Chapter 308 Uncle is here
"You silly boy, my father and your Master Qiao have always been the best friends. We have never had a verbal quarrel. How can we reconcile?"

Luo Gan gave Luo Jiuli a chicken leg.

"Come on, these are my A-Li's favorite chicken legs. Eat more. You've been working hard these days and you've lost weight!"

"Yes, hahahaha, we two brothers are doing well!" Qiao Su filled up the wine and raised his glass, "Come on, Brother Luo, let me have a drink with you!"

"No!" Before Luo Gan could speak, Zisu said first, "Master Qiao, my master is not feeling well and should not drink alcohol!"

She held the wine bottle tightly in her arms, as if she was afraid of being snatched away.

"Uh, hehehe..."

Luo Gan had been drinking for most of his life, but suddenly he stopped drinking. The smell of alcohol made him feel itchy.

He glanced at Shu Yaxian beside him, and was about to say he didn't want to drink anymore.

But Shu Yaxian spoke for the first time, "Drink!"

Luo Gan was overjoyed and nodded heavily, "Hey! Thank you madam! Madam is so kind to your husband!"

"Drink less, don't be greedy!" Although Shu Yaxian agreed, she still couldn't help but worry, "Be careful!"

"Don't worry, madam, you know what you are doing for your husband!" Luo Gan swore, patting his chest.

Zi Su poured wine for Luo Gan, worried that he would drink too much, so she only poured half a glass each time.

Luo Gan didn't say anything after seeing it. As long as he had something to drink, he would be satisfied!
He picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Qiao Su, "Come on, brother, drink!"

Qiao Su, "Hahaha, drink, drink, drink!!!"

The two raised their heads and drank in one gulp.

Shu Yaxian glanced at Luo Gan and said, "You can count everything you want, but I'm afraid you haven't counted it!"

Luo Gan chuckled and said nothing.

Zisu, "Madam, don't worry, I will pour the wine for you, and I will keep an eye on him!"

"It's okay, mother. Daddy knows it well. If he..."

Before Luo Jiuli finished speaking, he was interrupted by a voice.

"Master, madam, my uncle is here!"

Luo Jiuli looked up and saw Jun Mohan in mysterious clothes slowly walking towards her.

"How did you come?"

Luo Jiuli smiled happily, dropped the half-eaten chicken leg, and ran over to hold Jun Mohan's arm.

Jun Mohan had a smile in his eyes, "I heard that Old Wei said you were here, so I came here."

"The lord is here!"

"Common people see..."

"Common women see you..."

"Quickly, forgive me!" Jun Mohan raised his hand to stop Luo Gan and Shu Yaxian's movements, "This is the Luo Mansion, and I am the uncle here. I am the son-in-law who salutes my father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

As Jun Mohan spoke, he bent down and called out one by one: "Father-in-law, mother-in-law, eldest brother..."

When they arrived at Qiao Su, Luo Jiuli hurriedly introduced him, "This is Master Qiao."

Jun Mohan nodded, "Master Qiao."

"Hey! OK, OK!!!" Luo Gan received Jun Mohan's gift. He was very flustered and became cautious. He stammered and ordered, "Zisu, Xinyi, hurry up, give it to your aunt." "Brother, please bring a stool and add a pair of bowls and chopsticks!"

"Yes!" Zisu and Xinyi leaned over and left. After a while, they moved the stool and returned with the bowls and chopsticks.

Compared with Luo Gan's restraint and Shu Yaxian's observance of etiquette, Luo Yaozhi and Qiao Su seemed more casual.

Luo Yaozhi didn't say a word from the moment the table was served, and just focused on eating. Even when Jun Mohan came, he only took the time to look up, and then continued eating without being affected.

Qiao Su, on the other hand, didn't even move his buttocks. He was eating peanuts and drinking one glass after another. "Boy, are you feeling well?" Such an unruly call made Luo Gan feel nervous.

Jun Mohan didn't care at all, but was a little confused, "Junior and senior?"

"It was Master Qiao who saved you in Chenjiacun before."

Luo Jiuli pulled Jun Mohan to sit down.

"But when you woke up, Master Qiao had already left Chenjiacun and came to the capital to attend dad's birthday party."

"Oh!" Jun Mohan understood, "Thank you, senior! I have been recuperating in Chenjiacun for half a month, and my health is already fine!"

In front of Luo Jiuli's family, Jun Mohan was not as ruthless and scornful as he was outside, but instead he was sharp, humble and courteous.

"Young man is lucky! It'll be fine as long as it doesn't matter!" Qiao Su raised his head and took another glass of wine.

He threw two peanuts into his mouth and asked Jun Mohan, "Can you drink?"

Jun Mohan took the wine glass handed by Zi Su, filled it with wine, and raised the glass, "Junior, I am a little less drunk. Senior, father-in-law, don't dislike it!"

"Hey! Why do you dislike it?"

Speaking of drinking, Luo Gan became more energetic. He raised his glass and said hello.

"Come on, come on, big brother, let's have a drink together, the three of us!"

With the mixing of wine, the dinner table became more and more lively.

All the formality and etiquette are gone!

After three rounds of drinking, the three people who were originally separated by hundreds of thousands of miles sat together.

Luo Gan was so drunk that he put one hand on Jun Mohan's shoulder and held Qiao Su with the other, "I, let me tell you, brother, my son-in-law is fine!"

"Last time, just the last time, I just came back from Jiangnan and went to see him at Prince Yi's Mansion. As soon as we met, he gave me a gilt purple clay pot as a gift!"

"That pot is very good! I put it on the shelf in the study, for fear that it would get dusty, and I would wipe it with my hands every day. I never trust anyone else with it!"

"Hey!" Qiao Su said disdainfully, "It's just a purple clay pot. What's so good about it? It's not just for water. Is it possible that it's more expensive than my bottle of pills?"

Jun Mohan was also drunk, shaking his head and waving his hands repeatedly, "Well, no, no, no!"

Luo Gan was unconvinced, "Vulgar! You, do you know what's at the bottom of that pot?"

"The pot is not worth anything, why should you return the bottom?" Qiao Su laughed, "Hahahaha, you are so funny!"

"Bah! You, you're the one who's being funny!"

"Well, what's written on the bottom of the pot is the original work of Yu Zhen during the Taizu period!"

"What!" Qiao Su opened his eyes wide, the circles under his eyes were red from the wine, "Yu, Yu Zhen's authentic handiwork! Is it real or fake? I don't believe it!"

"Do not believe?"

Luo Gan threw down his wine glass, picked up Qiao Su and Jun Mohan, and the three of them staggered out.

"If you don't believe me, if you don't believe me, I will take you to see it! Let you open your eyes today and gain insights!"

"Okay! The more you learn, the more you learn! Hiccup!" Qiao Su burped, smelling of alcohol, "Brother! We brothers said that we share blessings and difficulties together, right? "

"Yes!" Luo Gan nodded, "We brothers must share blessings and share hardships, whoever follows the other!"

"Hey! Yes, with your words, I, the eldest brother, will feel relieved!"

Seeing the three people leaving, Shu Yaxian and Luo Jiuli looked at each other helplessly.

Shu Yaxian looked at the housekeeper beside her, "What are you still standing for? Follow me quickly!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

The housekeeper caught up with the three of them and followed them not too far away.

(End of this chapter)

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