The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 342 Why is it that Zhang Zhang doesn’t do anything good when he meets you?

Chapter 342: Why do nothing good happen to you every time I meet you?

"Cao Yongnian, why is it you?" Luo Jiuli frowned slightly.

She took two steps back to keep her distance from him, and looked at the brothers Cao Yongchu, Mao Sihu, and Zhang Huai who followed.

Luo Jiuli looked disgusted, "Nothing good happens to you every time I meet you!"

The first time I met them, they were setting up a stall in front of her Ruyi Restaurant, but it turned out that they stole her money, a total of 50 taels!
The second time she met them was at Granny Liang's house in Tianshui Village. She kindly took Granny Liang home to see her granddaughter, but because of these idiots, she was imprisoned again!
The third time she met them was now. She and her master were being talked about without saying a word, and she was almost beaten!

A bunch of bad guys, she had to stay away from them.

Seeing Luo Jiuli looking at them like gods of plague, Cao Yongnian and his brothers looked at each other with speechless faces.





What a shame!

Dou E was not as unjust as they were!

What do you mean, nothing good happens when you meet them every time?
It's obvious that nothing good will happen to them when they meet her, right?

At first, they were forced by life to perform in the arena. Although they were not professional cheaters, they still made a lot of money by relying on their chests to break big rocks.

However, just because they met Luo Jiuli, their situation was ruined.

They initially defrauded Luo Jiuli of 50 taels of silver, which was good, but in the end, didn't Luo Jiuli take back the capital and profits? !
Moreover, he also beat them up.

Needless to say, since they chose to do this business in the first place, they had already prepared for the worst.

Not to mention, Luo Jiuli didn't turn them over to the government, so it wasn't the worst.

After being beaten by Luo Jiuli, they rested for a while. After recovering from their injuries, they planned to stay away from the capital and set up stalls and perform again under the condition of ensuring that they would not meet Luo Jiuli.

But who would have known that as soon as they left the stall, a group of people appeared out of nowhere to disrupt their business.

That group of people was very skilled and well-trained, and they cooperated very well.

They couldn't beat them again and again, so they had to change places to continue selling their stalls. Who knew that even if they changed places, they would still meet them again.

So, in order to avoid that group of people, they changed places one after another, trying like a cat and a mouse. In the end, it was obviously useless and they still couldn't escape.

After repeating this, Cao Yongnian knew that there must be some big shot who disliked them and did it on purpose.

Their arms cannot twist their thighs, but those who know the current affairs are heroes.

In the end, Cao Yongnian and his brothers were forced to go out of business and switch to collecting accounts for the gambling houses in the town.

But for those who are lucky enough to die, I don’t know if God has no eyesight or if they are just unlucky.

The first time I came to ask for an account, I didn't even ask for it. I also met a dead person. It was obvious that they were people reporting to the government, and they only needed to help the government record a confession.

But it happened that because of his relationship with Luo Jiuli, he ended up in jail.

In prison, he accidentally ate something mixed with Ruanjing powder. After he was released from prison, he lay at home for more than ten days.And now, as soon as they met, he was slapped hard, and his face was swollen high and thick.

So, who is having trouble with whom?
So, are they the plague gods after all?Or is she the bad guy?
Anyone with eyes can see it clearly!
"Well, thank you for what happened this time. Although she couldn't hit me originally, thank you anyway."

Luo Jiuli looked at Cao Yongnian's face. Even though it was completely unrecognizable, his bones remained unchanged.

She said, "Look at your appearance, your relationship is shallow. But you have one chance. If you seize it, you will be a happy couple and have children and grandchildren. But if you miss it, you will be lonely and lonely."

"Later, you go to Ruyi Restaurant to find Du Qing, the shopkeeper, tell me my name and ask him to bring you a marriage talisman as a thank you gift."

"Hey! You bastard! Who do you think is helpless and who ends up alone! Let me tell you, in our Yongnian family, there are so many girls from all over the country who want to chase him or marry him. We're waiting in line, don't talk nonsense here!"

The woman pulled Cao Yongnian behind her, like a hen protecting her calf.

"My Yongnian received such a big slap for you, and his face is swollen. Do you think a marriage-breaking charm can get rid of us? I tell you, there is no way!"

Not only is the woman's body larger than the average person, but her voice is as loud as a bell.

The roar is deafening.

"Bah!" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes and plucked his ears disdainfully, "Blow, you keep blowing, I'm listening, I'm not blind, and girls are lining up to marry you Yongnian."

Luo Jiuli glanced at Cao Yongnian and said, "With the way he is, it would be great if a girl is willing to marry him."

Luo Jiuli said this not because Cao Yongnian was bad or how bad he was. In fact, he was pretty good in both aspects.

But his love relationship is really shallow, and even the slightest chance seems to be likely to disappear at any time.

"Believe it or not, love it or not, I am not the one who hits people, and I am not the one who slaps people. It is my generosity to give you a marriage amulet as a thank you gift!"

"If anyone wants to get anything else from me, such as money, don't even think about it, there is no way!"

It's true that her Luo family is the richest family, and she is rich, but she doesn't let others use it to make such a fuss.

Luo Jiuli finished speaking, turned around and left.

"Do you have a conscience or not? If your conscience is eaten by a dog, it doesn't matter. My Yongnian was slapped for you. Is it worthless? You are still not a human being. Let me tell you, today if you... ………”

The woman was agitated and still yelling.

Cao Yongnian was afraid that she would say something unpleasant again, so he hurriedly stopped her, "Auntie, stop talking, hey, do we still have anything to ask of this hero?"

Xu spoke too fast, causing injuries on his face, causing him to take a breath of air.

Don't say that they have something to ask Luo Jiuli now, let's just say that when they were in prison, King Yi could personally come to pick Luo Jiuli out of prison, and even gave up his position as dog officer and master for her. This shows that the relationship between the two is very close. .

Sometimes he even doubted whether the big shot who ordered people to disrupt his business was King Yi.

However, suspicion is just suspicion after all, and he has no evidence.

Moreover, even if there is evidence, even if that person is really King Yi, so what?
He couldn't beat it again.

"Begging him?? Hero???" The woman looked at Luo Jiuli's back, then looked at Cao Yongnian, and said, "She is the person you said can help find the big guy???"

"Well, that's her." Cao Yongnian stabilized the woman, then caught up with Luo Jiuli, stopped in front of her, and knelt down, "My hero, please wait, I have one more thing to ask for, please help me, hero." !”

(End of this chapter)

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