The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 332 Could it be that you have been dead for a long time?

Chapter 332 Could it be that you have been dead for a long time?
"Ouch!!!" The boy held his head and cried out in pain, "Sir, this untouchable..."

"What a pariah!" the man shouted sternly, "If you dare to speak rudely again, be careful, I will order your tongue to be pulled out!"

The boy shuddered, his arrogance instantly disappeared, and he huddled aside like a quail, "Yes."

"He always pulls out people's tongues, and this princess doesn't think he is a good person!"

Wen Yi and Kuang Yan were floating on Luo Jiuli's shoulders, one on the left and the other on the right.

One large and one small had their nostrils pointed upward, all looking at the man with disdain.

The man couldn't see the ghost, but suddenly felt a chill on his neck, as if he was being secretly stared at by something.

He tugged at the hem of his clothes and didn't care much, just thinking it was the aftereffects of being beaten over his head a few days ago.

He waved away the boy's hand, held his waist, and limped up to Luo Jiuli.

He smiled and said, "This is my young master's wife, please call me madam!"


All the boys called out in unison, their heads lowered and their eyes darting around, obviously very surprised.

He, his son, actually asked them to call a man madam! ! !

It's over! ! !

Young master likes men! ! !

No wonder the concubines who were snatched back to the mansion a month ago were sent away one after another! ! ! !

"Frivolous!" Wen Yi snorted coldly, "How can my princess's sister-in-law be something that ordinary people like you can think of!"

"That's right!" Kuang Yan followed suit, holding his chest with his short hands and looking like a tiger, "Ordinary people! They are not worthy of Sister Luo!"

Mrs. Liang upstairs saw that Luo Jiuli was fine, smiled kindly, floated back to the room, turned into a wisp of black mist and penetrated the gourd.

Luo Jiuli looked at the chubby green lump in front of him, and the voice sounded particularly familiar.

But after thinking for a long time, she couldn't remember where and when she had met such a strange person?

"You are???"

"It's me, lady!!!"

The man lifted up the gauze in front of him, revealing a fat face that was swollen with bruises and purples.

Two eyes the size of sesame seeds were squeezed between each other, looking at Luo Jiuli with a look of hope.

"Ye Yuwei!!!"

Even though Ye Yuwei didn't have any good flesh on his face, Luo Jiuli still recognized him at a glance.

She took a step back and looked him up and down, "Did you get beaten or thrown? How did you become like this???"

Seeing that Luo Jiuli recognized him, Ye Yuwei was overjoyed at first, but thinking about how his handsome face looked like this now, and fearing that Luo Jiuli would dislike him, he quickly pulled down the gauze to block his sight.

"No matter where in the capital this is, I'm very familiar with it. Even if I walk with my eyes closed, I won't be able to fall. Besides, I've never seen anyone fall on his face!"

Ye Yuwei was not ashamed as he spoke and took a step forward to put his hand on Luo Jiuli's shoulder.

Luo Jiuli ducked sideways and glanced at his hand that was still in mid-air, "Careful with your hands!"

The tone was neither salty nor bland, but extremely threatening.

"Uh hehe!!!" Ye Yuwei smiled awkwardly and took back his hand.

Luo Jiuli gave him a blank look, coward!

She was not familiar with him, and had no need to talk about it here.He took a few steps away from the grass and walked on the gravel road.

"Sister-in-law Wang, where are we going now?" Wen Yi floated ahead, looking back at Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli: "Go back home."

"Sister Luo, that person is coming!" Kuang Yan pointed behind him.

Luo Jiuli didn't look back and just walked on by herself. Needless to say, she also knew who the person who was following was.

Ye Yuwei was hit hard in that blow just now, and he never let go of his fat hand on his waist.

"Madam, don't you miss me after not seeing her for so long?"

The macho man moaned......

Luo Jiuli felt a headache and his stomach was churning.

She pressed her temples and said, "Get out!"

"Humph! Madam is so cruel!" Ye Yuwei covered his heart with his hand, pretending to be heartbroken, "Thankfully, I have been climbing the high walls of Prince Yi's Mansion every day for half a month just to see Madam!"

"Ha, for co-writing, should I thank you for your love?"

Luo Jiuli didn't stop walking, his words were cold, and he obviously had no patience with Ye Yuwei anymore.

However, the latter didn't know whether he was born with a lack of tendons or pretended not to know, but he still followed him without changing his expression, muttering to himself, "Hey! You are my wife, and I am your husband-in-law, my wife. You should call me husband, sir, or husband, if the lady has any other title."

"Shut up!" Luo Jiuli stopped suddenly, looked back at Ye Yuwei, lowered his gaze, and threatened with words, "If you keep talking, I will break your legs!"

The dangerous sight made Ye Yuwei subconsciously close his legs together, say "Oh" in aggrieved manner, and really stopped talking.

"Hahahahahahahaha." Wen Yi burst into laughter and floated over to face Ye Yuwei. Her soul penetrated the veil and slapped her face. She tilted her head left and right slowly, as if looking carefully, "Why is he so cowardly? Uh-huh. It looks a little weird and cute."

"Eh!" Kuang Yan circled around Ye Yuwei, his little face filled with contempt, "Cousin, could it be that you have been dead for a long time, and you can even look at such a fat-headed and big-eared thing, and you are still cute? "

"Pfft!" Luo Jiuli couldn't help laughing.

He's been dead for a long time, hahahaha, I have to say that this little guy Kuang Yan knows how to describe things.

"Pah!" Wen Yi slapped Kuang Yan on the head, "Little thing, what are you talking about!"

"Ouch!" Kuang Yan whimpered twice and hid behind Luo Jiuli. Only when he had the confidence did he dare to stick out his little head, hold his neck, and said confidently, "That's right. I'm not wrong. It's just him. That fat head and big ears look nothing like cuteness, but more like a pig."

"You!" Wen Yi was so angry that she put her hands on her hips and floated over to beat him.

Kuang Yan hid quickly, Wen Yi floated over, and he floated over, hiding behind Ye Yuwei and making faces at her, "Luan Luo Luo"

The two of them had a great time playing back and forth, but Ye Yuwei suffered a lot. The ghost was close to him and the chill was endless.

He rubbed his shoulders with his hands, and then rubbed his face through the veil. He looked up at the scorching sun and felt suspicious in his heart. He wanted to ask Luo Jiuli if he was cold, but thinking about what she had just said, he did not dare to speak rashly.

Seeing the naughty looks of Wen Yi and Kuang Yan, Luo Jiuli looked at Ye Yuwei who was looking over with a smile on his face.

How could his wife be so beautiful and gentle, thinking about breaking his legs every day like the old man at home? She must be scaring him.

"Hehe!" Ye Yuwei smiled foolishly, "Madam, are you cold?"

"It's not cold. After all, it's not like you are around me. Two ghosts are hovering around you. Tsk, tsk, tsk, I don't deserve this kind of love."

Luo Jiuli's words made Ye Yuwei, who was already chilling all over, suddenly get goosebumps. Especially wherever Luo Jiuli looked, he felt the coldest, and the coolness penetrated into his bones.

His heart skipped a beat, "What? Yin. Yin soul?"

(End of this chapter)

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