Chapter 317 is even more difficult!

Luo Jiuli took advantage of the situation and leaned on Jun Mohan's chest, "I just did a fortune-telling for Mr. Li, and I can't figure out where he is!"

"In this case, either the other person is gone, or someone used forbidden magic to cover up his traces."

"No matter which one, it will be extremely difficult for us to find the person!"

"Since it is a forbidden technique, it has a lot to do with your uncle, and this matter is also closely related to the Xiao family. If we guard the Xiao family, we can always get the news." Jun Mohan rubbed Luo Jiuli's head, "Madam Don’t worry, regardless of whether Mr. Li is dead or alive, my husband will find him."

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli nodded, "I believe you."

Jun Mo smiled coldly, "Okay, you should take a rest earlier and come back as soon as you go for your husband."

Jun Mohan tilted his head and called out the door, "Old Kang, prepare some water!"

"Yes!" Kang Xiang was waiting outside the door.

Seeing Kang Xiang leaving alone outside the house, Luo Jiuli raised his head from Jun Mohan's arms, looked at him and asked, "Why is Lao Kang the only one? Where is Wei Yan?"

"My husband asked him to do something important and he will be back later."

Jun Mohan raised his thin lips slightly, and a clear smile flashed across his eyes.

If Kang Xiang were here, he would definitely say: "It seems someone is going to suffer!"

However, Luo Jiuli didn't notice it at all, only thinking how could he smile so beautifully!
She stretched out her arms around Jun Mohan's neck and kissed his handsome face gently, "Oh!"

Jun Mohan lowered his head and looked into Luo Jiuli's beautiful almond eyes, and the smile in his eyes deepened, "Is the lady taking advantage of her husband?"

"Yes." Luo Jiuli not only did not deny it, but also raised his left cheek shamelessly, "If you are not happy, you can also kiss me back."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a touch of warmth on his cheeks.

"I am extremely happy to be my husband."

The deep voice was slightly magnetic, making Luo Jiuli's heart pound.

Also, there was such love in his eyes that Luo Jiuli wished he could get drunk in it!

Seeing those sexy thin lips getting closer again, Luo Jiuli couldn't help but lose consciousness. It wasn't until a touch of tenderness came from her lips that her heart skipped a beat and she reached out to push the person away.

"You! You bastard!!"

Luo Jiuli staggered up and walked towards the bed.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took two steps, someone took his hand and pulled her hard, and he returned to that warm embrace again.

"You, you, what are you doing!"

I have to say that Luo Jiuli was scared at this time!

Wuwuwu... What kind of nerve was wrong with her to actually take the initiative to kiss him!
It's fine now. The cat scratches the glutinous rice cake and can't get rid of its claws. It whines...

Jun Mohan smiled evilly, straightened the messy hair around Luo Jiuli's ears, and leaned close to her ears, "Madam, you want to run away?"

The hot breath sprayed behind the ears, and the hair moved slightly, itching and numbing.

"I, why should I run?" Luo Jiuli stammered, "I, I just want to sleep!"

"Very good! My husband is also sleepy, let's sleep together!"

Luo Jiuli tightened his waist, and then jumped into the air with his feet.


Seeing him getting closer and closer to the bed, Luo Jiuli's heartbeat suddenly slowed down.

"You! You are a scoundrel! What are you doing!!!"

"Let me go quickly! Let me go!!!"

Luo Jiuli struggled to no avail and wanted to use his inner strength. Unexpectedly, he was caught firmly by Jun Mohan as soon as he made a move.

"You're a slut? Isn't it true that the wife should be frivolous to her husband first?"

The obvious smile in Jun Mohan's words made Luo Jiuli blush.

She scratched her neck and howled confidently: "What's wrong with you, frivolous? You are my man! I'm just as frivolous as I am, what's wrong with you!!!"

"Well, my lady is right!" Seeing Jun Mohan holding her getting closer and closer to the bed, Luo Jiuli, who had been howling arrogantly just now, instantly became frightened.

"Hey! No, no, no!!!! Me! I was wrong! I was wrong!!!"

"Put me down quickly! Me! I will never dare again, never again!!!"

"Nothing more?" Jun Mohan stopped and looked at Luo Jiuli with a smile.

"I will never dare to be frivolous with you again."

Luo Jiuli pursed his lips, lowering his head and not daring to look at Jun Mohan, like a deflated rubber ball, disgusted.

Her two hands were tightly restrained by Jun Mohan's one hand, and even with the use of her internal strength, she could not break free at all.

At this time, Luo Jiuli seemed to realize how powerful the man in front of him was.

You must know that although her martial arts is not the best in the world, it is still ranked among the best in the world.

But now she had used [-]% of her internal strength in both hands, but she still couldn't resist one of his hands! !
Luo Jiuli has always been confident in his martial arts, but now, he inevitably has some doubts about life.

Since she couldn't break free, she might as well give up struggling.

So, she was discouraged, collected her inner strength, put on a smile, raised her head again, looked at Jun Mohan, blinked her eyes in a flattering manner, and said in a coquettish voice, "Mr. Sir, if I really know that I am wrong, you have the right to do so." Let them go in large numbers!"

'Bang! '

The sound of cold weapons falling to the ground came from the door.

"I didn't see anything! I didn't see anything!!!"

Wei Yan covered his eyes and ran out very quickly.

Jun Mohan: "......"

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

It’s over!It’s over! ! !
Her lifelong fame! ! !

When have you ever been so pretentious! ! !
Now he was actually being looked at! ! !

Outside the hospital, Kang Xiang was leaning against the wall leisurely, with a large bucket of hot water at his feet.

"Old fox! You! Did you do this on purpose!" Wei Yan's face turned red, his eyes stared at Kang Xiang accusingly, and he gritted his teeth, "I asked you why you didn't go in here! So you knew earlier..."

"What did you know earlier?" Kang Xiang raised his peach blossom eyes slightly.

"I should have known it was inside..." Wei Yan paused slightly and his face turned redder.

Even if he didn't say the next words, a wise man like Kang Xiang would understand.

But he still pretended not to know, "Inside? What's going on inside? I don't know anything! I'm just tired from carrying water, so I'm just taking a rest here!"

"Hmph!" Wei Yan's neck was dyed red. He clenched his fist and punched Kang Xiang in the stomach.

However, Kang Xiang had already been on guard and turned around to hide.

"Why are you always like this? You beat people if you don't say anything."

Wei Yan gritted his teeth, "I..."

"Brother Kang, Brother Wei, why are you here?"

Xin Yi's voice sounded behind the two of them.

Zi Su held something in her hand and followed Xin Yi. She glanced at the courtyard and asked, "Is the prince back?"

Wei Yan turned around, pretending to be calm, but he didn't know what to say, so he kept smiling stupidly, "Hehehehe!!!"

The smile made Xinyi Zisu look puzzled, "..."

"What are you two girls?" Kang Xiang looked at the things on Xin Yi and Zi Su's hands.

"Oh, these are some pastries that the princess likes to eat." Zi Su said, "The princess has been waiting since the prince didn't come back. We were afraid that the princess would be hungry, so we made some simple ones. It's good to fill her stomach."

 Ahhhh! ! !If the lockdown is not lifted, I will go crazy! ! !Woohoo! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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