Chapter 34 Is it that child?
"That's fine." Guan Zhiyong had no objection, "Then Yuze will accompany the master around the house."

Luo Jiuli followed Chang Yuze out, and Jun Mohan followed closely.

Chang Yuze carried a lantern and took Luo Jiuli and Jun Mohan around here and there.

The three of them walked around inside and out, not even leaving a small corner.

After looking at the last woodshed, Chang Yuze asked, "How was it? Did the master see anything?"

"Nothing." Luo Jiuli shook his head.

It seems that what happened can only be solved at the end of the day.

When the three of them returned to the room, Su Lanzhen was playing with her children. Chang Hongyuan was chatting with her from time to time, like a kind little old man. He still had the serious look of the former minister of the country. .

Chang Susu was worried that her child had not eaten for a day. At this time, he was eating porridge under Guan Zhiyong's personal supervision.

"Master is back, serve tea quickly." Guan Zhiyong ordered.

The tea was ready, the maid responded and immediately poured three cups of tea and served it.

"Have you finished taking Master Yuze around? Did you see anything?"

Guan Zhiyong has been traveling outside all year round, and he has heard of some harmful formations and the like.

"I haven't." Luo Jiuli took a sip of tea and said, "We'll have a look after midnight."

It was still early, and Luo Jiuli wanted to go outside to admire the moon, but unexpectedly a strong wind blew up and it started to rain.

So, she took a small bamboo chair, sat under the eaves and listened to the rain.

Suddenly there was a warmth behind her, and someone put a piece of clothing on her.

"Sit inside, be careful if the drizzle wets your clothes and catch the wind and cold." It was Jun Mohan's voice.

Luo Jiuli moved back obediently, "What are you doing out here?"

"Accompany you."

These two simple words made Luo Jiuli's heart warm.

"You, why are you so nice to me?"

In ancient times, women required three obediences and four virtues, and they were required to not leave the front door and not step forward at the second door.

Not to mention the royal family, just ordinary families, even if the folk customs are open, will never allow their wives to show up.

What's more, a woman like her disguises herself as a man and runs out every three days.

Not only did Jun Mohan not stop her, but he also accompanied her.

"Hey, why are you sitting here? It's so windy. Hurry up and get inside. Be careful of getting cold."

Before Jun Mohan could reply, Chang Yuze's voice came from not far away.

"I know, you go ahead and don't worry about us." Luo Jiuli replied.

Chang Yuze saw that the two of them had no intention of going back to the house, so he stopped caring about them and entered the house by himself.

Luo Jiuli looked at Jun Mohan and continued to wait for his reply.

However, the rain kept falling and his voice was not heard.

Until there was a muffled thunder in the sky, and the soft voice entered my ears with the wind, as if it was not there, "I'm afraid you will leave without saying goodbye like last time."

last time?

Luo Jiuli was slightly startled, and then a strange emotion came to his heart, sour and astringent.

Who did he think she was?
Luo Jiuli almost opened his mouth, but didn't know how to ask, so in the end he just kept silent.

What is she expecting?

There are two years left in the five-year period, and she will leave sooner or later.Why do you ask so clearly?
Do you really want to stay and serve one husband with so many women?

The child's hour passed by, and the baby's cry came as expected.

"Master, come and see what's going on with Kun'er!" Chang Susu eagerly hugged the child to coax her, but she couldn't coax him.

I cried heartbreakingly, even at night.

When Luo Jiuli entered the room, he saw a small ghost hovering around the baby, and the bell-like laughter was particularly sinister, "Brother, hahahaha, play with me, hahahaha, come and play with me!" "

No wonder Luo Jiuli didn't feel the ghost's breath. It turned out to be a child's ghost.

This ghost has no malevolence and has not been used by anyone. It has been wandering in the world for a long time and has a weak breath.

"What are you doing!" Luo Jiuli's tone was a little serious, and everyone was confused.

Seeing her looking at him, Chang Susu was stunned for a moment, "Master, I'm holding the baby."

Luo Jiuli ignored her and stared straight at the ghost of the child.

It was obvious that what he just said was meant for it.

"Brother, hahahaha, can you see me? Hahahahaha, brother, can you play with me?" Yinhun floated over excitedly and complained: "My brother just knows how to cry, it's so annoying, hahahaha , I don’t want to play with him, hahahaha, brother, can you play with me?”

The ghost has the appearance of a baby, small and beginning to take on a human form, unable to distinguish between male and female.

"You called him brother?"

Seeing Luo Jiuli talking to the air, everyone's spines ran cold.

Relatively speaking, Chang Hongyuan and Jun Mohan, who had already seen each other before, were much calmer.

"Where did this lonely wild ghost come from, how dare you pester me, Kun'er! Believe it or not, I'm looking for a way to scare you away!" Chang Susu was also afraid, but she was eager to protect her son, so she couldn't care less about fear. .


The ghost floated over again, and the baby's crying became louder.

Chang Susu couldn't see or hear, but the cry of her son in her arms made her heart ache, "Master, is that thing coming over? You should collect it quickly! Contain it!!"

Luo Jiuli did not move, but looked at Yinghun, "Come here, don't scare him."

"I don't! Wuwuwu~ Mom doesn't want Bao'er anymore. Mom wants to abandon Bao'er. Wuwuwu~ Bao'er don't leave mother."

The ghost rubbed Chang Susu's shoulder and cried non-stop.

"If you don't come over, I will take you in!" Luo Jiuli threatened.

The ghost whimpered and floated over.

"Stop crying." Luo Jiuli touched its head, "Tell brother, why did you call him brother? And why are you pestering him?"

"Because I am also my mother's daughter!" Yinhun pursed his lips pitifully, "I am not pestering my brother, I am playing with him, but for some reason, my brother always cries when he sees me."

"Because my brother is still young and won't cry when he grows up."

"But when my mother was playing with my brother, my brother didn't cry. I also wanted to play with my mother and my brother, but my mother couldn't see me. Wuwuwuwu..." Yinhun said and started crying again.

Luo Jiuli's scalp went numb when she heard that. She looked at Chang Susu, "Did Madam have a daughter who died in infancy before?"

"Ten years ago, my wife and I had a child, but due to an accident, we were unable to give birth."

Guan Zhiyong half-hugged Chang Susu and patted her back gently, "It was also because of that miscarriage that my wife was injured and she has not been pregnant for many years."

"Is it that child?" Chang Susu's eyes were filled with tears.

"That's right." Luo Jiuli nodded, "She has been following you all the time. It must be Madam teasing the children. She looked envious and started playing along, but it ended up being self-defeating."

(End of this chapter)

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