The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 325 They will only monitor you more, not less.

Chapter 325 They will only monitor you more, not less.

However, he was indifferent, but it made Mo Yu, Kang Xiang and others suffer. The number of times they came in and out of the mansion every day increased so much.

On this day, a heavy rain suddenly fell in the capital city where the temperature was not falling.

The heavy rain came quickly and violently, causing pedestrians and people on the road to rush around in a hurry to take shelter from the rain.

In a long alley filled with water, two boys held umbrellas and walked in a hurry. Even if their shoulders were wet from the rain, they had no time to care.

"Faster, faster, faster!!! Faster, faster!!!"

"The eldest son said that he must see Miss Peony and Miss Lily in half an hour!"

"Oh! I got it, I got it!!!"

The latter's tone clearly revealed impatience.

"These eldest young men from rich families just know how to enjoy themselves. They ask me to go out and run errands on rainy days while I wait at home!"

"After it was over, I didn't see him saying that he wanted to divide the two girls for us to enjoy!"

"I am a man in his thirties after all, but I still don't know what it's like to be a woman! It's embarrassing to tell anyone!"

"Stop talking nonsense, things are done beautifully, and the rewards are indispensable for you!"

"When you get the reward, you can go to Xiangle Tower and call out ten or a hundred girls!"

The latter curled his lips, "It's raining so heavily. If it wasn't for the reward, I wouldn't be willing to go out!!!"

He took two quick steps to catch up with the former, with a mysterious look on his face.

"Hey! I heard that most of the people who went out in the house in the past two days were beaten for no reason. Do you know about this?"

"How could you not know!" The former turned his head with a sigh on his face, "My cousin is serving the eldest son. He followed the eldest son out of the house these two days, but he was beaten badly!"

"He's not the only one, it's the eldest young master, and the other boys beside him, all of them were beaten with bruises and bruises on their faces!"

"Otherwise, you think that going to Xiangle House to hire a girl, a job that is both simple and rewarding, can fall on the heads of the two of us from the outer courtyard?"

"Yeah! That's right! Let me tell you how such a beautiful job happened to the two of us. It turned out that those people's faces were swollen into pig heads, and they were so shameless! Hahahahahahaha!!!"

"Shh! You can just say this in front of me, but don't mention it to anyone else. The second lady has issued a ban. Anyone who dares to talk nonsense will be punished with a stick!"

"Oh! I know, I know! I won't tell you if I don't say it!!!"

"I just said why there is no news about such a big thing in the house. It turns out that the second lady issued the ban. If it weren't for me and Cui last night, no, if it wasn't for Cui'er who mentioned it casually last night, I was afraid that You don’t even know about this yet!”

"Okay, okay, we just need to know what we know, stop talking, let's go quickly! It's not half an hour... ah!!!"

The talking stopped suddenly, and the screams followed one after another. Accompanied by the sound of rain, it was so miserable!
I saw a group of men in black suddenly appearing, surrounding the two boys who had just spoken, and beating them up.


"You! Who are you, ah!!! How dare you be so bold!!!"

"Me!!! We are from Zuoxiang's Mansion, you! You..."

The man in black punched the young man in the face hard, "The person you hit is the person from Zuo Xiangfu!"

"What??!! Ah!!! Spare your life, hero! Spare your life!!!!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! Stop fighting, don't hit yours!!! Good man, spare your life!!!! Spare your life!!!"

On the other side, Prince Yi's Mansion.

Jun Mohan and Luo Jiuli had just finished lunch, and then went into the study with Kang Xiang. They had something to discuss and hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Luo Jiuli went to Xuan Yu Tower alone. For once, he did not lie down, but sat on the swing, his feet dangling.

She closed her eyes and listened carefully to the sound of falling rain, which was crisp and loud.

Every sound fell into her heart, beating her soul, making her feel relaxed, at ease and comfortable.

I don’t know how long it took, but the heavy rain suddenly stopped.Luo Jiuli opened his eyes, as if he had received a full-body massage. His whole body was refreshed and full of energy.

The only trace of headache left after taking medicine for several days disappeared at this time.

"Master, eat grapes!"

Zi Su came up from downstairs carrying a plate of washed grapes, walked towards Luo Jiuli, and stopped beside her.

Luo Jiuli picked up a grape and put it to his mouth. He squeezed it hard with two fingers and the pulp went into his mouth.

"Really delicious!"

The headache was gone, and Luo Jiuli was in a great mood after eating such delicious food.

She waved to Zi Su, "Come closer."


Zisu was confused, but still obediently leaned over and put his ear close to her.

Luo Jiuli smiled slyly and whispered in Zisu's ear.

Kuang Yan was floating on the swing, looking down at the two people who were whispering, and asked puzzledly, "Cousin, there is no one else here, why are they still talking so quietly?"

"Maybe it's to heighten the atmosphere of doing bad things!" Wen Yi said in a nonchalant manner.

Luo Jiuli, "..."

Just say she did bad things and add to the atmosphere, what the hell! ! !

"Master! Master!!" Zisu stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Luo Jiuli's eyes, "You haven't finished speaking yet, what next? So what???"

"Ah! Oh!" Luo Jiuli responded perfunctorily, raised his head and glared at Wen Yi and Kuang Yan.

Wen Yi, Kuang Yan sticks out his tongue.

Luo Jiuli had no choice but to ignore it, withdrew his gaze and continued to whisper in Zisu's ear.

Zisu's expression gradually changed from confusion at the beginning to understanding, and then excitement.

Before Luo Jiuli could finish speaking, she nodded excitedly, "Okay, okay!!! Go, go, go!!! I'm going, I'm going, I'm going!!!"

She spread her hands towards Luo Jiuli, "Where are the things?"

Luo Jiuli was speechless, "Can you control it? Don't be so excited!"

"Hehehehe! Yes, yes, yes!!!" Zisu smiled naively, "This slave will never smile when he goes out. He will definitely be exactly like me!"

"That's the best!" Luo Jiuli looked unbelieving.

She took out a square object wrapped in talisman paper from her arms. Just as she was about to hand it to Zi Su, she took it back with regret.

"Forget it! Don't go!"

Zisu, "Hey! How can we forget about this and this!!! This slave is going to go!!!!"

"No!" Luo Jiuli shook his head, "I just didn't think well. I don't know how many of their people are watching outside Prince Yi's palace!"

"You are the person next to me. Once you leave this house, they will only monitor you more or less!"

"Before you even get close to that place, I'm afraid that person will receive the message, something is wrong!!!"

"It's better if I go by myself! It's better to come!"

"No, no!" Zi Su pursed her lips and looked at the things in Luo Jiuli's hands, "I want to go! I want to go!!"

Seeing that Zisu really wanted to go, Luo Jiuli couldn't bear to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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