Chapter 35 Came to see son-in-law

"That child, it's because of my mother that I can't help her. If I hadn't been wailing..." Chang Susu cried on Guan Zhiyong's chest until she couldn't breathe. "If I hadn't insisted on following my husband to the south of the Yangtze River, , then an accident happened, she whined, she should be ten years old now!"

"Master, don't, don't take her in! I can't help it, I can't help her!"

"Madam, I don't blame you, I don't blame you. It's all my husband's fault. It's all my husband's fault. He didn't protect you well. He didn't protect you." Guan Zhiyong patted her back and comforted, "Master, this child Wandering around in the world is not an option, you can see if you can give her a good salvation and let her find a good family in the next life."

"Did you hear that? Your father and mother still love you very much. They hope that you can be born in a good family in the next life, and live happily every day." Luo Jiuli touched its head, He half-coaxed: "Stop crying, can my brother send you to reincarnation?"

"Reincarnation?" Yinhun stopped crying, "Then my parents can see me and play with me like they play with my younger brother?"

"Yes, after reincarnation, Bao'er can have a new father and mother. They will play with you, grow up with you, and will be very, very good to Bao'er!" Luo Jiuli imitated. It's the tone that speaks.

"Okay, okay!! Bao'er is going to be reincarnated, and my brother is sending Bao'er to be reincarnated!!"

Even though the ghost has been wandering around the world for decades, his temperament is still as innocent as a child.

When the two returned to the mansion, it was already past Yinshi.

When Luo Jiuli woke up, it was already bright and there was no one around him.

"Master, I heard that another envoy came to Beijing today. Your Majesty, he went to the inn." Zi Su, who heard the commotion, opened the door and entered with the toiletries prepared earlier.

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli stretched, "What time is it?"

"It's almost noon, we need to pass on the meal." Xin Yi held back Luo Jiuli's hair.

Luo Jiuli had just woken up and had no appetite. He wanted to say no, but his stomach growled, "Pass."

"Yes." Zisu responded from the side. She put down the things in her hands, and soon after she went out, she led someone back with a lot of food.

Luo Jiuli, who had no intention of going out, just lay comfortably on the couch and read a storybook after lunch. Zi Su fanned her ice beside her, and from time to time she peeled a grape and put it in her mouth. She was living a small life. Very comfortable.

"Master." Xin Yi hurriedly came in from outside, "Master is here!"

"What!" Luo Jiuli put away his notebook and sat up, "My father is back!?"

"Yes, people have already arrived and are asking people to move things at the door!"

"Moving something? What thing?" Luo Jiuli ran out without wearing his shoes.

Her father is even more unreliable than the big brother who delivers bird poop.

"I don't know," Xin Yi said.

"Master, shoes, put on your shoes!" Zi Su caught up with the shoes.

I don't know when the rain stopped last night, but the sun was shining brightly at this time, and Luo Jiuli's bare feet were really hot when he stepped on the ground.

When she put on her shoes and hurried to the front door of the mansion, there were already long queues.

She didn't see Luo Gan in the crowd, and the first thing that caught her ear was his energetic laughter, "Hahahaha, okay, okay, line up here, everyone has a share! Everyone has a share!"

"Thank you, Mr. Luo, you are really considerate." The beauty, who received the gift in her arms, smiled and thanked Luo Gan with crooked eyebrows.

"Yes, Mr. Luo is really thoughtful! Even if you don't give us gifts, we will respect the princess." Another beauty said. "Hahaha, my daughter has been frail and sick since she was a child. Please share the burden for her if you have nothing to do!" Luo Gan saw Luo Jiuli not far away through the gap in the crowd, and waved his fat hand to her, "Baby girl, come here. !”

Luo Jiuli: "."

To be honest, she doesn’t know this father!
She walked closer and whispered through gritted teeth: "What are you doing! Making such a big noise as soon as you come here!"

"Hehe, aren't you pretending to be sick? Dad, help you!" Luo Gan whispered, "The taker is short-handed and the cannibal is soft-spoken. Now that they have taken mine, you don't have to do anything anymore!"

After Luo Gan finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows, as if I was very smart and quickly praised me.

Luo Jiuli: "."

It has been three years since she married into the palace, and she just did this today. Isn't it a little late?

"What is the purpose?" she asked.

Seeing that his daughter didn't believe him, Luo Gan pretended to be hurt and rubbed his beer belly habitually, "Dad, it's true."

"If you don't tell the truth, I will sue my mother and say that you are a prodigal again! You even raised a woman named so-and-so outside!" Luo Jiuli interrupted him and threatened.

"How many times do you want dad to tell you?" Luo Qian was anxious and even spoke louder, "Your Aunt Liu and I are really innocent. She is a widow and her husband is so... What the hell, what do you think I am?”

"I don't know Aunt Liu or not!" Luo Jiuli didn't talk to him. "Just tell me what you are here to do today. Tell the truth. If you don't tell the truth, I will complain to my mother." !”

Luo Jiuli said that he was about to walk out, but was pulled back by Luo Gan, who compromised and said, "Oh, okay, okay, just tell the truth. I heard that my son-in-law has returned to Beijing, and I came to see him."

"." Luo Jiuli was speechless, "Who is your son-in-law!"

They don't know when they will have to reconcile and return their son-in-law. The son-in-law is a ghost!

Did she admit it?
"Hey, this is what's wrong with you. You have been married and worshiped each other. Even the decree was given by the late emperor himself. Why is he not my son-in-law?" Luo Gan blew his beard and glared, "Anyway, I'm telling you Tell the truth, don’t talk nonsense in front of your mother.”

When the lady gets angry, he will have to sleep in the penthouse for several days.

Seeing that Luo Jiuli didn't take it seriously, he tugged on her sleeve and said, "You know, you know!"

"I know, I know!" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, "It depends on what people are doing. Remember not to make such a big fuss next time. Give gifts to everyone. If my wife knows, do you still want your pocket money next month? wanted."

"Didn't I hear that King Yi didn't see anyone when he returned to the capital? I'm afraid I won't be able to see anyone if I don't make too much noise. How about it? Dad is very smart, isn't he?" Luo Gan smiled with wrinkled eyelids.

Luo Jiuli: "."

So you’ve met someone now?

She couldn't bear to tell him, "On behalf of the royal family, King Yi went to the inn to receive envoys from various countries."

"." Luo Gan's smile disappeared in an instant, and he looked at the people who were still queuing up to receive gifts with a distressed look on his face, "You mean I won't be able to see anyone today? Then my gifts will be in vain??"

"It's not a free gift." Luo Jiuli patted him on the shoulder and said sincerely: "At least when King Yi comes back, he will thank you for helping to provide money to please his wives!"

(End of this chapter)

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