Chapter 329 The good show is yet to come!
"Damn old man! You deserve it!!!" Wen Yi couldn't care less about whether she was angry or not, she held her belly and burst into laughter, "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!"

"calm down."

Luo Jiuli picked up the tea cup and took a sip, the fragrance lingering on his lips and teeth.

"Hahahaha, the Xiao family has been domineering in the harem of the previous dynasty for so many years, and now they have finally suffered a loss. How can I, the princess, remain calm!"

That day upstairs in Xuan Yu, Wen Yi saw what Luo Jiuli gave Zi Su and what kind of consequences it could have, and she felt clear in her heart.

"Alas!" Wen Yi sighed, "I only regret that this princess was not able to see with her own eyes the misfortune of that old man Xiao Xingguo! What a pity! It's such a pity!!!"

"It's not a pity." Luo Jiuli's lips curled up slightly, "The best is yet to come!"

After getting the news he wanted and his stomach was almost digested, Luo Jiuli no longer sat for a long time.

She put down the tea cup, got up and walked upstairs.

"Hey! Why are you leaving? Sister-in-law Wang, wait for me!" Wen Yi floated over, circled around Luo Jiuli, and asked with a smile, "You said it's a good show? Is there any other good show???"

Luo Jiuli: "Don't leak the secret, just wait and see!"

Luo Jiuli left, and Du Qing stopped sitting and hurriedly called for the waiter to clear the table.

Seeing Luo Jiuli ascending to the third floor, a cry of surprise suddenly came from the crowd.

"Oh! I finally remembered!"

"What do you remember???" someone asked.

"I finally remembered who that person was!"

The speaker pointed excitedly in the direction where Luo Jiuli disappeared.

"I said he looked familiar. It turns out he was the one I met last time. He is the owner of Ruyi Restaurant!"

"What happened to the owner of Ruyi Restaurant?"

"That's right, what we are here to ask for is Master Bai Xi's talisman. He is not Master Bai Xi. What's the use of seeing him? Are you so excited?"

"You stupid heads! You don't know how to use your brain to think about it. This Ruyi Restaurant was the worst restaurant in the capital at the beginning. If it weren't for Master Bai Xi's magic charm, would the business be so good now? It's so good that it's hard to find a restaurant. ???”

"That's true, but what does this have to do with their employer?"

"You are really ignorant! You must know that Master Bai Xi is attracting everyone's attention in the capital. She can bring back the dead in Ruyi Restaurant and Ruyi Restaurant!"

"For this reason, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at her in the capital. Even if they spend a lot of money, they want her to sit in their own shop. But in the face of such a huge temptation, why does Master Bai Xi not even show his face? Why ?”

"Why????" someone was puzzled.

"Of course it's because of the owner of Ruyi Restaurant!!!"

"Think about it, if Master Bai Xi didn't have a close relationship with the owner of Ruyi Restaurant, how could she really treat money like shit???"

"Master Bai Xi has a very high level of cultivation, but he is an outsider. What's wrong with treating money like dirt?"

"That's it!!!"

"Why don't people from outside the area not be like people from outside the area, and people from outside the area won't eat? People from outside the area aren't afraid of going hungry???"

"Anyway, I don't believe that someone can really treat money like dirt. I think she has a close relationship with the owner of Ruyi Restaurant. If we want to seek more peace charms for our family and we can't see Master Bai Xi, why not just go with this Ruyi Let’s talk to the owner of the restaurant, and after talking to him, maybe one day there will be more magic talismans in the restaurant, and we won’t have to queue up every day!”

"Yes, yes, that makes sense, that makes sense!!!"

Some people agree.

"Originally, I was leaving after drinking this tea. Since you said so, I will sit for a while and wait for my boss to come down. Let's talk to him together!!!"

"That's okay!!! I'll wait too!!!" "We'll wait too!!!"

Do you want her to take charge at any cost?

Luo Jiuli didn't know when this happened. She had already gone up to the third floor and entered the room without hearing these words.

Otherwise, she would definitely go and ask whose family wanted to spend a lot of money to ask her to sit in charge?

It doesn't matter whether it's money or not. What's important is that she has a sincere heart, so she is willing!

"The master is here!!!"

"Master, you are finally here!!!"

The two ghosts who heard the movement came out of the gourd and floated in the air.

Luo Jiuli looked at one of them, unable to remember his name, "You????"

"I am Zou Dagang, master!"

Zou Dagang floated down, speaking hurriedly as if he was afraid that Luo Jiuli wouldn't be able to remember.

"More than half a month ago, I was poisoned to death by the pair of adulterers. After they were arrested and brought to justice, didn't you tell me that after seeing them beheaded, if I didn't want to go with Black and White Wuchang, I would go to Are you waiting for me here!!!"

"I know you." Luo Jiuli said quietly.

But she didn't have amnesia, so how could she forget what happened shortly before she fell off the cliff? She just couldn't remember his last name!

Mrs. Liang looked at Luo Jiuli and said in an old voice, "This young man has been floating outside since he came here and never came in. The old woman saw that he was pitiful and asked him why he was here. He said that he was here to wait for you, old woman. Only then did he follow him into this room and into this gourd’s magic weapon.”

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli hummed, picked up the safety buckle on his waist and shook it, "Come out."

As the words fell, the men in black, Lao Wu and Kuang Yan, floated out of the safety buckle.

"Cousin, cousin!!!" Kuang Yan went straight to Wen Yi on the beam.

"Grandma, what's your order?"

Looking at the room of magic weapons, as well as the yellow talisman and cinnabar on the table, Lao Wu, the man in black, swallowed nervously, his heart pounding.

It's over, it's over, there are so many magic weapons, my aunt doesn't want them to be wiped out in ashes, right?
"Today I will send you two into reincarnation." Luo Jiuli glanced at Zou Dagang, and then his eyes fell on the man in black, Lao Wu, "A gentleman loves money, and he must get it in a wise way. The old, weak, women and children must not be bullied!"

"If you can be reincarnated as a human being, I hope you will be a good person!"

Erwu Shuangsha only recognizes money but not people, and does a lot of evil.

Even though Luo Jiuli knew that what she said was in vain. After all, once reincarnated, she would not remember anything, but she still wanted to give it a try!
What if he really reincarnates as a human again, with this warning in mind, maybe he can really become a good person?

Knowing that Luo Jiuli only wanted to send him to reincarnation, rather than wanting him to disappear into ashes, the man in black, Lao Wu, immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He nodded solemnly, "Thank you, Master! I'll note it down!"

"A gentleman loves money and gets it wisely. The old, weak, women and children should not be bullied!"

Luo Jiuli recited the rebirth mantra, sending Zou Dagang and the man in black, Lao Wu, into reincarnation.

Watching others reincarnate, Mrs. Liang couldn't help but think of her poor Alan.

It doesn't matter that a good child was killed miserably by someone, but he couldn't even be reincarnated!

Tears filled her eyes, "Master, the murderer of Alan..."

(End of this chapter)

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