Chapter 331: I see you as a shady person!
Du Qing, "I wonder who this Chen Tingting is?"

"My savior." Luo Jiuli said, "Thanks to their family for falling off the cliff this time, otherwise I would have been in trouble!"

"Tell the person in charge that you don't have to treat her too favorably on weekdays, just do whatever you want!"

"But if she has any difficulties at home, please help me. I will pay for all the money spent on them!"


Du Qing responded and saw that Luo Jiuli had no further instructions, so he closed the door and left.

"Master, you are such a good person!" Mrs. Liang still had tears in her eyes. "If I hadn't met you, I would still be trapped in that dark prison, living a boring life day after day. Even my Alan I don’t even know when I was killed. Wuwuwu!!!”

Mrs. Liang couldn't help but choke up when she mentioned her poor little granddaughter.

"Okay, don't cry. I promised you that after I catch the murderer, I will bring him to you. I will keep my promise!"

Luo Jiuli couldn't bear to hear anyone cry. She stood up and walked around Mrs. Liang, walked to the window, and looked thoughtfully at the people coming and going downstairs.

Hmm... There were too many people, so she had better keep a low profile and find a place with few people.

Thinking about it, she turned around and walked out.

Seeing her leaving, Wen Yi and Kuang Yan hurriedly floated down from the beams.

"Hey! Where are you going, Mrs. Wang?! Wait for us!!!"

Mrs. Liang also floated out and saw Luo Jiuli standing by the red-painted wooden railing at the end of the corridor. She thought she had something to think about and wanted to jump off the building.

"Ouch! What are you doing here! Didn't you just do well!!!"

"Come back quickly! Come back quickly!! People cannot be resurrected after death. If you are not even afraid of death, what is there to think about!!!"

The old voice was full of urgency.

Luo Jiuli turned around and said, "I'm not confused."

"It's not hard to think about it, then you..."

Before Mrs. Liang could say the next words, Luo Jiuli had already jumped down, his clothes flying, showing off wantonly.

"don't want!!!"

Mrs. Liang's eyes widened, and her whole body reflexively rushed forward, trying to catch Luo Jiuli.

But she was a ghost and couldn't grasp the real thing, so she could only watch the gray robe sash seeping through her palms.

That helpless feeling of despair made Mrs. Liang's whole body feel as if something had been drained out of her in an instant.

Just when she thought she would see Luo Jiuli's soul floating out of his bloody body.


A scream suddenly reached my ears.

She looked around and saw that it was Luo Jiuli who fell and chewed up the mud!

Under her body was a figure that was similar to grass green, with a green gauze covering her whole body, which could not be seen clearly.

The figure was chubby and kept shouting "Ouch, ouch!!!"

The voice was rough, that of a man.

"Fuck!" Luo Jiuli, who had recovered, swore loudly and slapped the screaming person beneath him, "What's your name! I haven't screamed yet!!!"

She obviously flew down when there was no one below, but when she was about to land, a green figure suddenly jumped out from the side, making her unable to dodge in time, and she fell down.

"Ouch! You are a troublemaker! Where did you come from? You even dare to beat me!!!"

The person who was beaten used his hands to protect the bamboo hat that was almost knocked away by Luo Jiuli. His chubby body was twisting and arching and struggling.

He gritted his teeth and said, "You idiot! Get off of me, Master!! Get off!!!"

Luo Jiuli, who had just recovered, was shaken so dizzy that he received another slap with his backhand.

"To shut up!"

This time, the bamboo hat of the person beneath him was really knocked away, but the bamboo hat was connected to the long green gauze. As soon as it flew out of the head, it was pulled down and hit the person's face and nose. "Ouch!!!"

There was another howl.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.u.t. Tricky! I will have people beat you to death!!! I will beat you to death!!!"

The voice was so crazy that Luo Jiuli didn't care.

She said "Boom!" and after a while, she slowly got up from her body.

He lowered his head, straightened his messy clothes, and gently brushed away the grass clippings and dust from the corners of his robe with his fingertips.

"Those who once wanted to kill me, the grass on their graves has already been eighty feet high."

As she said that, she looked back at the man who was still lying on the ground, trying to get up several times but failed.

He looked him up and down, crossed his arms, and sneered, "What a green thing, it's so ugly that it hurts your eyes!"

"You still want to beat me to death? Ha! You should be thankful that I don't cause trouble for you!"

Disdain in words, contempt in expression.

"Tricky people!!! How dare you insult me, you, you, you, please wait for me, let's see what happens to me later..."

The man turned his head with great effort, hoping to see clearly what the person who scolded him looked like. If the person took the opportunity to run away, he recognized the person and could catch him and beat him up.

But when he really saw what the person in front of him looked like, the threatening voice stopped abruptly.

Instead, there was a look of joy on his face, "Miss!!!"

"Ah???" Luo Jiuli was confused when he was called.

The man's eyes were so hot that he could clearly feel them through his veil.

Although the man gave her a slight sense of familiarity, Luo Jiuli still jumped back two steps reflexively.

She put her hands on her hips and said, "Who are you? Open your eyes and see clearly. I am a man! A real man!!!"

"Madam, you don't recognize me anymore? It's me, it's me!"

Seeing that Luo Jiuli didn't recognize him, the man turned over awkwardly with his chubby body.


As he spoke, he was about to lift the veil, but was stopped by a few servants who came in a hurry.

"Hey, sir! You are a rich man, how can you sit on the ground!!!"

"Quick, quick, quick! The slaves help you up!!!"

"Bold bitch!" One of the boys faced Luo Jiuli, "How dare you sneak attack my young master and knock him to the ground. Do you know who my young master is? Is the eldest son of the Hou Mansion also something you can touch?"

Looking at the boy who was beeping non-stop in front of him, Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes and said, "Hey! A dog fights against the power of a human!"

"Hey! You..."

"You, you, you! Me, me!" Luo Jiuli looked at the boy with his sleeves rolled up, and said twice, "What's the matter? Do you still want to hit me?"

She crossed her arms and didn't care, "You said I attacked and beat your young master, haha, did you see it with your own eyes, or do you have evidence?"

"If you have evidence, bring it out. As long as you can provide evidence, I will admit it. Stop beeping here!!!" She picked out her ears. "It will not stop. It will make my ears uncomfortable!"

As if they were dogs? ! ! !

"I don't know what's wrong! Brothers beat..."

The boy waved his hand, asking others to join him in beating Luo Jiuli.

However, before he finished speaking, a fat hand tilted his head from behind.

"Hit me, beat me, I think you are a ungrateful person!"

(End of this chapter)

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