Chapter 36: No need, thank you!
Luo Gan was messy in the wind: "."

He went down to Jiangnan and came to the palace before even returning home. In the end, he came to nothing!
Luo Gan was unhappy and said he would wait in the mansion for Jun Mohan to come back.

His daughter got married three years ago. His father was thousands of miles away and had never seen his son-in-law. This time he finally came back. If he had the chance, he had to see him before leaving.

Otherwise, in a few days, he will go away again for business, and he will not be seen again.

Looking at Luo Gan who had finished three cups of tea in front of him, Luo Jiuli was speechless.

"I said, Dad, just go back first. Why don't you have someone notify you when he comes back?"

"No!" Luo Gan raised his head and drank another cup of tea. He put down the cup and Xin Yi filled it for him.


Old stubborn!
Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes and was too lazy to persuade him. He turned a page in his storybook, held his head and continued to read his own.

At this time, Zisu came in from outside and said a few words in Luo Jiuli's ear.

As soon as she finished speaking, before she could react, Jun Mohan's voice came from outside the door, "Dad is here, why didn't Ali send someone to tell me?"

Luo Jiuli: "."

If I didn’t send someone to tell you, wouldn’t you have come back in a hurry?
Looking at the people coming in from the door, Luo Gan hurriedly stood up and saluted, "Common people, see you."

"Hey, Dad is so polite." Jun Mohan supported Luo Gan, "Ali is my princess, and you are Ali's father. Naturally, you are also my father. This family does not use these false etiquette."

Luo Jiuli: "."

This daddy, daddy, you can call it quite smoothly!

"Your Majesty, I'm so embarrassed!" Luo Gan was flattered.

Don't look at him being careless in front of his daughter, like a fool.

But he is still the richest man after all. In essence, he is still a veteran, and he has the tact that should be expected in the business world.

He knew what he should do and what he shouldn't do.

"We are all our own people here, dad doesn't have to hold it." Jun Mohan asked Luo Gan to sit down and personally served him a cup of tea.

At this time, Kang Xiang came in from the door, carrying something unknown in his hand, covered with red silk.

He walked up to Jun Mohan and bowed, "Your Majesty."

"Yes." Jun Mohan responded, reaching out and pulling open the red silk covering it.

A set of fine gilt purple clay pots appeared in front of everyone.

"This, this is..." Luo Gan looked straight at him.

He doesn't have any hobbies, but he likes purple clay teapots.

He carefully took the cup and looked at it, then put it back gently, then held the pot lovingly and looked at it. When he saw the handwriting on the bottom of the pot, he was surprised: "This is Yu Zhen's original handwriting!"

Luo Jiuli was slightly startled and looked sideways.

Yu Zhen was a well-known calligrapher during the Taizu period.

His handwriting is wild and unruly, just like a person who values ​​etiquette but is not bound by etiquette. During his reign, he did a lot of good things for the people's livelihood.

If a gilt purple clay teapot has a price.

Then, the gilt purple clay pot with Yu Zhen's authentic work is priceless.

"I left this when I was fighting against Xuanyue last year. I saw it was pretty and kept it." Jun Mo smiled coldly, "I didn't notice any Yu Zhen's authentic relics at the bottom of the pot. My father is very discerning, so I kept it in my hands." Pearls are covered in dust. In that case, this gilded purple clay pot bento is my gift to dad."

Luo Gan was so focused on the gilt purple clay pot that he couldn't bear to touch it.He didn't care what Jun Mohan called him.

Hearing Jun Mohan say that this pot was given to him, he nodded repeatedly, "Hey, okay, okay, good boy!"

His eyes were so straight that he couldn't even blink.

Luo Jiuli's mouth twitched slightly.

hehe!A hot chicken with negative combat power!

I bought him a pot!


Luo Gan was left to have dinner, and he and Jun Mohan had a jug of wine each in front of them, and they seemed to be talking by candlelight at night.

After three drinks...

"Brother! You don't even know how I have lived all these years!" Luo Gan burped drunkenly and put his hand on Jun Mohan's shoulder, "As for my wife, you know, you don't know, she , burp, when she got angry, she wouldn’t let me go into the house to sleep, and she also made me kneel on the washboard, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!”

Luo Gan spoke with runny noses and tears. He raised his head and drank a glass of wine. He patted Jun Mohan's shoulder vigorously and continued to cry: "You, you said that I am the richest man after all, right? But I have so much money in my pocket." None of you are clean, burp, my wife, my wife only gives me this, this amount every month!"

Luo Gan made a gesture.

Jun Mohan was also drunk. He looked at Luo Gan's hand and nodded understandingly, "Well, 50 taels is a bit small!"

"No, it's not!" Luo Gan waved his hand and took a bite of food, "It's five, 500 taels. You said 500 taels is so little, what can you do?"

He picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Jun Mohan, "Brother! You must not become a big brother in the future. It's so miserable for me to be hugged by my wife. I'm so miserable!"

"Don't worry, Dad, A-Li is a gentle person. She treats me very well!" Jun Mohan also picked up the wine glass, clinked it with him, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Hey, brother, what you said is so, so false! My daughter, whether she is gentle or not, do I, the father, still know?!"

Luo Jiuli held his forehead silently, unable to watch any longer.

Such a messy name!

She hooked her hand at Xin Yi.

"Master, what's wrong?" Xin Yi squatted down and asked softly.

Luo Jiuli glanced at the two people who were still clinking glasses and drinking, and helplessly whispered a few instructions in Xin Yi's ear.

"Yes, slave, go now." Xin Yi received the order, turned around and left with a slight blessing.

At the wine table, the two of them continued.

"Let me tell you, my daughter has practiced martial arts since she was a child and followed her master, that old man Bai Hua, who often traveled around. You said she is a girl, but her mother and I didn't want to treat her as a lady. Yes, but the world is so dangerous, isn’t it? She’s a girl running around with an old man, which parent wouldn’t be worried!”

He knocked on Jun Mohan's desk with his fingers, "If it were you, brother, would you be worried?"

"Well, worry!" Jun Mohan nodded heavily.

"But, brother, my daughter is still good, you have to be nice to her, you know!" Luo Gan took a sip of wine, "You, you have to be nice to her, but you can't just leave like you did before. For several years, that was not good, not good!”

"I have been away from the capital for three years and have wronged A Li. Don't worry, father, no matter where I go from now on, I will never leave A Li alone." Jun Mohan took the opportunity to show his loyalty.

Luo Jiuli: "."

No need, thank you!
After an unknown amount of time, as Luo Jiuli looked eagerly, a woman's figure finally appeared at the door.

The woman has fair skin, wears dark sapphire blue clothes, and moves elegantly and dignifiedly.

(End of this chapter)

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