Chapter 314 Prison Butterfly Ghost Orchid
"Fart! Then he called you father-in-law! Why didn't you say that he didn't want you to lose face? That's why he didn't see clearly and didn't know!"

"Hey! You're still in the mood, aren't you! I told you it wasn't me, it wasn't me who broke it, it was you, you broke it!"

"Bah! It's not me, that's Yu Zhen's original work. I cherish it very much, how could I break it!"

"Oh! As long as you cherish it, I won't cherish it! What are you talking about?"

"Okay, you two, stop arguing!" Shu Yaxian came in from outside the house, "It's just a purple clay pot. If it breaks, it will break. What's the point of arguing!"

She put the sweet soup in her hand on the table, "Come here and have a taste. This is the sweet soup I cooked myself."

After being interrupted by Shu Yaxian, Luo Gan really stopped arguing, but his chubby face was full of displeasure.

"Madam, that is a fine gilt purple clay pot, and there is an authentic work by Master Yu Zhen during the Taizu period on the bottom of the pot!"

"I know." Shu Yaxian smiled gently, "But it's already broken, isn't it?"

"You guys have a fight, a fight. If you can restore the gilded purple clay pot, I won't stop you. But in the end, it's just a futile effort. What's the point of arguing? Our family doesn't rely on a purple clay pot. Live your life in a pot, be obedient, and stop making trouble."

Luo Gan has always been manipulated by Shu Yaxian, but a few words from Shu Yaxian were better than their whole afternoon quarrel.

"Okay!" Luo Gan nodded and snorted at Qiao Su, "Since my wife has spoken for you, I will let you go this time!"

Shu Yaxian smiled helplessly and put a bowl of sweet soup into Luo Gan's hand, "Quick, have a taste."

"Hey! I want you to let me go!" Qiao Su rolled his eyes, took out a two-finger-sized white jade bottle from his arms, and threw it towards Luo Gan, "Hey! Go on!"

Luo Gan caught it easily, "What is it?"

"Prison Butterfly Ghost Orchid!" Luo Yaozhi exclaimed in surprise.

"Prison Butterfly Ghost Orchid?" Luo Gan was confused, "What the hell?"

Luo Jiuli held his chin with one hand, "The name sounds quite domineering, but what's the use?"

"Prison Butterfly Ghost Orchid, it is rumored to be the best elixir that can kill people with flesh and bones." Jun Mohan held Luo Jiuli's hand and never let go, "Thanks to Ali, my husband's eyes have been opened today."

"This is so powerful!" Luo Jiuli opened his mouth slightly, "How does it compare with the Southern Xinjiang treasure, the Red Flame Ice Silkworm?"

Jun Mohan, "One sky and one earth."

"Master Qiao is such a generous handiwork!" Luo Jiuli was so shocked that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear, "It's actually more precious than the Red Flame Ice Silkworm!"

You must know that she had been in the prison before because of the red flame ice silkworm!

I thought the Red Flame Ice Silkworm was so rare, but I didn’t expect it to be nothing compared to the Prison Butterfly Ghost Orchid!

"I don't want this. I told you to let you go, so I'm going to let you go. What about a prison butterfly, a ghost orchid, and a living dead with flesh and white bones? It sounds really scary! Take it back and take it back!!!"

Luo Gan knew that the Prison Butterfly Ghost Orchid was thousands of times more valuable than the broken gilt purple clay pot, so he just wanted Qiao Su to take it back.

However, Qiao Su refused, "There is no reason to take back what you gave away, not to mention that it is used to compensate for your gilded purple clay pot."

"How much is this thing worth compared to a gilded purple clay pot? Anyway, I don't want it. Take it back and take it back!"

"Hey, Master!" Luo Yaozhi smiled flatteringly, "Since my father doesn't want it, how about you take it back and give it to your good disciple?"

He had been coveting the Prison Butterfly Ghost Orchid for a long time, and had asked Qiao Su for it countless times, but Qiao Su never gave it to him, and he didn't even let him look at it. He was very stingy!

Unexpectedly, this time it was delivered so happily! "What a beautiful idea!" Qiao Su glanced at him, leaned back on the chair, crossed his legs, and said to Luo Gan, "Since I have given this thing away, there is absolutely no reason to take it back. , just take it yourself!"

In fact, regardless of whether the gilded purple clay pot incident happened today or not, this prison butterfly ghost orchid was brought by Qiao Su to give to Luo Gan.

He seldom moves around the capital on weekdays. If something life-threatening happens and he is too late to arrive, he will feel at ease with the Prison Butterfly and the Ghost Orchid by his side.

Luo Gan, "This...I..."

"Oh! Just accept it if I ask you to accept it. Why are you whining like a bitch!!!"

"Then.........Okay then!"

Luo Gan sighed and accepted the Prison Butterfly Ghost Orchid.

Luo Jiuli and Jun Mohan were returning to the palace after dinner.

On the way, she talked about Bai An, and how Bai An was the person who used the Xuanmen forbidden technique and worked behind the scenes for Xiao Hui and Xiao Xingguo.

"Xiao Ruoyan's uterus is exhausted. I thought before that her happiness came suddenly and strangely."

"Now that I think about it, maybe the reason she was able to get pregnant was because my uncle used forbidden magic to change her luck."

"My lady is so smart!" Jun Mohan smiled in his eyes, bent his index finger, and scraped the tip of her nose affectionately.

"Don't be so talkative!" Luo Jiuli held his hand, "Since we now know that Uncle Master is the one who uses forbidden arts, and he is working for the Xiao family, then whether it is Master Li who has turned into a human pig, or the high man of Tianshui Village, Lan was brutally hanged in red clothes, or the second prince of the Canaan Kingdom was turned into a mummy, I am afraid that all these incidents are closely related to the Xiao family!"

Luo Jiuli looked at Jun Mohan, "You said that if we catch Uncle Master and have his testimony, will we be able to bring down Xiao Hui and Xiao Xingguo?"

"It is up to the emperor and his husband to worry about these things. The lady does not need to worry too much."

Jun Mohan didn't want Luo Jiuli to get involved too much in dangerous matters, and hoped that she would stay as far away as possible.

"Why don't I have to worry about it?" Luo Jiuli pouted, "Uncle Master is a member of my Xuanmen. He uses forbidden techniques to harm people. As a member of Tianshan Pavilion, I naturally can't let him go."

"Besides, don't the Xiao family want to arrest me and save others? How can I feel at ease if I don't pull them down!"

Seeing Luo Jiuli's irritable and passionate expression, her face turned red. Jun Mohan felt warm in his heart and took her into his arms, "Yes, yes, everything my lady said is right!"

He rubbed her head and said, "Don't worry, madam, my husband will protect you!"

Luo Jiuli rested his head on Jun Mohan's chest, his sonorous and powerful heartbeat beside his ears.

"It's both framed and drugged. Those people are so despicable. Not only do you have to protect me, but you also have to protect yourself, do you know it?"

Luo Jiuli's worried words made Jun Mohan feel very happy.

"Hahahaha!!! Okay!!! I will obey my wife's wishes for my husband!!!!"

Jun Mohan's hearty laughter made Luo Jiuli's lips slightly raise unconsciously.

"By the way, is there still no news from Mr. Li? Do you want my help?"

"It just so happens that I still remember his birth date. Can I make a divination for him when I get back?"

(End of this chapter)

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