Chapter 309 Aren’t you too annoyed?

Xin Yi led several maids to remove the finished meals.

Luo Jiuli and Luo Yaozhi ate so much that their bellies were bulging, and they slumped on the chairs, half leaning and half lying down, feeling very uncomfortable and satisfied.

"It's rare, brother. This time I actually stayed at home for almost half a month. What's wrong? Aren't you going to go to your deep mountains and forests?"

"Hiccup!" Luo Yaozhi hiccupped, and Bai Luo Jiuli glanced at him, "You little heartless kid, you joked that Brother Wei was here. Why did Brother Wei stay at home for so long? You don't know why?"

If he wasn't worried about her, he would have returned to Beiyuan long ago after his father's birthday party. There might be some ancient beast squatting at this moment. As for staying at home for so long, he still got teased by her?

Luo Jiuli chuckled, "Actually, to be honest, I have to thank you this time!"

"You're welcome!" Luo Yaozhi waved his hand magnanimously, "You and I, brother and sister, don't need to say thank you, just talk about money!"

"You are obsessed with money!!!"

Luo Jiuli was speechless and asked Shu Yaxian with a suspicious look on his face.

"Mom, are you sure he is your biological child? Are you sure he is my biological brother???"

"If you think about it carefully, is it possible that you hugged him wrongly when you gave birth to him?"

"Actually, my brother, whose blood is thicker than water, is living outside and suffering!"

"Pfft!" Shu Yaxian couldn't stop laughing at the words of the two siblings.

"Good on you, Luo Jiuli!" Luo Yao gritted his teeth.

"A little bit!!!" Luo Jiuli stuck out his tongue, "Who told you to be obsessed with money? I haven't even said anything to thank you yet, so you just talk about money!"

"Hey!" Luo Yaozhi rolled his eyes, "Master already told me when he came that Yuan rat feces can detoxify hundreds of poisons!"

"Not good! Not good!!"

The housekeeper ran in from outside in a panic, with a look of urgency on his face.

“Madam, it’s not good, it’s not good!!!”

Shu Yaxian's heart skipped a beat, and the smile on her face disappeared, replaced by a hint of worry.

"What's wrong? But what happened to the master???"

"No!" The housekeeper shook his head, but after thinking about it, he felt something was wrong, so he nodded again and again, "Yes!!"

"Oh! You have to tell me clearly whether it is or not!"

Shu Yaxian was concerned about Luo Gan, so she stood up and walked out the door towards the study.

Luo Jiuli and Luo Yaozhi also followed, "Mom! Slow down! Watch the road!"

"Hey! Madam, please wait for me!" The housekeeper caught up with Shu Yaxian and said as he walked, "Master, everything is fine! Yes, Master's gilded purple clay pot was broken!"

"Is the purple clay pot broken?" Shu Yaxian's steps did not slow down. She would not be relieved if she did not see Luo Gan. "What's going on?"

"The master took Master Qiao and my uncle to the study to see the gilt purple clay pot. When Master Qiao saw that the bottom of the pot was really Yu Zhen's original work, he couldn't put it down and touched it again and again, and was reluctant to return it to the master."

"Then, back and forth, you fought for me to grab it, and when your hand slipped, the gilded purple clay pot broke into pieces!"

The housekeeper explained the reason, and several people had already arrived outside the study door.

Before entering, I heard a fierce quarrel coming from inside.

"What am I! This thing obviously slipped from your hand!!"

"Hey! How could this have slipped from my hand! Can you please be reasonable! It was you who came to snatch it, and you just snatched it from my hand, and you didn't hold it firmly and dropped it!"

"After all, it's still your fault! If you didn't rob it, wouldn't it still be fine?"

"Hmph! Okay, if you had returned it to me earlier, would I still have had to grab it??!!"

"You still blame me! I just reached over with my hand, but actually I didn't touch the thing at all! You obviously didn't hold it properly, and you still had the nerve to blame me if it broke! How shameless!"

"You didn't touch it! Ha! You didn't touch it!"

"In this case, what you said doesn't count, and what I said doesn't count. Bystanders are innocent, okay? It doesn't matter if you don't recognize it. Let's ask your son-in-law. He has been watching from the side. He must have seen it clearly!"

"Hmph! Ask! Just ask! Who is afraid of you!" Luo Gan glared at Qiao Su, turned to look at Jun Mohan, and pointed at Qiao Su.

"My dear son-in-law, tell me, is it obvious that he was not sure enough and that's why he broke the gilded purple clay pot you gave me?"

"Hey! What do you mean, I was obviously not sure!" Qiao Su looked unconvinced and came over to put his hand on Jun Mohan's shoulder, "My dear son-in-law, tell me, did your father-in-law drop that purple clay pot?"

"Hey! You're such a good disciple and son-in-law!" Before Jun Mohan could say anything, Luo Gan responded angrily: "Does my daughter recognize you as her master? You're a good disciple's son-in-law!"

"What!" Qiao Su raised his head and straightened his body, "If she calls me Master Qiao, then she is my apprentice!"

"whispering sound!"

Luo Gan and Qiao Su glared at each other, not giving in, and each grunted.

They all looked at Jun Mohan, waiting to see what he would say.

However, after waiting for a long time, the answer to them was 'Boom! 'sound.

I saw Jun Mohan's head suddenly fell on the table, tilted his head, and fell asleep.

Luo Gan: “…………”

Qiao Su: "…………"

Is this... drunk? ? ?
"What are you still doing?" Shu Yaxian stepped into the room, "My uncle is drunk, please help him to the young lady's room!"

"Yes! Madam!"

The housekeeper followed, but before he could get closer, Shu Yaxian gave another order.

"We'll help you. Go to the kitchen and ask someone to cook a bowl of hangover soup!"

"Yes Yes Yes!!!"

The butler fell back, walked out of the door, and hurried toward the kitchen.

"Hey! Madam! My dear daughter! Why are you here?"

Luo Gan seemed to only see the existence of Shu Yaxian and Luo Jiuli in his eyes, and did not even notice Luo Yaozhi who came in last.

Luo Yaozhi pursed his lips and made a face behind Luo Gan.

Shu Yaxian walked to the table and ignored Luo Gan, "Jiu Li, Yao Zhi, help King Yi up quickly and take him to the room to have a rest!"

"Okay!" Luo Jiuli and Luo Yaozhi responded, went over to help Jun Mohan from left to right, and slowly walked out the door.

Shu Yaxian followed, "Be careful, don't fall!"

Seeing that Shu Yaxian ignored him, Luo Gan felt aggrieved and said, "Madam!"

The coquettish words made Shu Yaxian stop and look back at him angrily.

"You guys should sit down and have a rest. The butler will bring you hangover soup later. Remember to drink it!"

After saying that, he stepped out and caught up with Luo Jiuli and Luo Yaozhi.

"Hehe!" Luo Gan giggled and nodded repeatedly toward the door where Shu Yaxian disappeared, "Okay, okay!!!"

"Eh!" Qiao Su said coldly, "I've been tired of it all my life, why don't you be so annoyed?"

Luo Qianxian glanced at him, "People who have never been married in their entire lives know nothing!"

Qiao Su: "…………"

Luo Jiuli's boudoir still maintained its appearance before leaving the palace.

Purple soda water.

"Let me do it!" Luo Jiuli took the water, soaked the handkerchief, and wiped it with his own hands for Jun Mohan, "You still drink because you are not a good drinker, you deserve to be drunk!"

"Haha!" Zi Su laughed, "It's because of you that I drink to please you."

(End of this chapter)

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