Chapter 315 What bones are you looking for? ? ?
"Okay!" Jun Mohan responded with a smile.

'Woo! '

"Grandpa, we're here."

Wei Yan's voice came from outside the carriage.

Luo Jiuli was wearing men's clothes and climbed out of the palace in the morning.

Therefore, the carriage did not stop in front of the palace, but stopped at the door of Jia's palace.

After getting off the carriage, he had just entered the gate of Jia's Mansion. Before he had taken two steps, he met Xiao Zuo. His resentful eyes made Luo Jiuli feel guilty for no reason.

"Ahem!" She straightened her back, preparing to strike first, "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a beautiful woman?"

"Hmph!" Xiao Zuo snorted and glanced up and down at Luo Jiuli, who was dressed in a man's attire, "You don't even take me with you when you go out to play!"

"I never went out to play, I just went back to my parents' house!"

Luo Jiuli and Jun Mohan walked hand in hand to the study.

"Oh! By the way! I saw Master Qiao today. He is at my house. If you have time, you can go to Luo Mansion."

"I got it." Xiao Zuo followed Luo Jiuli, his resentment unabated, "Sister Luo, I've already come to the capital. Can you take me with you next time you leave the house?"

"You said you wanted to teach me spells and let me see ghosts. You can't just keep your word!"

"Okay, okay, I understand!" Luo Jiuli responded casually, "I will definitely take you with me next time I leave the house!"

When they arrived at the door of the study, it was inconvenient for Xiao Zuo to follow him.

As if he was afraid that Luo Jiuli would forget, he shouted at her back again, "Sister Luo! Remember what you said! You must remember to take me with you next time you leave the house!!!"

Luo Jiuli said helplessly, "I know!"

Stepping into the study room, as before, Jun Mohan walked to the bookshelf and moved an unattractive blue-covered book down.

The bookshelf then split into two and moved to both sides, revealing a dark passage that could only allow one person to enter or exit.

Luo Jiuli went in first and looked back at Jun Mohan who was still standing in the study room without moving, "Aren't you leaving?"

"My wife, go first. My husband must return to the house through the main entrance."

"Why?" Luo Jiuli blurted out.

Almost as soon as she asked, she remembered the reason.

There were spies arranged by the Xiao family around Prince Yi's Mansion. Jun Mohan left the Mansion in an open and honest manner, so he naturally had to return to the Mansion in an open and honest manner.

Otherwise, others would be able to see through it at a glance.

"Okay, okay!!! You go back to the house through the main entrance, I'll go from here!"

Luo Jiuli turned around and walked inside alone, mumbling as he walked.

"If I had known I was taking the secret passage alone, I might as well have climbed over the wall faster!"

Jun Mohan pursed his lips and smiled, how could his wife be so lovable!
After Luo Jiuli turned around and disappeared from sight, Jun Mohan reluctantly looked back, reached out, and moved the blue-covered book on the bookshelf.

After a burst of movement, the secret passage disappeared and the study returned to its original state.


Wei Yan's voice came from outside the study.

Jun Mohan turned his head and glanced, "Come in."

'Squeak! '

Wei Yan pushed open the door and walked in, followed by Kang Xiang.

"Master, there is news from the border."

Not long after Luo Jiuli returned to Jinglanyuan, Zisu and Xinyi also came back.The two of them helped Luo Jiuli change clothes and wash off the makeup on his face.

"Why hasn't Jun Mohan come back yet?" Luo Jiuli leaned against the door, twirling a strand of hair around his fingertips in boredom.

"The prince has important matters to discuss with Brother Kang and Brother Wei in the study. He must not be so quick." Xin Yi said, "How about I go fetch water and you take a bath first?"

Luo Jiuli looked at the courtyard gate. No one had been seen for a long time, and it looked like a watchtower stone.

After a while, she sighed, "Oh! That's fine!"

Xin Yi called Zi Su to find clothes for Luo Jiuli to change and things for bathing.

After explaining, he went to the kitchen to fetch water.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, we've only been separated for such a short time, I didn't expect Mrs. Wang to miss Brother Wang so much!"

Wen Yi teased, floated out of the safety buckle, and circled around Luo Jiuli.

"Brother Wang would be so happy if he knew that Mrs. Wang misses him so much!"

Luo Jiuli rolled her eyes and was too lazy to speak.

"Sister Luo, when can I go back to my mother?" Kuang Yan also floated out of the safety buckle, his little face looked pitiful.

"Tomorrow!" Luo Jiuli tilted his head and leaned against the door frame, "I will go to Kuang Mansion early tomorrow morning."

"Hmm! OK, OK!!!" Kuang Yan's face changed in a second, from cloudy to sunny, and he was overjoyed. He took Wen Yi's hand and shook it vigorously, "Cousin, cousin!! Yan'er can see his mother tomorrow. , you can see your mother tomorrow!!!!"

"I know, I know!!! I can hear it!!! I can hear it!!!" Wen Yi struggled to pull back her hand.

"Hehe!" Kuang Yan chuckled, turned around and hugged Luo Jiuli's arm again, raising his head with a cute look on his face, "Yan'er won't leave until Yan'er returns to mother's side, and those who will look for Yan'er's body will follow. I’ll have to trouble Sister Luo and Brother Jun!”

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli hummed absentmindedly. Ying Wan felt something was wrong, so he came back to his senses and looked at Kuang Yan, "Bones? What bones are you looking for???"

"It's Yan'er's bones!" Kuang Yan still smiled so cutely, pointed at Wen Yi and said, "My cousin agreed!"

Luo Jiuli looked in the direction of Kuang Yan's finger, "Huh?"

"Uh-huh," Wen Yi sneered, lowered her head and touched her nose guiltily, "Well, that, I had no choice but to agree to it for Brother Wang!"

"Oh!" Luo Jiuli said in a long voice, "I promised it for your brother Wang! Then I"

"Eh! No no no!!!" Seeing Luo Jiuli looking like he was ready to let go, Wen Yi waved her hands repeatedly and added: "I didn't just agree for Brother Wang, I also agreed for you, Sister Wang! "

"Huh???" Luo Jiuli's tone increased, and he narrowed his eyes when looking at Wen Yi.

That aura of calmness and self-power was [-]% similar to Jun Mohan's.

Wen Yi pursed her lips in cowardice and said aggrievedly: "I didn't mean to agree to it. You were not making out there that morning."

"Then after you guys finished making out, Kuang Yan and I came out of the safety button. Little did we know that Brother Wang seemed to be able to see us. That look in his eyes, eh! It was so fierce! Then..."

Wen Yi made a lot of noises, talking about how he was in trouble and how he had no choice but to agree.

Anyway, Luo Jiuli's ears hurt from the rambling, so she idly picked out her ears and said, "It's really noisy."

Wen Yi pursed her lips, looked aggrieved, and shouted coquettishly, "Sister-in-law Wang~"

Luo Jiuli glanced at her, "If you say so, you still blame me!"

"No, no, no!!!" Wen Yi shook her head like a rattle, "I don't blame you, I don't blame you!!!"

She bit her lip with tears in her eyes, "Blame me! It's all my fault!"

"Master, do you think I will wear this tea-white dress or this carnation-colored dress after taking a bath?"

Zi Su came out of the house, holding a piece of clothing on each side.

Luo Jiuli turned around and looked at Zisu through Wen Yi, "Just the brown-white one on the right!"

(End of this chapter)

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