Chapter 341 This smelly old man is so powerful!
Maybe someone had thrown it somewhere.

"Knickknack? Worthless?"

Bai Hua turned around and looked at the thing hanging on Luo Jiuli's waist.

"Do you think that if you take care of the two things inside, one of them is lame, why can he slowly recover after staying here for a long time? How about you try another place?"


Luo Jiuli was speechless. She always thought Bai Hua had a profound Taoism.

"What do you mean one of them is lame!!!!"

When Wen Yi heard this, she was furious. When she came out, she bared her teeth and claws at Bai Hua.

"Smelly old man, tell me clearly, who is lame and who is lame!!!!"

Bai Hua hasn't opened his eyes and can't see her, but if he can be Luo Jiuli's master, he must be capable.

But with a wave of his hand, Wen Yi was frozen in place, unable to move even without using the magic talisman.


She struggled hard, but found that she couldn't even speak.

"Have you never looked at this thing carefully?" Bai Hua said to Luo Jiuli, "Pick it off and take a closer look under the sun to see if there are any cracks inside it."

According to what Bai Hua said, Luo Jiuli actually saw a thin crack in Huan Sheng.

The cracks are so fine that no one would be able to notice their existence without the help of sunlight and a closer look.

"What's going on? I didn't drop it either!"

Luo Jiuli felt a little distressed. If she had known earlier that this thing was a treasure, she should have known that this thing was a valuable commodity. She would have put it at home and hid it, instead of wearing it around every day.

It's okay now, it's too late to say anything.

It’s all broken, oooooooo! ! !

"Hey! Wait, wait, wait!!" Luo Jiuli was sad, and suddenly thought, "Listen to what you mean, the reason why I was injured by the Dark Talisman and was still unharmed is because it blocked the Dark Talisman for me. All the harm????”

"What do you think?" Bai Hua raised his chin in the direction of Wen Yi, "Why don't you ask her? Has the recovery speed of the soul body been slower recently?"

Luo Jiuli looked at Wen Yi. Wen Yi could not move or speak. She could only move her eyes up and down to prove what Bai Hua said.

"That's true!" Luo Jiuli was shocked. She looked away and asked Bai Hua tentatively, "Then... what would I have done if there was no Huansheng?"

The white flower floated back to its four characters, "Destroyed in ashes."

"It's actually so serious!" Luo Jiuli froze on the spot.

It wasn't until Bai Hua walked several steps away that he came back to his senses.

At the same time, more than fear, I am happy.

Fortunately, she had Huansheng, and fortunately her life was not affected by this matter, otherwise she would not have time to cry.

Her life was hard-won, and there were so many people around her who she cared about and who cared about her. Even for them, her life couldn't be thrown away so easily.

"Otherwise? Do you think the Talisman of the Most Yin and Evil will just make you sleep for a few days and recuperate for a few days?"

Bai Hua was very relieved to see that Luo Jiuli finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

He warned: "Just remember, you must not use the Tong Ming technique before Bai An is captured. Otherwise, if you encounter him again, even Huan Sheng won't be able to protect you a second time."

Luo Jiuli used a secret technique to relieve Wen Yi's body-holding technique and caught up with Bai Hua.

"I know Master."

Wen Yi regained her freedom, but she no longer dared to approach Bai Hua, let alone bared her teeth and claws at him.

This smelly old man is very powerful!
And it’s fierce!Can't afford to offend!

Luo Jiuli took Bai Hua's hand and rubbed her head on his shoulder, wishing she was dressed as a daughter, but he was wearing men's clothes.

This coquettish behavior is really weird, really eye-catching, and it really attracted the attention of many people around him.

They whispered and pointed.

Among them, some women were eating melon seeds and gossiping while leaning on pillars, and their words were particularly unpleasant.

"In broad daylight, under the clear sky, there are still people who behave like this, without shame or shame!!!"

"It's just a good man's behavior. What's secretive is that in the street... Hey, shameless, shameless!!!"

"It's a pity that such a good-looking young man can't find any kind of girl. Why is he so confused that he finds an old man who is half buried in the soil."

"Hey, do you think it's possible? This old man is just a plain old man, but he's actually a rich man hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

They spoke so quietly that others could not hear them clearly unless they were in a circle with them.

Who is Ke Luo Jiuli?Who is Bai Hua?
With their martial arts and their hearing, how can they not hear?
"A bunch of tongue-tied women!"

Luo Jiuli let go of Bai Hua's hand and walked aggressively in front of the gossiper, folding his arms and firing at full strength.

"Who doesn't have a son and a father? You don't, you don't, or you don't?"

Luo Jiuli glanced at several people one by one.

Perhaps they were caught gossiping behind someone's back, or maybe they were frightened by Luo Jiuli's overwhelming aura, but none of the women who had just made reasonable statements now dared not speak.

"Your son goes out on the street, holds hands with his father, plays coquettishly, kisses him, or hugs him or carries him on his back. Is this what Longyang does?"

"If that's the case, I think the men in your family should stop going out on the streets in the future, so as not to offend the morals, be shameless, and irritate people's eyes. Why do you go out on the streets? You can just stay at home and be a househusband and take care of yourself. How nice of you."

"Hey! How can you talk like this!"

The word "man" touches one of the pain points of women.

"Whether my men go out on the streets or not is none of your business!!!"

"If there is a man in my family, it will be your turn to make irresponsible remarks to me here!!!"

"If I had a man in my family, let me tell you, if you are like this, I will beat you until you don't know how high or how thick the sky is!!!"

"I'm going to let you talk and make your mouth dry. Let me see if I don't tear your mouth apart today!"

The woman rolled up her sleeves and was about to beat Luo Jiuli. Her tall and thick physique made it difficult for the other women around her to hold him back.

Luo Jiuli did not hide when he saw this, but slowly grabbed a few melon seeds from the hand of the woman next to him and gnawed them, as if the woman was not about to beat her.

Looking at such a leisurely and leisurely appearance, there is still a bit of provocation in it, which makes people really angry.

"Ha! Look, she, she doesn't even take me seriously!!!"

The woman grinned in anger. She was only a few steps away from Luo Jiuli. She stepped forward and waved a greeting to Luo Jiuli's face with her big hands.

Luo Jiuli remained unmoved and had his own backup plan. Bai Hua also stood aside and watched the show with a completely unconcerned attitude.

However, before she could take action, a tall figure stood in front of her and received a loud slap for her.

"Yong, Yongnian, you, why are you here? Oh, hey, let me see if it hurts. You said you, it's not a good time to come. You have to come when my mother is beating this guy without any protection, and you are still teasing me. Come to me and slap me, hey, does it hurt so much?"

The man ignored the woman's words and turned to look at Luo Jiuli.

"Hey, hero, are you okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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