Chapter 333

Luo Jiuli showed a weird and unpredictable smile, which frightened Ye Yuwei even more. He was already close to her, but now he was leaning closer to her.

Luo Jiuli stepped back, "If you dare to come any closer, believe it or not, I will let them directly get on top of you."

Ye Yuwei paused and shook his head repeatedly, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, please, please tell them to stay away from me, stay away from me."

Luo Jiuli rolled her eyes at him, with a bit of disdain on her face, "You are so brave, you still dare to chase after me, I'm not afraid of scaring you to death."

She was just scaring him casually and didn't really want to do anything. It would be detrimental to her morality if she scared someone.

She picked up the safety buckle at her waist and waved to the two men who were still chasing each other in the air, "Okay, okay, you guys, if you don't come back soon, it won't do you any good to stay under the scorching sun for a long time."

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Ye Yuwei felt that the penetrating chill suddenly dissipated, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

As a result, his courage suddenly grew again.

Shamelessly, he followed Luo Jiuli, "Madam, you..."

"If you dare to call me madam again, believe it or not, I will release them immediately."

In the safe button, Wen Yi and Kuang Yan looked at each other, "..."

put? ? ?
Why does this posture look so like...letting a dog go?
Seeing Luo Jiuli holding the safety buckle and making a gesture to let go of the ghost, Ye Yuwei was excited and immediately changed his words, "Girl, girl, hey, hey, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, I won't shout anymore, why don't you stop shouting!"

"That's pretty much it." Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes again and said, "Don't follow me anymore." He turned around and left.

"This, this can't be done."

Ye Yuwei caught up with Luo Jiuli, knowing that she didn't want him to get close, so he followed her, always keeping a few steps away.

"I've been looking for you since the last time we said goodbye. Now I finally find you and see you. You, you can't do this to me."

Luo Jiuli didn't bother to pay attention to him, and he didn't show any resistance, so he complained aggrievedly.

"Do you know where I got the injury on my face?"

Ye Yuwei asked and answered himself, "It was King Yi who sent people to fight!"

“他出手好狠,就指着我英俊的面庞揍,他肯定是觉得我长得太过好看,太过漂亮,太过迷人,怕娘…………怕姑娘对我日久生情,所以才I ordered someone to point it at my face and punch me."

The woman Ye Yuwei talked about was promptly changed to a girl.

"This man is really thick-skinned. With a face like this, how can he have the nerve to say he's good-looking, and yet, still charming? And pretty? Choking!" Wen Yi was disgusted.

"But cousin, you just praised him for being cute!" Kuang Yan's bulging little face had two eyes blinking, full of innocence, as if he wasn't trying to discredit Wen Yi on purpose.

However, he still couldn't escape Wen Yi's slap.

"You can't make it, right? Do you dare to say it again and try again?" There was an obvious threat in the gritted teeth.

"I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore, it's okay, it's okay." Kuang Yan hesitated for a second, shaking his head again and again, "This man is really shameless, with this appearance and this figure, he is far inferior to Brother Jun. Unless Sister Luo sees it, Blind, otherwise how could you possibly fall in love with him."

"That's pretty much it!" Wen Yi snorted, "Sister-in-law Wang won't fall in love with him!"

"You said he beat me?" Luo Jiuli turned around, "How do you know it was him? Did you see it was him?"

"Because the people who beat me this time were exactly the same as the people who beat me at the Queen Mother's birthday party last time, and their voices were exactly the same. They all say that they don't hit people in the face, but they actually even have the same point. They only hit people. A slap in the face.”

The more Ye Yuwei talked, the more aggrieved he became. He touched his face with his hand distressedly. As soon as his fat hand touched his cheek, he gasped with a hissing sound.

He looked at Luo Jiuli, "I know you are King Yi's concubine, and I also know that King Yi loves you very much, but..."

"Who told you that I am the concubine of King Yi?" Luo Jiuli crossed his arms. Although he was not interested in explaining this to Ye Yuwei, what he said next was incredible as long as Ye Yuwei thought about it carefully, and Luo Jiuli should have guessed it. identity of.

"During the birthday banquet, you even dared to stop King Yi. This was a sign of contempt for the royal family. I didn't let you die, so any beating would be light."

Jun Mohan is a jealous person. Someone dared to covet his wife in front of him, so he just received a beating. He didn't have any arms or legs, so it was not a light incident.

"But..." She looked at him, half-smiling, "Why this time?"

"This time it's because..." Ye Yuwei was about to blurt out when he seemed to suddenly remember something, "No, it's nothing."

He sent someone to follow him but failed, and instead he got beaten up again.

This is a shameful matter, it cannot be said, it cannot be said.

"It's okay if you don't say anything. Say goodbye." Luo Jiuli waved his hand and left.

"Hey! Madam, don't leave!"

Ye Yuwei followed, and in excitement, his movements were too large, causing pain in his back.

"Hey, madam, I'm telling you, it's not enough, don't leave now, I'm going to be exhausted."

He wanted to say it, but Luo Jiuli didn't want to hear it.

Anyway, it's just that kind of thing. Apart from when they were children, what other entanglements could there be between the two of them?
It was probably that fool Ye Yuwei who was stupid again and came to Jun Mo Han to covet her.

"Hey! Madam, don't walk so fast! I-I'm so tired, I won't be able to keep up."

Ye Yuwei was panting, and he followed Luo Jiuli around the corner and arrived at West Street. The street was crowded with people and there was a constant stream of vendors shouting.

The crowds of people coming and going formed an obstacle, and Ye Yuwei, who had already been unable to keep up with Luo Jiuli, was even more unable to keep up now.

He stopped in front of a small stall, took two deep breaths, and then shouted loudly in the direction of Luo Jiuli, "No, I've been looking for you for so long, you, please tell me your last name, or else I'll How should I find you?"

Whether it was because there were too many people, the noise was too loud, or because Luo Jiuli was pretending not to hear, she walked further and further away without looking back.

"Sir, would you like me to catch up and ask?"

The boy stepped forward to help Ye Yuwei, but he waved him away in disgust.

"You're chasing me? What's the point of chasing me?"

"My wife doesn't even look down on this young master. If she gets too fierce, she'll even beat him. What's the point of chasing after him?"

He straightened his clothes, took a breath, and pushed the boy in front of him away.

"Let's get started, don't delay my master's tea."

He walked into a nearby teahouse and spoke loudly as he walked.

"My master, let me leave you here today. I am determined to marry that girl just now. She will be your mistress sooner or later!"

"She is just giving in to lust now, she is just thin-skinned, and she is embarrassed to say that she is interested in this young master. Just wait, you will be able to drink from my young master's wedding wine soon!"

A group of servants: "..."

It turns out that the young master is not a good man!
It turns out that the man just now was a girl disguised as a man!
But, indulge in lust?Thin-skinned? ?
Several boys looked at him, and he looked at him again.

Why don't they look like this?
The girl is really afraid of the young master without any intention...

(End of this chapter)

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