Chapter 33 Guan Mansion
"I will accompany you." Jun Mohan stood up.

"Ah?" Luo Jiuli didn't react.

"I will go with you." Jun Mo said coldly, "I'm not worried if you go alone."

Luo Jiuli: "."

I'm really not used to you being so nice to me all of a sudden.

Xuliu Lake, Guanfu.

"why you…………"

Chang Yuze, who came to open the door, was slightly startled, and immediately recognized the man wearing a black robe and a silver-gray mask as Jun Mohan.

Luo Jiuli put on makeup, which was very different from before and after. He was also dressed as a man, so he didn't recognize it.

Just when he was about to ask, Chang Hongyuan's voice came from behind him, "Yuze, is the master here?"

"No." Chang Yuze didn't recognize Luo Jiuli's identity.

When Luo Jiu left Chang Mansion before, he had been in a coma.

Now that he sees Luo Jiuli walking with Jun Mohan, he will naturally not think of him in the direction of the master, but will naturally think that he is Jun Mohan's good friend.

"Father, uncle." Chang Yuze stood aside, "These two are my good friends."

Jun Mohan's friend is Chang Yuze's friend.

Chang Hongyuan saw the person outside the door clearly, raised his hand, and was about to bow and salute, but was stopped by Jun Mohan: "I am here with the master today. You are welcome, Master Chang."

The implication is that he does not want to reveal his identity.

Chang Hongyuan then gave up and moved his gaze to Luo Jiuli, "Master, long time no see."

"Long time no see, Chang Lao." Luo Jiuli nodded slightly.

"Lao Guan, this is the Master Bai Xi I mentioned to you before. She was the one who saved Yu Ze." Chang Hongyuan introduced to Guan Zhiyong beside him.

"It turns out to be Master Bai Xi. Come on, come on in." Guan Zhiyong stepped forward and made an inviting gesture.

Chang Yuze was slightly shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that this person was actually Bai Xi's master who saved him.

He saluted Luo Jiuli with a respectful expression, "Thank you so much, Master Bai Xi, for saving your life."

"Master Chang Xiao, you are polite." Luo Jiuli smiled back at him and entered the Guan Mansion with Jun Mohan.

She looked at Guan Zhiyong, "Master Guan, just take me directly to see how the child is doing?"

"Hey, okay, okay!" It's about his beloved son, and Guan Zhiyong naturally wants it, "Please this way, please this way."

The Guan family is an imperial businessman. Their wealth cannot be underestimated, but they are quite low-key. Their family of five and several servants only live in a two-entry courtyard.

Knowing that the master would come today, the old couple of the Guan family also sat and waited in the courtyard.

Now seeing someone coming, he stood up and greeted, "Zhiyong, but the master is here?"

"Yes, mother, the master is here, Kun'er can be saved." Guan Zhiyong's voice was a little louder as the old lady was deaf.

"Hey, there is hope. There is hope." There was light in the old lady's cloudy eyes, and she slowly pointed in the direction, "Go quickly, Susu is holding the child inside!"

"Hey, okay, daddy, mommy, I'll take Master over to see Kun'er first. You two go back to your room to rest. Once you've had a good rest, you can see Kun'er alive and kicking tomorrow morning."

After Guan Zhiyong said this, he ordered people to help the two old men back to their room, and took Luo Jiuli and the others to continue in the direction pointed by the old lady.

"Uuuuuuuuuah, sister-in-law, tell me what all this is about. Kun'er is only three months old, why should he suffer like this!"

Thinking of what her son had suffered these days, Chang Susu felt so distressed that she hugged her son tighter. "If it is true that my husband and I have done something wrong, then my husband and I should be the ones who suffer the retribution. Wuwuwuwu~ Why should retribution come to me, Kun'er? He is still so young!"

"Okay, don't worry, the master will be here soon. Kun'er will be fine." After Su Lanzhen comforted her, she saw someone outside the house. She stood up and said, "Master, Zhiyong, how are you?"

Chang Susu also looked over, "Ms. sir, where is the master? Are you here?"

"It's coming, it's coming." Guan Zhiyong half-supported his beloved wife in distress, "If you keep crying like this, you will be blinded by crying."

"Don't I feel sorry for our Kun'er!" Chang Susu wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Su Lanzhen knew Luo Jiuli. When she saw her coming in, she greeted her, "Master."

"Mrs. Chang." Luo Jiuli nodded slightly.

Then he walked to Chang Susu and said, "Mrs. Guan, can I take a look?"

"Yes, of course." Chang Susu nodded like garlic and immediately handed the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes to Luo Jiuli.

The three-month-old child was so soft that Luo Jiuli didn't know how to hold it. He burst into tears as soon as he picked it up. In a hurry, Jun Mohan picked up the child.

Once in Jun Mohan's hands, the child immediately stopped crying and smiled at his masked face.

Luo Jiuli: "."

You can become a nymphomaniac at such a young age! ?

"Is it convenient to look at it this way?" Jun Mohan turned the child's face towards Luo Jiuli.

"Convenient and convenient."

The child's baby cheeks are round and round, his chubby hands are waving in the air, and he is babbling non-stop. He is very cute.

Luo Jiuli couldn't see anything strange, so he looked at Guan Zhiyong and his wife, "Please tell me in detail about Kun'er's situation. When will he cry? What does he look like when he cries? Tell me everything you can think of. "

"Okay." Chang Susu nodded, "Kun'er started crying seven days ago and couldn't be coaxed no matter how hard he tried. At first, my husband and I thought it was just an occasional cry, but unexpectedly, he cried three times in a row. It's like this every day. When we noticed something was wrong, we called a doctor, but unexpectedly we called several doctors, and they all said there was nothing wrong with Kun'er."

Guan Zhiyong answered: "Kun'er's face turned purple when he cried. How could there be no problem? So we found more doctors. We even tried our best to hire the imperial doctor from the palace, but we still couldn't solve the problem. .”

"You've been crying after midnight for seven days in a row?" Luo Jiuli asked.

"That's right." Chang Susu was sure.

"How long do you cry each time?"

"It's uncertain, sometimes it's long, sometimes it's short."

Luo Jiuli thought for a while, "I don't see any problems for the time being, but since you cry after midnight, let's take a look again at midnight."

If it was really entangled with something, there would be some ghost aura on the body, but Luo Jiuli didn't see the ghost aura on the child, so he could only wait until he was older to see what happened. thing.

"Can I walk around the house?"

She wanted to see if it was possible that someone had used some kind of formation.

"Okay, we'll take you"

"No need." Luo Jiuli refused, "There shouldn't be too many people. Just have someone who is familiar with this place to show you around."

"Then I."

"Uncle, I'm familiar with this place. I'll show Master around. You can stay with your aunt and Kun'er with peace of mind." Chang Yuze interrupted Guan Zhiyong's words.

(End of this chapter)

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