Chapter 319 It’s that familiar voice!

"What can we do? Since they have gone south, we can't chase them!"

There are still a lot of things going on in Beijing!

If she leaves, what will Jun Mohan do?What should Bai Hua do?
"Let's go and have a look in a few days. They will be back before then."

"Master, try the sour and sweet candied haws!"

The hawker, with a smile on his face and a candied haws in hand, blocked Luo Jiu's departure.

"No, thank you." Luo Jiuli shook his head, bypassed the vendor and continued walking forward.

"That's fine!" Wen Yi looked at the people coming and going outside in the safety button, "Sister-in-law Wang, where are we going now?"

Luo Jiuli, "Li Mansion."

"Li Mansion?" Wen Yi was confused, "What are you doing in Li Mansion???"

Luo Jiuli smiled and did not answer Wen Yi's question.

There was a pastry shop in the middle of the street with an endless stream of customers. Luo Jiuli passed by and stopped in to buy some.

"Sister-in-law Wang, don't you like sweets? Why do you buy so many pastries?" Wen Yi asked.

"It's rude to come in empty-handed!"

Go all the way to the end, turn two more turns, and the huge word "Leifu" will come into view.

"Please tell Madam that we are particularly saddened by Mr. Li's disappearance. All of us have spontaneously searched for Mr. Li's traces. I believe there will be news soon!"

Under the high gate, three or four women handed a basket full of eggs to the guard guarding the gate.

"I hope Madam will take good care of herself!"

"Master Li has been in trouble for so long, I didn't expect someone from the Li Mansion would come to visit!"

Wen Yi came out of the safety button and floated next to Luo Jiuli, looking at the women outside the door of Li Mansion.

"I thought that everyone in the world was ruthless. When the Li Mansion was in trouble, it would be good if everyone didn't add insult to injury. I never thought that someone would come to help!"

"When they were on the verge of despair, Mr. Li helped them and helped them survive." Luo Jiuli said, "Now that something has happened to Mr. Li, they have not forgotten their kindness and will come to repay their kindness even if they may get into trouble." They are all good people after all.”

"Yeah!" Wen Yi nodded in agreement, "They are all kind people!"

Luo Jiuli waited in the corner. After the women left, she hurried over and reached out to block the door that was about to close.

"Hey! Wait a minute!!!"

"What's the matter, young master?" The guard stopped closing the door and looked at Luo Jiuli and asked.

"I'm Bai Xi. I would like to see Mrs. Li." Luo Jiuli stated his intention.

"My wife is unwell and won't see guests. Young master, please come back!"

The guard said that he was about to close the door, but Luo Jiuli still blocked it with his hand, refusing to let go.

"I'm Bai Xi. I'm an old acquaintance with Mrs. Li. If she meets me, please let me know."

Luo Jiuli said firmly, but the guard couldn't make up his mind, so he had to respond: "Okay! I'll be back as soon as I go. Please wait a moment, sir!"

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli hummed.

The guard called for other people to guard the door, while he ran to the courtyard to report.

After a while, the guard came back. He opened the half-open door, bowed slightly and said, "Master, please!"

Luo Jiuli nodded and stepped through the door.

"this way please!"

The guard led Luo Jiuli inside. Before she entered the main hall, she saw Jiang Huarong sitting in the main seat and drinking tea from a distance.

"Ma'am, we're here."

The guards brought Luo Jiuli to Jiang Huarong.

"Yes." Jiang Huarong put down the tea cup and ordered quietly, "You go down first!"


After the guards left, Jiang Huarong and Luo Jiuli were the only two people left in the hall. "Master Bai Xi, long time no see, please take a seat!"

Jiang Huarong's makeup was exquisite, even her hair was meticulously combed, and she always had a slight smile on her lips.

If it weren't for the slightly swollen red eyes that couldn't even be covered by rouge, others would have thought that nothing happened to her.

Refreshments have been prepared on the right hand side, and the tea is still steaming. It must have been prepared after the guards came to report.

"Long time no see!" Luo Jiuli smiled slightly and sat down in his seat.

Jiang Huarong picked up the tea and said, "This is the Ganshan tribute tea awarded by the Holy Lord. It tastes very good. Master, try it."

"Okay." Luo Jiuli picked up the tea, brushed the tea leaves with the cup lid, and took a sip, "Well, it tastes really good!"

However, compared with the best Kowloon tea, it is still inferior!

"Master, if you like it, take some back with you when you leave."

"No need. It's a blessing for me to taste some of the things given by the emperor. I don't dare to ask for anything."

Luo Jiuli put the cake in his hand on the table.

"I bought some cakes when I came here. I hope Madam won't mind it."

"Haha, Master is interested." Jiang Huarong put down the tea cup, "I wonder why Master came here this time?"

"I heard that Mr. Li was missing, and I still want to do my best."

Luo Jiuli's words made Jiang Huarong's hands tremble.

She spoke uncertainly, "Master, do you want to do the same thing as last time? Use something close to your body to resonate?"


"But you seemed to feel unwell after using this method last time. You..."

"It's okay!" Luo Jiuli said, "It just consumes some energy. You can recover after a short rest."

"Mr. Li's matter cannot be delayed any longer. Madam, please give me a personal item that Mr. Li has used as soon as possible."

"Okay!" Jiang Huarong took out a silk handkerchief from his sleeve, "Thank you, Master!"

"Madam, there is no need to be polite. Mr. Li is a good official. Now that I am in trouble, I should do my best."

Luo Jiuli took the silk handkerchief and sat on the floor.

"Ma'am, please keep an eye on me and don't let anyone come in to disturb you."

"Okay!" Jiang Huarong nodded heavily, "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I won't let anyone in!"


Luo Jiuli put her hands on her knees and slowly closed her eyes. As she recited the incantation, her whole body seemed to be transported to another world.

It was a dark secret room with a square wooden cage built against the wall.

There were a lot of weeds in the prison, and there lay a man with broken limbs and empty eyes. This was what she was looking for—Li Zhao, Mr. Li!
If Master Li's chest hadn't risen slightly, she would have thought he had lost his breath!

"Master, they have returned safely!"

A familiar voice came from not far away!

That voice is exactly the same as A Liang!

Luo Jiuli's consciousness followed the direction of the sound. She passed by the stone gate and turned a corner. The dazzling light that followed made her subconsciously want to raise her hands to block it.

Huge luminous pearls appeared in every corner as if they were free, illuminating the secret room as if it were a white night.

There is a crystal coffin in the center of the secret room, and two people are standing in front of the coffin.

"I'll be back when I'm back, what's the rush?"

The old man was dressed in black, his back turned to Luo Jiuli and he couldn't see clearly.

But the familiar figure and the voice made Luo Jiuli think of Bai An for the first time!
"Master knows that they are recuperating in Chenjiacun, why..."

"Well!" Bai An raised his hand to stop what the former was about to say, then turned around, looked at one place with a sullen face, and said in a cold voice, "Thousands of miles can ring!"

(End of this chapter)

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