Chapter 310: Unconscious, vomiting blood
"Yes, the prince and the master drank together, but they both got drunk twice."

Xin Yi pushed the door open and walked in, holding the hangover soup in his hand, and stood two steps in front of Luo Jiuli.

"Master, the hangover soup is here."

"Yes." After Luo Jiuli wiped Jun Mohan's face and neck, Zisu took the initiative to take the veil.

Luo Jiuli stretched out his hand toward Xin Yi, "Give it to me!"

"Yes!" Xin Yi nodded and approached with the hangover soup, "Be careful!"

Luo Jiuli took the hangover soup, swirled it in circles with a spoon, and blew it carefully. When the soup was slightly cool, he fed Jun Mohan a small spoonful.

"The master treats the prince so well!" Zi Su said with a smile, "I let the master feed me hand in hand, and blow on it again and again, for fear that the only person he would burn is the prince!"

Luo Jiuli's ears turned red with suspicion, and without stopping, he glanced at Zi Su and said angrily: "You damn girl, you haven't had your bed in the house for three days, and you're actually making fun of me!"

Zisu pursed her lips and said nothing, but secretly smiled.

Luo Jiuli ignored her, scooped up a spoonful of hangover soup, blew on it, and continued to feed Jun Mohan.

Jun Mohan was already asleep. He couldn't swallow all the soup that was put into his mouth. A little bit overflowed the corner of his mouth and slipped down.

Luo Jiuli didn't mind it either. He picked up the corner of his sleeve and wiped it gently bit by bit.

"Have mother and brother gone back?"

"No." Xin Yi said, "I'm still waiting for you to go out in the courtyard!"

Luo Jiuli, "What about dad and Master Qiao?"

"The master and Master Qiao's side have already passed by with the sobering soup. He will take care of the master and Master Qiao. Master, don't worry."

"That's good!" Luo Jiuli felt relieved, finished the last sip of sobering soup, looked at Jun Mohan's handsome and slightly red face, took long and heavy breaths, and stood up slowly, "Let's go out and let him recover. Get some more sleep."

"Yes!" Zi Su and Xin Yi were slightly blessed.

Outside the door, Wei Yan didn't know when he came. Hou was standing by the door and saw Luo Jiuli coming out. He clasped his fists and leaned over, "Princess!"

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli hummed and walked straight towards Shu Yaxian and Luo Yaozhi in the courtyard.

Zi Su and Xin Yi followed Luo Jiuli. As soon as they went out, before they could close the door, Wei Yan stretched out his hand to stop them, "I'll go in and see the prince."

"Your Majesty is drunk. Remember to keep your voice down when you go in."

Xin Yi's words left Wei Yan speechless for a moment. A man who never gets drunk after a thousand cups gets drunk again?

Seeing Luo Jiuli come out, Shu Yaxian hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? Have you drank the sobering soup?"

"Drink, drink, don't worry, mother, it's just a little wine, what can happen?" Luo Jiuli took Shu Yaxian's hand, "On the other hand, dad, you won't stay with him when he wakes up. I’m afraid something might happen again.”

This kind of trouble is not the other thing, it is just acting coquettishly!
A chubby and heavy-set middle-aged man who loves to act coquettishly towards his wife.

The scene is so beautiful that it makes people want to laugh.

Shu Yaxian also shook her head helplessly, "Just let him make trouble. It doesn't matter that I am addicted to alcohol, but I even brought my uncle to drink with me. Once or twice, it's fine that my uncle didn't become addicted to alcohol. What if he did? Come on, let’s see how I deal with him!”

"A big man has such a bad ability to drink."

Luo Yaozhi clicked his tongue twice and looked at the closed door behind Luo Jiuli, his disdain palpable.

"Bang!" Luo Jiuli rolled her eyes at him, "What's wrong with your poor capacity for drinking? You're the only one with a good capacity for drinking, so you can pour it out in one pot!"

"Pour it in one pot!!!" Luo Yaozhi, who was so calm, immediately jumped up in anger and glared at Luo Jiuli, "Who are you talking about? Pour it in one pot! You, you, you..." "Me, me, me, what am I!" Luo Jiu Li shrugged, completely turning a blind eye to Luo Yaozhi's anger, "You are allowed to say that people are poor drinkers, but you are not allowed to be accused of drinking from a pot?"

Such an attitude seemed arrogant and arrogant to Luo Yao, but he couldn't do anything about Luo Jiuli!

My own girl!My own girl!
Can't beat!Can't beat!
You can’t scold!You can’t scold!
After comforting himself in this way, Luo Yaozhi snorted heavily and sat down on the stone bench next to him in anger, ignoring her no more.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble!" Shu Yaxian smiled gently and pulled Luo Jiuli to sit down on the stone bench.

She looked at her grown-up children with her beautiful eyes, feeling very relieved.

"Why are you two like enemies? You've been bickering with each other since you were a child. Why don't you meet each other? You always miss each other."

"Hey! Who is her enemy? She knows how to turn her elbows outward, but for a man, she even fights her own brother!" Luo Yaozhi said, covering his heart with a hurt look on his face, "I am so embarrassed to be a brother. !”

Luo Jiuli's mouth twitched slightly: "."

play!keep playing! !

Is this still chilling?
Then every time he coaxed her to take money, wouldn't she have to vomit blood?

"Okay, stop fooling around and stop pretending!"

Shu Yaxian casually hit Luo Yaozhi on the shoulder, and Luo Yaozhi smiled and stopped pretending to be injured.

"On weekdays, one of you is in the backyard of the palace and the other is always running to Beiyuan. The same goes for your father. He can't stay in the palace for more than a few days a month. He is either going to Jiangnan or on his way to Jiangnan."

"It's always hard for our family to get together. This time we finally get together. You two will be obedient and stay safe. Don't go anywhere."

"Madam, Master Bai is here."

The sudden appearance of the guard interrupted Shu Yaxian's words.

Several people turned their heads and saw Bai Hua, dressed in white, following behind the guard.

Bai Hua is an old naughty boy who is used to being casual. People who know him well can tell at a glance whether he is happy or sad.

Luo Jiuli looked at Bai Hua, who was serious and serious, and her heart skipped a beat, "Master, why are you here? But... what happened?"

"Yes." Bai Hua nodded, frowning, "Xiao Yue'er is unconscious for some reason and is vomiting blood."

"What!" Luo Jiuli stood up and asked anxiously, "What's going on? What happened? Why are you unconscious and still vomiting blood?"

Bai Hua shook his head and looked at Luo Yaozhi, "I wonder if Yaozhi would like to stay with me at Wangyou Inn?"

It's a matter of human life. Luo Yaozhi, who was quarreling with Luo Jiuli one second, immediately stood up the next second and said seriously: "Of course I am willing. Xiao Yue'er is my sister's junior brother, and he is also my junior brother, no matter what. As an elder brother and a doctor, I should do my best to heal!"

"Okay!" Bai Hua stretched out his hand in a gesture of invitation, "Please!"

"Master Bai, wait a moment, let me go back to the room to get some necessary things!"

After Luo Yao finished speaking, he used Qing Kung and left, leaving only one sentence, "Master Bai, please wait for me in front of the mansion!"

When Bai Hua heard this, he turned back to look at Shu Yaxian who had already stood up, "I say goodbye!"

After finishing her words, before Shu Yaxian could say anything, she turned around and strode away.

"Xinyi, Zisu, you stay here until Jun Mohan wakes up." Luo Jiuli gave a hasty order and chased after Bai Hua, "Master, wait for me! I'll go with you!"

 Hey, hey, my darlings, Liuli is really amazing. I couldn’t leave after watching it, so I came back to write! TT
(End of this chapter)

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