The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 316 Ending without any problem again and again

Chapter 316 Ending without any problem again and again
"Yes!" Zisu said with a smile: "This slave also thinks that this dress matches the master best!"

After choosing the clothes to wear, Zisu returned the same way and continued to prepare things for bathing.

After her figure disappeared from sight, Luo Jiuli looked away and looked at the pitiful Wen Yi in front of him.

"Okay, since you agreed, let's go find it!"

"But this matter has to be postponed until we send Kuang Yan back to Kuang Mansion tomorrow!"

"Hey!" Wen Yi floated over, hugged Luo Jiuli's neck, and rubbed her affectionately, "I know Mrs. Wang is the best to me!"

"Yeah! Sister Luo is also the best to Yan'er!!!" Kuang Yan imitated Wen Yi and rubbed his face hard on Luo Jiuli's arm.

Looking at the two of them, Luo Jiuli smiled helplessly.

"Why are you two alone? I haven't seen Lao Wu come out these days."

"Yes, yes!!!"

When Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrived, the man in black, Lao Wu, came out of the safety button and floated closer to Luo Jiuli with a flattering smile on his face.

"Hey hey hey!!! Auntie, I'm here, I'm here!!!"

Luo Jiuli turned his head and looked, "Haven't you always wanted to be reincarnated? You just happened to have time, and now I..."

"Master, you can take a bath now!"

Xin Yi came in from outside carrying a large bucket of water, followed by several maids also carrying water.

Seeing the people coming, Luo Jiuli quickly changed his tune, "Let's talk about it another day!"

"It's okay, it's okay, don't be in a hurry!" The black man, Lao Wu, waved his hand, not disappointed at all.

Luo Jiuli didn't like being served by many people while taking a bath. The maids who came with Xin Yi to bring water all left after pouring the water.

"Master, you have lost weight in the past half month." Zi Su rubbed Luo Jiuli's back with a distressed look on his face, "Look at you, you have a little bit of flesh on your body, but after being out for half a month and suffering, you have lost all flesh. Got it!"

"Pfft!" Luo Jiuli raised his jade arm slightly, spread out his hand, and a piece of hibiscus petal lay quietly in the palm of his hand, "What does it mean to have no flesh? If there is really no flesh, then wouldn't I be just a skeleton now? ?”

With a gentle blow, the petals fall to the water and float with many petals.

"Nonsense!" Zi Su snorted unhappily, "What a skeleton, it's not a skeleton!"

Luo Jiuli smiled, "Okay, okay, it's not a skeleton, it's not a skeleton!"

"Master, don't worry!" Zi Su said firmly, even rubbing her back a little harder with her hands, "Since you are back now, I will definitely raise you to be fat and white!"

Luo Jiuli said, "Okay, okay!!!"

After bathing, Jun Mohan has not returned yet.

Luo Jiuli was leaning against the door. Xin Yi came over with a handkerchief and wiped the wet ends of Luo Jiuli's hair thoughtfully.

"If Master is worried, you might as well go back through the secret passage and take a look."

"You are attentive." Luo Jiuli leaned against the door and did not move. She looked up at the crescent moon, with worry that could not be hidden in her eyes. "I don't know how many informants are hidden around Prince Yi's Mansion. They are watching eagerly. , in case you take action..."

"We are not afraid if we take action!"

Mo Yu was wearing a smart outfit, with her front and back curved, and her stunning face without any hint of a smile, she looked like an iceberg beauty.

She came from a distance, cupped her fists and bowed towards Luo Jiuli.

"My servant just came over there. There is urgent news from the border. The prince and Old Wei Laokang are discussing the countermeasures. Princess, please rest early!" "Border?" Luo Jiuli frowned slightly, "But next time Have you found the poisonous person?"

"Yes!" Mo Yu said truthfully without any intention of hiding anything: "Lao Shi wrote that the person who poisoned the prince was a soldier in the kitchen, and they found the same poisonous powder under his bed."

Luo Jiuli frowned even deeper when he heard this.

"Master Qiao said that the poison in Jun Mohan is very similar to the Qiao Yuluo from Fenglan Kingdom, even more poisonous and more dormant!"

"How can a small kitchen soldier have such a sinister thing? Moreover, although it is poison, it is extremely rare and cannot be obtained by anyone. You still need to investigate carefully. There must be someone behind it! "

Luo Jiuli knew that Jun Mohan must be aware of these minor issues, but he still couldn't help but remind them.

"What the princess said is true!" Mo Yu clasped his fists, "The prince knows that the princess will definitely wait for him, but there are other important things to discuss at the border. I specially asked this slave to go over so that you can rest early and don't have to wait any longer!"

Luo Jiuli said, "Yeah, I got it!"

"Mo An is not here, the slaves at the secret guard side need to go and check on me again. The princess should rest early, and the slaves should leave first!"

"Hey! Sister Mo Yu!" Zi Su called to Mo Yu and walked to her side with a cloak, "It's cold at night, so wear more clothes to be careful of catching the wind chill."

Mo Yu looked at the cloak in front of him and didn't want to take it away, but when he saw Zi Su's concerned eyes, he took the cloak and said, "Thank you!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Zi Su waved her hands repeatedly, "Go quickly! Go get busy! Remember to come back early to rest after your work!"

Mo Yu hummed, then bowed to Luo Jiuli and said, "My slave, please leave!"

Mo Yu strode away.

Luo Jiuli looked at Zisu and clicked his tongue, "If I remember correctly, when Mo Yu first came here, you were the one who disliked her the most. How come you are so close to Mo Yu now?"

"That day, when the master was in danger, you asked Sister Mo Yu to take the slave and leave first. We met many bad guys on the way. If Sister Mo Yu had not risked her life to protect her, the slave would not have been able to return home, let alone wait for the master to return safely!"

Zi Su walked to Luo Jiuli and continued: "Moreover, during these days when the master and the prince are not in the house, the servants and Sister Xinyi also have to take care of her, otherwise Concubine Xiao would have smashed my and Sister Xinyi's butts." !”

Speaking of Xiao Ruoling, Luo Jiuli asked, "The one from Ningshuang Academy hasn't returned home yet?"

"No." Zi Su shook her head, "Concubine Xiao Shu has had a miscarriage. The two sisters have a deep love for each other, so I'm afraid it won't happen so soon!"

"Okay!" Luo Jiuli curled his lips, "But we can't delay making the prayer flags and copying the Thousand Rules Book. Just wait and see, as soon as the man from Ningshuang Yuan returns home, he will immediately remind Lao Kang to deliver the message."

"Yes! I know this!" Zi Su smiled with joy in his misfortune.

Let her find trouble and insist on sending desserts such as Buddha's Lotus and Fu Lu Huan Nong to their courtyard.

Also call it a blessing?
Ah!deserve it!

If Mo Yu is there, Jun Mohan will probably not be able to come back for a while.

Luo Jiuli couldn't sleep, so he started calculating Mr. Li's horoscope.

However, what is unexpected is that she can't even calculate the approximate location!
Once she thought it was a mistake, but the second, third, fourth time...every time it ended without any problem!

"Why is it so serious that Madam frowned?"

Jun Mohan arrived before the others arrived.

Luo Jiuli tilted his head, his apricot eyes slightly curved, "You're back."

"Well." Jun Mohan came with the wind and took her into his arms, "What happened? You are frowning like this."

(End of this chapter)

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