Chapter 318 Return date finalized
"Did the two girls make this by themselves?"

Kang Xiangxing walked up to Zisu Xinyi and looked at the exquisite pastries they were holding in their hands.

"Yeah." Xin Yi nodded.

Zisu smiled and said, "How can I know these things? Sister Xinyi made them all by myself, I'm just a helper!"

"Brother Kang, Brother Wei, do you want to try it?"

Zi Su stretched out her hand, and Kang Xiang took a piece without ceremony, "Since the two girls made it with their own hands, I definitely want to have a taste of it."

"Um...thank you!" Wei Yan also took a piece to eat.

Zisu, "It's okay!"

"It's okay." Xin Yi smiled slightly, "If you like it, I will make more and send it to you next time."

"Well, it's sweet but not greasy in the mouth, and it has a quiet taste. It's very elegant! Not bad!" Kang Xiang praised without hesitation.

"That's right!" Zi Su said with a proud look on her face, "The princess doesn't like sweets, but Sister Xinyi tried many recipes to make this Suilian cake specially for the princess. The princess ate it so cutely!"

"Zisu!" Xin Yi pulled the corners of Zisu's sleeves to tell her to stop talking. At the same time, he bowed slightly towards Kang Xiang and Wei Yan, "Brother Kang, brother Wei, let's go in first."

"Ah, yes, yes! After a long journey, the princess must be hungry, so let's go in first!"

Zi Su followed Xin Yi's steps and walked inside.

"Hey! You..."

Wei Yangang opened his mouth and wanted to stop them and ask them not to go in, so as not to disturb the good things of the prince and princess.

He saw Jun Mohan striding out from inside.

"Prince." Zi Su, Xin Yi Blessed Body.

"Yeah." Jun Mohan hummed and left straight away. When he passed by Wei Yan and Kang Xiang, he didn't even give them a look.

Wei Yan looked guilty and looked at Kang Xiang, wanting to ask him for an idea.

Kang Xiang gave him a look that was asking for blessings, and followed Jun Mohan away.

Wei Yan: “…………”

What's the meaning? ? ?
"Hey! Wait for me!"

Wei Yan stepped forward to chase him, but after running two steps, he fell back and picked up the water that Kang Xiang had put on the ground.

"Hey! Just wait for me! Water! Don't you want water?"

"Master!" Mo Yu flew down from the roof, stood by the path, cupped his fists and bowed towards Jun Mohan, "Just now Mo An sent a message..."

Before Mo Yu could finish speaking, Jun Mohan raised his hand to stop him.

Mo Yu shut up and followed Jun Mohan all the way to Xiuzhuyuan. After entering the study, he continued: "There is a letter from Mo An. Someone was arrested at Zuo Xiang's Mansion at noon today and has not come out. While Xiao Xingguo is not here, our people came in The government searched around but couldn't find the kidnapped person."

"Mo An suspected whether there was a secret room in Zuo Xiang's mansion. He wanted to investigate further, but he didn't know that Xiao Xingguo was back at this time."

"The Prime Minister Zuo's Mansion is heavily guarded. It is not easy to sneak in secretly. As soon as Xiao Xingguo came back, there were so many guards protecting him that our people had to give up and retreat!"

"Yes." Jun Mohan sat in a high position, pursed his thin lips, "Let him keep an eye on Zuo Xiangfu and look for an opportunity to investigate again."

Mo Yu, "Yes!"

"Master, the water is ready, you can take a bath." Wei Yan's voice sounded outside.


The mist has cleared and the sun is rising.

'Bang bang bang! ! ! '

"Come, come, who is it? Disturbing your dreams so early in the morning!" 'Squeak! 'With a sound, the door opened.

The housekeeper blocked the door that was only open a crack and looked up and down at the man standing outside the door.

The man's hair is tied up in a jade crown, he looks like Pan An, and his gray-white robe has a somewhat ethereal and aloof feel.

"you are?"

"Uncle Butler, it's me, it's me!!! I'm Yan'er!!!"

Seeing a familiar person, Kuang Yan immediately came out of the safety buckle, happily waving his short hands, floating up and down in front of the housekeeper's eyes.

However, he was a ghost. No matter how hard he tried to attract the attention of the housekeeper, the housekeeper could not see his existence, but stared at Luo Jiuli, who was dressed in a man's clothes.

Luo Jiuli pursed his lips and smiled, "I am Bai Xi, a businessman. I would like to meet the master and his wife of your house."

The Kuang family was in the timber business. Although Wen Yi's mother-in-law was brought into the palace, she was not favored and died early, so the current situation of the Kuang family did not change much.

"Oh!" The housekeeper looked Luo Jiuli up and down again, feeling that she was gentle and gentle, not like a businessman, but like a Taoist priest who had nothing to do with the world.

Even though he thinks so, the housekeeper still understands that people should not be judged by their appearance.

He leaned forward slightly and called out, "Mr. Baixi."

"Yes." Luo Jiuli also leaned slightly and returned the salute.

The housekeeper stood up, looked at Luo Jiuli and said, "Master Bai Xi came a little late. My husband and wife left for the south three days ago and are not in the house now."

"Going south?" Luo Jiuli asked, "When will you come back?"

"The return date will be determined at the end." After the butler finished speaking, he smiled politely at Luo Jiuli, then closed the door, "Young master, you should try your luck another day!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuah, I want my mother!!! I want my mother!!!" Kuang Yan pursed his lips, feeling extremely aggrieved.

"They say that men don't shed tears easily. Why are you crying?"

Wen Yi floated out of the safety buckle and looked at Kuang Yan with contempt on his face.

"Woooooooo!!!" Kuang Yan threw himself into Wen Yi's arms, "Cousin, cousin!!! Yan'er wants his mother, he wants his mother!!!"

The sudden situation caught Wen Yi off guard. She patted Kuang Yan on the back and scolded with a smile, "You are such a little thing, you have a good way of acting like a spoiled brat!"

"Woooooo!!! Mother, mother, mother!!! Yan'er doesn't care, Yan'er doesn't care, Yan'er just wants mother, he wants mother!!!!"

"Why are you crying? After all, he is my princess's cousin. Stop crying. Stop crying, so as not to embarrass my princess!"

Wen Yi could only speak tough, but her hands that wiped Kuang Yan's tears were gentle and gentle.

"They left as soon as they left. It's not like they won't come back. Why don't we come back in a while? There's nothing to cry about. They say men don't shed tears easily. Quick, take your tears away for me, princess!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" woo woo woo woo!!!"

"Who said that!" Wen Yi hugged Kuang Yan, "The undetermined return date means that we don't know when we will come back, but it doesn't mean that we won't come back."

"Really, really?" Kuang Yan sniffed, with tears hanging from the corners of his eyes, looking at Wen Yi expectantly.

"Of course it's true! When has this princess ever lied?"

Wen Yi wiped away the tears from the corners of Kuang Yan's eyes.

"You, please stop crying! If you cry again, I won't comfort you!"

"Oh!" Kuang Yan muttered, as if he believed Wen Yi's words, and placed his chin on Wen Yi's shoulder, his eyes dim with tears, looking extremely pitiful.

People were coming and going on the street, and the streets were full of vendors' cries, making it very lively.

"Sister-in-law Wang, what should we do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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