Chapter 322: Caregiver?Or surveillance?

"Okay!" Jun Mohan gave up and held Luo Jiuli's hands tightly, "If you feel any discomfort, you must tell me immediately!"

"Good good!!!"

Being missed like this made Luo Jiuli feel warm and sweet in his heart.

A smile appeared on her brows, and the corners of her lips raised unconsciously. Even if she fell into a deep sleep, the smile on her face remained undiminished.

However, when he woke up, put on his male clothes, opened the door and saw Wei Yan guarding the courtyard, and heard what he said, the smile on his face froze instantly.

She hesitated and said, "What did you say? Say it again?"

"The princess is unwell, and the prince has specially ordered his subordinates to take care of her here!" Wei Yan bowed with his hands clasped in his fists, and respectfully repeated what he just said.

"Care? What kind of care? Are you sure it's not surveillance???"

"The princess is injured, the prince cares about the princess, and specially ordered his subordinates to stay in the palace to protect the princess!"

Wei Yan is naive, not stupid. He will not admit that it is surveillance.

Luo Jiuli saw through it without saying anything, "Well, if you say it's not true, it's not true."

She stepped out and said, "However, since it is for care and protection, I want to go out now..."

"No!" Wei Yan took a step forward, his already rough voice became louder with urgency, "The prince has ordered that the princess is not feeling well and should not go out!"

Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows and snorted in displeasure, "You still say it's not surveillance!?"

Wei Yan never knew how to lie, but now he was exposed by Luo Jiuli, and his dark face suddenly turned red.

"Also, please don't embarrass your subordinates, Princess!"

"Princess, why don't you forget it!" Xin Yi was tidying up in the house. When she heard the noise, she was worried about Luo Jiuli going out alone, so she persuaded her: "The prince is also worried about you. You were unconscious yesterday. But it scared us all."

"Yes, yes!!!" Zisu came with Xin Yi. She stepped forward and held Luo Jiuli's hand, "The way you looked yesterday almost scared me to death!"

"What if there is something wrong with you? How can I, my servant and Sister Xinyi, explain to the master, my wife, and the eldest son?"

“Princess, let’s not leave the house today, okay, okay!!!”

Zisu grew up with Luo Jiuli since childhood, and her ability to act coquettishly is not only [-]% true of Luo Jiuli, but [-]% to [-]% certain.

Luo Jiuli looked at the three people in front of him, as if they wouldn't give up if she didn't agree. He smiled, waved his hand and said, "That's all!!!"

"In that case, I won't go out today!"

Anyway, her head still hurt a little.

She turned back to the house, changed her clothes again, and then went up to Xuanyu Tower out of boredom and nestled in the swing made of vines.

Watching the rising sun, the golden light slowly spreads through the clouds on every piece of rubble in the capital, and then slowly shines into every dark corner.

Everything is so beautiful!
"My Xuanyu Tower is obviously used to watch and listen to the rain, but I didn't expect that I can watch the beginning of the sun here now."

Luo Jiuli murmured in a low voice, obviously unable to move his eyes away, but muttered as if he was unhappy.

"The glow fills the capital and shines brightly, and the smoke curls up from the kitchen stoves, affecting people's livelihood."

Wen Yi came out of the safe button and floated to Luo Jiuli's side, looking to the horizon with envy on her face.

"Once upon a time, I have seen such a scene."

The loss cannot be concealed in words.

Since their acquaintance, Luo Jiuli has seen Wen Yi in various ways: weak, stubborn, fiery, arrogant, and poisonous.

She always calls herself the princess, but her air is never overbearing.

This was the first time she had seen him look so lost now. She couldn't help but feel the same way, but she didn't know where to start.After a while, she moved.

She turned over lazily, "Hey!!! Sit closer, you're blocking my view of the sun!!!"

Zi Su, who was waiting aside, looked around and saw no one around. He turned around with a look of aggrievement on his face and said, "Master, this slave is behind you."

Luo Jiuli turned his head and raised his eyelids, "Did I tell you?"

After finishing his words, he turned around, ignored him, and continued to stare at Wen Yi.

Wen Yi was stunned. She raised her index finger and pointed at herself uncertainly, "Me? Blocked the sun???"

"Well, otherwise!" Luo Jiuli said matter-of-factly, "Is it possible that it's not you or Zi Su? You can't slander her. She's behind me and can't block my sight."

Wen Yi, "But Mrs. Wang, I am..."

"What are you? You are!" Luo Jiuli interrupted Wen Yi, "Quick, quick, sit down and go over, it's easy to see the sunrise, you can't block it from me!"

Wen Yi pouted and said, "Okay!"

She Ruyan moved to the side, "Is this okay?"

"Okay, okay!" Luo Jiuli nodded with satisfaction, looked at the sun gradually emerging on the horizon, rolled his eyes, and took a sneak peek at Wen Yi. He was relieved when he saw that she had returned to her usual look.

Sure enough, although her comfort was not obvious, it was the most effective!
Perhaps feeling Luo Jiuli's gaze, Wen Yi tilted her head and said weakly, "Sister-in-law Wang, I am a ghost now."

"What's wrong with the ghost?" Luo Jiuli asked without thinking.

"The ghost is neither human nor real. It is nothingness and spirit. It cannot block the light, especially the sunshine."

Wen Yi explained very seriously.

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

It’s over!The nonsense was caught! ! !
"So, even if I was sitting in front of Mrs. Wang just now, I couldn't stop Mrs. Wang from watching the sunrise."

Wen Yi's words made Luo Jiuli's heart skip a beat. Just when he was thinking about how to deny it, Wen Yi spoke.

She bit her lip, her eyes filled with mist, feeling extremely aggrieved, "Did I do something wrong to make Mrs. Wang so disgusted, even..."

"Master, Doctor Wan is here!"

Xin Yi approached with a plate of beautiful purple grapes.

Wen Yi's words were interrupted by Xin Yi. Luo Jiuli breathed a sigh of relief and stood up, "It's a good time, Dr. Wan, it's a good time! Let's go, let's go! Don't keep Dr. Wan waiting for a long time!!!"

"Hey! Sister-in-law Wang!!!"

Luo Jiuli wanted to cry when she saw that she was wronged, but the girl was delicate and worried that Wen Yi would misunderstand her. When she reached the corner of the stairs, she fell back and said to Wen Yi, "Why don't you follow me quickly? Why are you so disgusted?"

"Ah?" Wen Yi was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

"Follow up!"

Luo Jiuli waved to Wen Yi and said it again before Wen Yi finally reacted and looked happy, "Hey! Okay!!!"

She floated over and circled excitedly around Luo Jiuli.

"I knew Mrs. Wang loved Wen Yi the most!"

"Sister-in-law Wang is so nice!!! Hahaha!!!"

"You should stop spinning around me twice, it will make me dizzy, and I will fall down from here soon!"

When Wen Yi heard that Luo Jiuli might fall, she quickly stopped her fluttering body and did not dare to turn around anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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