very proud to the core!
The scene was silent for a while.

Xiao Hui's face didn't look very good, and she almost lost control.

"Hahahaha, Queen Mother, please spare the seventh brother!" Jun Mozhe smiled and smoothed things over, "The seventh brother has only been back to Beijing for a little more than a month. If he stays longer, he will know what to do, so there is no need. You are urging me like this!"

"That's fine, that's fine!" Xiao Hui walked down the steps given by Jun Mozhe, "The Ai family is old, and the Ai family can't take care of the affairs of you young people. They can't take care of it anymore!"

"If there is nothing important, I will return home first."

Jun Mohan said nothing nonsense and stood up to leave.

"Hey! Seventh Brother!" Jun Mozhe pulled him, "Sit down for a while and talk to the Queen more! The Queen has been thinking of you these days when you have been missing!"

"No." Jun Mohan broke free from his hand and continued walking out.

Xiao Hui was so angry that she almost dropped the tea cup in her hand.

But she still held it back, tried her best to be gentle, and said to Jun Mohan's leaving figure: "Concubine Xiao is accompanying Concubine Shu in Jade Palace. Since Prince Yi wants to return to the palace, he should take Concubine back with him!"

Jun Mohan didn't look back, "Concubine Shu has had a miscarriage, and as her sister, she should always be by her side to soothe her pain."

"Hey! Seventh Brother! Wait for me!" Jun Mozhe waved his hand towards Jun Mohan's back.

Jun Mohan didn't stop walking.

Jun Mozhe did not catch up immediately, but raised his hand towards Xiao Hui, "Mother, my sons and ministers also retreated!"

"Go!" Xiao Hui waved her hands.

After Xiao Hui agreed, Jun Mozhe chased in the direction Jun Mohan left.

"Brother Qi, wait for me!"

"I'll go with you!"

Eunuch Fu, who was waiting outside the door, saw Jun Mozhe running out quickly, and he followed behind.

"Ouch! Your Majesty, please slow down, be careful of falling!"

"Wait a minute, slave!"

Aunt Wu was kneeling outside Jingren Palace. The scorching sun made her scalp ache and her knees hurt.

As soon as Jun Mohan and Jun Mozhe left, a little maid came from behind and said, "Aunt Wu, don't kneel down, the Queen Mother is looking for you!"

"I got it." Nanny Wu is old and her legs and feet are weak, so she can't stand kneeling like this.

She held her thighs with her hands. As soon as she stood up, she felt a sharp pain in her knees, and she couldn't help but fall to the side.

"Hey! Aunt Wu!" The little palace maid had quick eyesight and quick hands, and pulled Aunt Wu back, "Are you okay?"

Mother Wu stood still, calmed down, and shook her head, "It's okay, help me over."

"Yes!" the little palace maid responded and helped Nanny Wu go inside.

At this time, there was a crackling sound and the sound of porcelain hitting the ground came from inside the house.

The little palace maid turned pale with fright and did not dare to move.

She heard that the reason why she was transferred to Jingren Palace was because the Queen Mother was angry two days ago and ordered people to beat a palace maid to death!
"That's it." Mother Wu retracted her hand and limped up the steps.

She turned around and looked at the palace maids and eunuchs kneeling in the courtyard, and ordered: "Everyone, get down!"

"Yes!" The palace maids and eunuchs responded in unison.

After everyone in the courtyard had dispersed, Nanny Wu lifted the curtain and walked in.

Inside the house, all kinds of porcelain were broken on the floor.

"Queen Mother..."

As soon as Nanny Wu opened her mouth, there was another 'Bang! ' Loud noise.

A huge vase was smashed directly in front of her. The fragments flew up and cut a long gash on the back of her hand. "Hiss!" "Who does he think he is! How dare he treat the Ai family like this!!!" Xiao Hui was angry. Inexhaustible, he smashed another vase, "He thinks he is still the seventh prince who was deeply loved by the late emperor!"

"The late emperor is gone, and Jun Mozhe is just a loser! So what if he is a dignified King Yi? It's not like he can't protect the tiger talisman in his hand!"

"The Ai family just used little tricks, and people have become like this! What's the use!! What's the use!!!"

"Hahahahaha, no one can disrespect the Ai family! No one can disrespect the Ai family!!!"

"The Queen Mother, please calm down!" Grandma Wu ignored the pain and knelt down again. "Prince Yi has always had such a temper. Don't argue with him, or you may get angry and ruin your health!"

"When the late emperor was here, he was an eyesore to the Ai family! Now that the emperor is gone, he is still an eyesore to the Ai family!!!" Xiao Hui slapped the table, furious, "How dare you be so disrespectful to the Ai family? How can this be called the Ai family? Are you angry?"

Xiao Hui turned around and looked at the only good thing on the shelf. She narrowed her eyes and burst out with overwhelming hatred. She gritted her teeth and said, "It was that woman who gave birth to her! She is so proud in her bones!!!"

When she heard Xiao Hui mention that woman, Grandma Wu lowered her head and did not dare to speak.

"Haha!" Xiao Hui's eyes were cold, "It's good to be arrogant! It's good to be arrogant!"

"The Ai family likes to pick at people's pride, one by one, slowly!"

Yin Cencen's words seemed to penetrate human skin and flesh, making people feel the pain of having their internal organs torn apart!

Nanny Wu trembled all over and raised her head, "Your Majesty, since King Yi has already handed over half of the Tiger Talisman, why should we be so polite to him!"

After venting her anger, Xiao Hui seemed to calm down.

She sat back down, resting her head on her hands, looking at Nanny Wu with a half-smile.

"Wu Pei! You have been with the Ai family for the longest time, but why are your eyesight so short-sighted?"

"I would like to listen to the Queen Mother's teachings!" Nanny Wu lowered her eyes.

"The Xuanjia Army is different from other armies. They were built and trained by King Yi with his own hands. They have a deep friendship with King Yi that is incomparable to ordinary people. Even though the Tiger Talisman was given to him, his words still make the generals of the army Will listen!"

"What!" Nanny Wu was shocked, "The general in the army did not obey the orders of the Tiger Talisman!"

"You still have to obey Tiger Talisman's orders, but it's just a matter of obeying and disobeying!"

"Then... wouldn't it mean that except King Yi, there is no one in the court who can lead the Xuanjia Army!"

"No one can lead?" Xiao Hui smiled meaningfully, "Not necessarily!"


Jun Mohan left the palace and went straight to Luo Mansion.

Walking into the busy city, Wei Yan whispered, "Master, you have a tail!"

"Yeah." Jun Mohan also noticed it.

The master and servant made eye contact for a brief moment, then quietly quickened their pace and found a dark place to hide in the corner ahead.

"Hey! Where are the people! Where are the people!!"

"do not know!"

"The person finally appeared. Master ordered us not to lose him. Hurry! Look ahead! Look ahead!!!"

When people passed by, Jun Mohan and Wei Yan came out of the darkness.

Looking at their retreating figures, Wei Yan said, "Master, follow me and take a look!"

Jun Mohan said "Hmm" and left with Wei Yan in two directions.

In the Luo Mansion, the guards had never met Jun Mohan, but seeing that he was very popular and claimed to be his uncle, they believed him and hurriedly saluted him and led him towards the main room.

It was lunch time, and Shu Yaxian ordered people to cook a lot of Luo Jiuli's favorite dishes.

Everyone sat around the table and looked at Luo Gan and Qiao Su, who lived in harmony and were one elder brother and second younger brother. Luo Jiuli was shocked, "You two... have reconciled?"

(End of this chapter)

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