Chapter 330 Recognized me? ? ?

"We already have some clues." Luo Jiuli said, "Don't worry, when we catch the murderer, we will definitely bring him to you."

"Okay, okay!!!" Mrs. Liang's eyes filled with tears, "It's good if you have the features!!! It's good if you have the features!!!"

"Dong Dong Dong!!!"

There was a knock on the door.

If you can go up to the third floor, you don't have to think twice to know who is coming.

"Come in." Luo Jiuli walked to the table and sat down.

Mrs. Liang followed and floated over.

With a 'squeak', Du Qing pushed the door open and entered.

"My boss, it's bad! Someone just recognized you, and now they are all waiting downstairs, wanting to tell you about the magic talisman!"

"Recognized me???"

Luo Jiuli, who had looked calm just now, immediately became unable to sit still.

"Do they know I am Bai Xi???"

"That's not true!" Du Qing shook his head, "They don't know you are Master Bai Xi yet, they just recognized you as the owner of our Ruyi Restaurant!"

"Oh!" Luo Jiuli calmed down again instantly, "That's okay!"

When Fang Xinman caused trouble, since she dared to stand up and admit that she was the owner of Ruyi Restaurant, she wasn't afraid of being recognized!

In fact, if you think about it carefully, what will happen even if Bai Xi's identity is recognized?

As long as her true identity doesn't reveal any flaws, that's fine!
"You said they want to tell me about the magic talisman? What about the magic talisman??"

Luo Jiuli was confused.

"I remember didn't I ask you to cancel the minimum consumption threshold last time and give it to me for free instead?"

"What? They are not satisfied yet???"

"This..." Du Qing lowered his head, not daring to look at Luo Jiuli, "What about that? I followed your instructions before and sent peace charms to individuals."

"But... But didn't you fall off a cliff later? I just..."

"Okay, Du Qing!"

Before Du Qing could finish his words, Luo Jiuli slapped the table and stood up, with a sad and disappointed look on his face.

"You've learned how to obey the rules and violate the rules, right?"

"I told you that I don't need any money, so I just give it to you personally. I didn't expect you to still accept the money, didn't you?!???"

"No no!!! I didn't..."

Du Qing shook his head like a rattle and wanted to explain. However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Luo Jiuli again.

“Then it’s still the same as before, with a minimum purchase of ten taels of silver to get a peace charm???”

"No, no!!!" Du Qing shook his head and waved his hands, "If there is no consumption, I still give the peace charm, but only to the first customer who enters the store every day, and the fifth, tenth, and No. 15 Bits...Limited to ten pieces per day, while supplies last..."


Luo Jiuli was stunned and speechless for a long time.

After a while, he said: "You are so awesome!"

In modern times, this eldest brother is definitely a business wizard!

Hunger marketing is self-taught without a teacher, and you still know how to do it one by one! ! ! "Hehehe..." Du Qing sneered. Of course he knew that Luo Jiuli was not complimenting him, but he still shamelessly added, "My boss is so complimentary!"

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

She always thought that she had the thickest skin, but now it seemed that was not the case at all.

"Hehe!" Du Qing smiled naively and raised his head to look at Luo Jiuli, "The reason why I did this was because you fell off the cliff and were no longer heard from. If I gave away all the peace charms at once, what would happen to the people in the building? There’s no need to do any business, right?”

"You blame me for cooperating?" Luo Jiuli crossed his arms, fell back, and leaned on the back of the chair.

"Ah no, no, no, I don't blame you!" Du Qing said, "The fall off the cliff was an accident, and it's not a good thing. You are the one who suffered, so I can't blame you!"

"Hey!" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes and put his feet on the table sideways, swaying leisurely. "Since you have set a limit on how many peace charms you can give out every day, you won't change it. You'll just do it as you did before. Bar!"

Making talismans was quite tiring anyway, and she was too lazy to move!
A hint of joy flashed across Du Qing's eyes, but there was confusion on his face: "Then those people downstairs..."

Luo Jiuli glanced at him and snorted softly.

Aren't you just happy that the hunger marketing method can continue? Don't think that she doesn't know what his wishful thinking is!
She shook her feet and said, "It doesn't matter whether it's business or not. Anyway, what I lack most is money, but if you dare to tire out my old bear..."

As he spoke, Luo Jiuli took back his feet, sat up, raised his hands as if to hit someone, his eyes were fierce, and his warning was clear.

"Hehe! Don't worry, don't worry!!! There is a little bear here so you won't be tired!!!"

Because she loves Lao Xiong’s food, she can just open a restaurant just to keep people!

Even though it was losing money every month, I never thought about going out of business and transferring it.

If someone is so favored by his employer and treated with special treatment, how can he really make offerings to him like a Bodhisattva and really dare to run away from him?
Thinking of this, Du Qing secretly glanced at Luo Jiuli and cursed in his heart.

If he really dares to tire someone out and run away, stop working, and deprive this little ancestor of the food he wants to eat, I'm afraid she will have to chase him and beat him!

Luo Jiuli didn't know what Du Qing was thinking. She crossed her arms and leaned back on the chair again, "Little bear?? What little bear???"

"Oh!" Du Qing slapped his head, "Look, I forgot to tell you this!"

"Little Xiong is Lao Xiong's nephew. He said he has been learning cooking from him for so many years. No, the building is busy right now. I happened to hear Lao Xiong mention that his nephew is looking for a job, so I asked him to come over. Got it!"

"Don't tell me, this kid is so diligent. He sprinkles water, sweeps the floor, washes dishes, chops and cooks. As long as there is anything he can do, he insists on doing it all!"


Luo Jiuli was not interested in this. Anyway, she just wanted Lao Xiong to stay.

"You said he is diligent, so that person must be good. If that's the case, give him more wages and don't treat him harshly!"

Du Qing said, "With Lao Xiong here, I will never treat his nephew harshly. I will pay him the highest salary among the workers in the building. Don't worry, boss!"

"Yeah!" Luo Jiuli nodded lightly, "I can rest assured that you are doing the work. If there is nothing else, just go ahead and get busy!"

Du Qing stood still and returned to the original topic, looking embarrassed, "Then those people downstairs..."

She crossed her legs and said, "Let them all disperse. Just say that I left through the back door."

"Okay! I'll go down first then!" Du Qing bowed and walked out. As soon as he opened the door, Luo Jiuli called out to him, "Hey! Wait!"

Du Qing turned around and asked, "What else does my boss have to do?"

"Well, you are familiar with the manager of Jinyifang. You can go and visit it for me and ask him to open the branch in the town closest to Chenjia Village. It is best to open in early September."

"If it's too late, it's okay to wait a little later. There's no rush. Anyway, they won't be back so soon. A girl named Chen Tingting will come to the store by then. You ask her to take the person in and give him a job. That’s it!”

 The flu has hit recently, babies, please pay attention to protection!

(End of this chapter)

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