Chapter 340 Huan Sheng
Luo Jiuli was spinning around in a daze, but she still let Luo Gan go, just to reassure him.

"Li'er, don't scare daddy. You are daddy's only precious daughter. If something happens to you, how will daddy and mother-in-law live together!"

"Dad, I'm fine." Luo Jiuli was so dizzy that his words were weak and light.

"It's okay? It's okay. Why are you still talking like this? If you are still uncomfortable in any way, please tell daddy quickly. It's okay for daddy."

"Quickly, please stop turning Li'er around again." Shu Yaxian caught Luo Jiuli and stopped Luo Gan from making any further moves. "The way you turn around, Li'er will be fine even if nothing happens."

She helped Luo Jiuli sit down with a half-hug, half-hug, and looked at Qiao Su opposite, "Brother Qiao, come and take Li'er's pulse to see if she is OK or not, so that we can all be informed." Don’t worry.”

"Hey! Yes, yes, brother, come and feel Li'er's pulse."

Before Qiao Su could react, Luo Gan hurriedly pulled him to Luo Jiuli's side.

Xiao Yue'er stood up and offered her seat, "Uncle Qiao, sit down."

"Hey! What a good boy!" Qiao Su praised and sat in Xiao Yue'er's seat.

Luo Jiuli was still dazed, so Shu Yaxian took her hand and exposed her wrist so that Qiao Su could take a pulse.

While Qiao Su was checking his pulse, there were obviously many people in the hall, but they were as quiet as chickens. They all held their breath and waited for the results, and you could hear a needle drop.

Until Qiao Su stopped and said, "What a loss of energy and blood, it's obviously so good!"

Only then did everyone return to their original lively appearance, talking, laughing, eating and drinking.

"You little liar, you lied to me about the panacea, didn't you? Please return all my treasures to me!"

Qiao Su reached out to grab the bottles and jars on the table that Luo Jiuli had not yet had time to collect, but Luo Jiuli was already awake, how could he let him succeed, so he quickly took them into his arms.

"If you give it to me, it's mine, and you're taking it back. What's going on?" Luo Jiuli stuck out his tongue playfully, but refused to give it back.

Qiao Su: "Hey, you little girl is a liar. Just now you were obviously saying that you were losing energy and blood, so I was willing to take out these treasures. But now, you are fine, please return them to me!"

"No, no!" Luo Jiuli raised his head, "Give it to me and it's mine. I don't want to take it back."

"Hey, you girl..." Qiao Su didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Okay, you, the famous Poison Ancestor, want some magic elixir but can't make it, so you have to steal it from my good disciple?" Bai Hua helped, knowing that Luo Jiuli was fine, so he ate two more peanuts.

"No, you are so stingy, and you still want my daughter to become your teacher. Tsk, tsk, tsk, that's hard!" Luo Gan raised his glass and touched it with Bai Hua.

The two of them looked at each other with smiles in their eyes, and then drank it all in one gulp.

"I'm stingy! You two have gone too far!" Qiao Su waved his hand, "Well, if you don't want to give me back the panacea, it's okay, unless Jiuli girl becomes my teacher today. In this way, not only will I not be able to give you what I just said, Now that the panacea has been taken back, I can give some more to Jiuli girl, what do you think?"

Qiao Su looked at everyone expectantly, thinking that he could take Jiuli girl as his disciple, and he was quite excited.

Everyone said in unison: "Not so good!"

Qiao Su: "…………"

After lunch, Luo Jiuli stopped teasing Qiao Su and wanted to return the bottles and jars he had given him.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Su, who had been clamoring to take the things back just now, refused to take them back when Luo Jiuli sent them back with both hands.

"You really think your Master Qiao is stingy and he was just teasing you. Put the things away. Take the one with the white porcelain red plug and the one with a flower underneath. Take one pill into water, three times a day, for seven days. ." Luo Jiuli's body looked fine on the surface, and even she thought it was fine, but in reality it was deeply wounded. Although the injury was small and unnoticeable, it was really there.

If left alone, it will become like a spark in the long run. Next time, just a small wind chill can kill her.

"Hey, thank you Master Qiao!"

When Luo Jiuli left, everyone except Bai Hua sent her to the door. It wasn't until she disappeared around the corner that they reluctantly looked away and closed the door.

Suddenly, at the corner, Luo Jiuli just turned around and saw Bai Hua waiting there at the end of the alley.

The alleys are crowded with people and are the only way to get to the busy city.

"Young Master, this is Master Bai." Luo Jiuli was dressed in a man's attire. When she left Luo Mansion, Zi Su called her Young Master.

"Yes, I know. You will go back to the palace later, and Master and I will have a chat alone."

"it is good."

In the bustling street, there is an endless flow of people. Luo Jiuli and Bai Hua both put their hands behind their backs and walked side by side.

From a distance, he looked like his master and disciple, even his walking posture was exactly the same.

"Master, don't worry, I'm really fine. Although the Dark Talisman is dangerous, it only targets ghosts. I'm a human. If I hadn't been just conscious at that time, he wouldn't have been able to hurt me."

"Sir, would you like some fragrant and sweet candy?"

The vendor blocked Luo Jiuli's path with exquisite candy figures. Luo Jiuli saw that the candy figures were lifelike and beautiful, so he bought two.

"Thank you, sir. Come back next time after you have eaten. I have always been on this street and at this location."

"Master, candy man." Luo Jiuli wanted to make Bai Hua happy.

If it were just a normal day, Bai Hua would definitely enjoy the meal even more than Luo Jiuli, but seeing that Luo Jiuli didn't take An Xi Fu seriously, he snorted angrily.

"You can eat whatever you want. Do you know how dangerous that dark talisman is!"

"Do you think that just because you are human, the charm can't hurt you?"

"Do you think that if it weren't for Huan Sheng, you would still be alive today?"

Bai Hua became angrier as he talked and walked faster and faster. Luo Jiuli had to run to catch up.

"Huansheng? What is it???" Luo Jiuli had never heard this name before, but she vaguely guessed it from Bai Hua's words, "Could it be this?"

The magic weapon she has always worn on her body has nothing but a safety buckle around her waist.

"So it's called Huan Sheng. Is it a very rare magic weapon? But when you gave it to me, didn't you say it was just a gadget you made casually? Didn't you say it wasn't worth a lot of money? ?"

It's really not Luo Jiuli's fault. When Bai Hua withheld this Ping An to her, no, it couldn't be said that he gave it to her, but threw it to her. When he threw it to her, his face showed a look of disgust as much as he wanted. A look of disgust.

'I don't like this Ping An Kou, I don't like it. It's not worth much money anyway, so I'll give it to you so you can play with it. '

With this expression and the way he talks casually, if it weren't for Luo Jiuli, if it were someone else, this Huansheng would still be able to survive until now?

(End of this chapter)

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