Chapter 324 I Miss My Wife
The man in black, Lao Wu, hid far away when Wen Yi came in, for fear of being affected by the fish pond.

It was impossible for him to save people, but if he could hide, he could hide faster!
As for Luo Jiuli, she didn't even have time to watch the excitement, so she still saved people?

Of course, in fact, the fun and other things were secondary. The main thing was that Luo Jiuli believed in Wen Yi and believed that she was responsible for her actions.

She and Kuang Yan were just joking, so how could they be so cruel.

Then again, although Wen Yi's mind is older and sounder than Kuang Yan's, her soul and body are weak. After being warmed and raised in the safe buckle for so long, her weakened feet have not fully recovered as before, and there is still nothingness below her calves.

If there was a serious fight, she might not be Kuang Yan's opponent.

After Xin Yi took the medicine back, Luo Jiuli was still sitting at the stone table, laughing upside down, "Hahahahahahahahahaha !!!"

Zi Su and Wei Yan stood one behind the other, their expressions indescribable. If I really wanted to describe it, it would be speechless!

That’s right, I’m speechless!
Although they all knew that Luo Jiuli saw something they couldn't see and was amused by those invisible things.

But a full two-quarters of an hour has passed since Xinyi went to get the medicine!
Luo Jiuli had been smiling like this for the past two quarters of an hour, making them laugh so much that their initial curiosity and confusion gradually turned into speechlessness.

Xin Yi held the medicine and could see the emotions of several people from a distance.

She walked closer with a smile, "I don't know why you are smiling so heartily?"

"Hahaha, nothing, nothing!!!" Luo Jiuli waved his hand, raised his head and looked at Xin Yi, "Come back so soon?"

"Yes." Xin Yi said, "Taiyi Wan's carriage picked up a slave girl along the way."

Xin Yi placed the medicine in his hand on the stone table.

"When your servant came in just now, Meiren Feng, Meiren Ye, and many other beauties were waiting outside the door, saying they wanted to pay their respects to you."

"Let them all go back. My body is already weak, and now that I have been wandering around for half a month, my body is getting worse and worse than before."

Luo Jiuli's ability to talk nonsense was so good that he could talk nonsense without hesitation.

"Just tell them that I have just taken the medicine and have gone to sleep. Let them all go back. There is no need to come again. I will summon them when I recover slightly."


Xin Yi leaned out and dismissed the beauties in front of the door as Luo Jiuli said.

When she finished delivering the message and came back, there was no one else in the bustling courtyard except Wei Yan.

"They are in Xuan Yu Tower." Wei Yan said.

"Yes, I know." Xin Yi went over, picked up the medicine on the stone table, and walked out of Jinglan Courtyard towards the kitchen.

Upstairs in Xuan Yu, Luo Jiuli lazily nestled in the swing, closing his eyes and falling asleep. The sun shone on his body, making him feel warm and uncomfortable.

Suddenly, there was a bitter and astringent smell in the air.

"Master, it's time to drink the medicine."

Xin Yi approached Luo Jiuli with the medicine in hand.

Luo Jiuli opened his eyes and looked at the steaming decoction in Xin Yi's hand with a look of rejection.

"My slave has prepared candied fruit, which is not bitter."

Xin Yi pursed her lips and smiled, stretching forward the hand holding the medicine bowl.

Luo Jiuli sat up halfway and looked at the brown-black soup in front of him, and instantly turned into a bitter face.

"Actually, I'm not seriously ill. I don't need to take medicine. I just need to rest."

"Good Xinyi, just take the medicine!"

Luo Jiuli blinked his eyes and pouted, acting cute.


Before Xin Yi could speak, a deep voice came from not far away.

Luo Jiuli turned around and saw Jun Mohan striding towards this side.

"You can't do it even if you say it's not possible. Why!" Luo Jiuli glared at him, angrily and unconvinced.

Jun Mohan smiled and didn't care about her. He lifted up his robe and sat down beside her. He took the medicine bowl and rubbed her head, "Ali, be good, drink the medicine!"

The gentle voice and handsome face made Luo Jiuli couldn't help but focus on those eyebrows and eyes...

The sharp eyebrows, starry eyes, thin lips and straight nose, as well as this chiseled face, with a hint of tenderness in the coldness, are so intoxicating!

Ahhh! ! ! !

How can he be so handsome! ! ! !
How can this man be so handsome! ! ! !
Luo Jiuli was going crazy in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

"Why are you staring at my husband?" Jun Mohan raised his thin lips and narrowed his eyes, "Is it because my husband is too handsome?"

"Hey!" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, "I don't know if he's handsome or not. Anyway, he's quite narcissistic!"

"Really?" Jun Mohan said with a hint of teasing, "Then why do you look at your husband?"

"Leave me alone!" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes.

"Yes, yes, no matter what!!!"

With a smile in his eyes, Jun Mohan held the spoon and turned it in one direction. After the heat of the soup had dissipated, he scooped up a spoonful and fed it to Luo Jiuli's mouth.

"Hmph! I need you to feed me!"

Luo Jiuli hummed, saying it was not unusual, but when Jun Mohan brought the soup to her, she still swallowed it without hesitation.

"Aren't you going to the military camp? It's not even noon yet, why are you back so early?"

The medicine was so bitter that Luo Jiuli frowned.

"I miss my wife." Jun Mohan fed Luo Jiuli the medicine one spoonful after another.

"Hey! Glib talk!" Luo Jiuli didn't believe it. "If you really miss me and wish you were never separated from me, you might as well not go out these days."

"Anyway, I'm not going to recover, and you don't want me to go out. Let's just stay in the house together, okay?"

Jun Mohan said, "Okay!"

"Hey! I knew it..."

Luo Jiuli was mid-sentence when she suddenly realized what she was saying. She looked into Jun Mohan's eyes with a look of uncertainty on her face.

"What did you say just now?" she asked.

"Say to your husband, okay." Jun Mohan smiled fondly, scooped up the last spoonful of medicine and fed it to Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli swallowed it in one gulp, "Okay, okay, I told you to stay in the house with me all the time. When I meet you, when do you allow me to go out, when will you be able to go out!"

"I know." Jun Mohan wiped the medicine stains from the corners of Luo Jiuli's mouth with gentle movements, "Okay."

"You, you must not be stupid!"

Luo Jiuli was stunned and a candied fruit was stuffed into his mouth.

The candied fruit is not as sweet as the common ones, but sweet and sour, balancing the two phases. It is very delicious!

"Are you going to ground me or yourself?"

"As long as it pleases the lady, it's just a grounding. What's the big deal!" Jun Mohan said softly.

"Hehehe, what is that..." Luo Jiuli's mouth twitched slightly, "Actually, I was joking, you..."

"My husband is willing to stay with his wife until her condition improves!"

"Hehehe..." Luo Jiuli laughed awkwardly.

No need!Thanks!
Yan Luo Jiuli didn't take this seriously, but Jun Mohan kept his word and stayed in the house for several days, accompanying Luo Jiuli and feeding her medicine. He was so calm that he didn't even have the slightest intention of going out. none.

 Darlings, updating is not easy, just watch and cherish it! (Cover your face manually)
(End of this chapter)

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