Chapter 321 What a piece of shit!

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes secretly.

Not angry?

It's no wonder you're not angry!
If you're not angry, she'll look fierce as soon as she wakes up, as if she owes him 800!

But who made him the man he chose!

So what if I have a bad temper?

Aren’t you still doting on me!

"Hey! Do you know who Tongming saw today?"

Luo Jiuli had a mysterious look on his face. He wanted to pull Jun Mohan to sit down beside him, but he pushed him back as soon as he stood up.

"It's so cool to lie down, even though you're injured, you're still so active!"

"Who's so excited!" Luo Jiuli glanced at him angrily, "I just want to get you to sit next to me!"

"Bai An." Jun Mohan sat down next to Luo Jiuli.

"Huh?" Luo Jiuli didn't respond.

"I said the person you saw when you called me was Bai An." Jun Mohan said it again.

"Ah!" Luo Jiuli was surprised, "How did you know!!"

"Guessed." Jun Mohan said quietly.

"Is your guess so accurate?" Luo Jiuli blinked.

"Yes." Jun Mohan held Luo Jiuli's catkins in his hands, with a look in his eyes that he had survived a disaster, that he had turned danger into safety, and that he was glad, "Don't do such a dangerous thing next time, okay?"


Luo Jiuli should respond, but it's unclear whether he can still remember it when it comes to Tongming.

"Actually, I'm not to blame for what happened this time. Really, who knows..."

'Boom boom! '

Luo Jiuli's words were interrupted by a knock on the door, followed by Xin Yi's voice.

"Your Majesty, Princess, the porridge is here."

Luo Jiuli looked towards the door, "Come in!"

"Yes!" Xin Yi pushed open the door and walked in, followed closely by Zi Su holding bowls and chopsticks.

Xin Yi put a pot of porridge on the table, and while serving the porridge, Zi Su said, "Princess, you are finally awake. You didn't even know that the prince frightened us when he brought you back!"

"Did you carry me back?" Luo Jiuli looked away and looked at Jun Mohan.

"Yeah." Jun Mohan nodded.

"How did you know I was in Li Mansion?" Luo Jiuli frowned slightly, "You sent someone to follow me?"

"It's not stalking, it's protection, secret protection." Jun Mohan emphasized.

"Huh!" Luo Jiuli snorted and gave Jun Mohan a look that said I'm too lazy to argue with you.

"Alimo is angry..." Jun Mohan wanted to explain.

Luo Jiuli interrupted him, "Okay, you don't have to explain!"

She shook his hand back, her eyes full of water, "I know you were afraid that I would get hurt and wanted to protect me, so you secretly sent someone to follow me. I know all this, and you don't have to explain!"

"Yeah." Jun Mohan nodded, feeling relieved that he was understood.

Luo Jiuli said, "What happened this time was my fault, but it was indeed unexpected. Who knew Bai An would..."

"Porridge for the princess."

Zi Su handed over the porridge, and Jun Mohan caught it, scooped up a spoonful, blew it carefully, and fed it to Luo Jiuli's mouth.

Luo Jiuli refused to eat, shook his head and said: "You can eat it!"

"Huh???" Jun Mohan didn't stop. He thought Luo Jiuli was still thinking about eating meat, so he patiently coaxed him: "You can't eat what you want for the time being. I'll wait for you in a few days. As a husband, you Can I cook for you myself?"

"What are you talking about!" Luo Jiuli raised his lips and pushed Jun Mohan's hand back, "You haven't eaten yet, haven't you?"

"The reason why I wanted Xinyi to cook meat just now was to cook it for you. Who knew you weren't happy with it!"

"But it's okay. Since you don't eat meat, just drink porridge with me!" Luo Jiuli turned his head and looked at Zisu.

"Zisu, go get another bowl!"


Zisu Fu stepped back, and soon returned with the bowl, filling a full bowl for Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli was satisfied and ate with big mouthfuls.

She raised her head from the bowl and looked at Jun Mohan, who had not touched the spoon for a long time.

"What are you looking at? You should eat it!"

"Yes." Jun Mohan hummed, looking at Luo Jiuli with eyes full of affection, "As long as my wife is by my side, my husband will be happy even if he eats chaffy vegetables!"

"Hey!" Luo Jiuli was obviously happy in his heart, but his face was pretending to be cold, "Why are you so disgusting!"

Jun Mohan raised his lips, "I want it!"

"Okay, okay! I can't stop you from gagging if you have something to eat!! Eat quickly!!!"

Luo Jiuli immersed himself in drinking porridge. He downed three bowls in a row and stared at the perilla on the side.

"Princess...don't you like porridge very much? Why now..."

"What do you know! Hiccup!" Luo Jiuli burped, "I have wasted a lot of energy today, and now you don't let me eat meat, so I have to drink more porridge to replenish my energy!"

Zisu, "The doctor said that the injury will not heal, so you should stay away from the fish."

"Hey!" Luo Jiuli waved his hand nonchalantly, "What's the big deal!"

"Although that An Ni Talisman is powerful, I am still a human being, so I can just vomit blood!"

"Anmin Talisman?" Jun Mohan grasped the key point.

"That's right, the Dark Talisman!" Luo Jiuli explained, "The Dark Talisman is one of the Xuanmen forbidden arts. It is different from common spiritual talismans."

"A common spiritual talisman has red characters on a yellow background. The red can be cinnabar, or black dog blood, but the dark talisman is different. The dark talisman has black characters on a red background."

"Black letters on a red background?" Zisu shrugged in fear, "Why is it so weird? It sounds scary!"

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli nodded in agreement, "It's quite weird and quite scary!"

"That red is not cinnabar, nor is it black dog blood, but the blood of a dying person!"

"Heart-breaking!" Zisu's eyes widened in shock.

"That's right, it's a heartache!" Luo Jiuli gently touched his temples with his fingertips and continued: "Moreover, that heartache is different from ordinary heartache. It must be a person who has been humiliated, and his heart is full of hatred. , the kind of hatred that can crush everyone to ashes and fall into endless purgatory together!"

"When that kind of hatred reaches its extreme, they will take advantage of a person's last breath before death to take out their heart's blood while they are still alive."

"When all the heart blood is taken out, the last breath of the person will be gone."

"When you take out the blood from your heart at this time, you will not only have the hatred of the living, but also the resentment of the dead. You will be very violent!"

"Well, then Princess, this, this Dark Talisman is so powerful, you, you were injured by it, are you okay?" Zisu looked worried.

Xin Yi asked worriedly, "Princess, what's wrong with you?"

"I will ask someone to call the imperial doctor right now!" Jun Mohan stood up coldly.

Luo Jiuli grabbed him and said, "Okay! I'm fine!! Come back quickly!!!"

Jun Mohan turned around and looked at her with a look of disbelief.

"I'm really fine!" Luo Jiuli smiled and pulled Jun Mohan back to his original position, "Although the Dark Talisman is powerful, it targets ghosts, not people!"

"What's more, I evacuated quickly at that time. I woke up after vomiting blood and had a rest. I'll be fine!"

"Really?" Jun Mohan didn't believe it.

"Of course it's true!" Luo Jiuli looked sure, smiling easily, but he was secretly cursing in his heart.

What a fart!

That bullshit dark talisman is still a forbidden talisman no matter how bad it is!

She has a severe headache now and needs to rest for a few days!

(End of this chapter)

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