Chapter 343 You eat this vinegar too

"I won't help." Luo Jiuli refused, walked around him, and continued walking.

Bai Hua and the others didn't try to dissuade him. Anyway, Luo Jiuli had his own opinion whether to help or not.

"Hero, please help us!"

Mao Sihu, who followed, performed a stalking technique. He and Zhang Huai hugged Luo Jiuli's left and right feet, making it impossible for her to move forward.

Cao Yongnian and Cao Yongchu entangled Bai Hua who was walking with them.

"Master, please, please, you are very familiar with the hero, you are always good, please help us say a good word to the hero, can you let the hero help us?"

"We were originally five brothers, but now one of us has been missing for several days. The people in our village searched here and there for a long time but couldn't find him. Then I remembered that you said your name was Bai Xi, didn't you, hero? , you are Master Bai Xi who is now famous in the capital, right? You should do your best to help us find the big names, find the big names!"


Luo Jiuli was speechless when a few tall and thick men behaved like this on the street. She just felt that the crowd of people watching the excitement had not completely dispersed, and now, it seemed, there were even more.

"Okay, okay, lead the way!" Luo Jiuli broke free from the two men's grip and looked at Cao Yongnian and Cao Yongchu who were still clinging to Bai Hua, "Why don't you let go?"

"Uh hehe, okay, let go, let go." Cao Yongnian and Cao Yongchu smiled awkwardly and hurriedly let go of Bai Hua's hand.

"Although my old man is strong, he can't stand what you do like this. If he gets hurt, I won't show you a good look!" Luo Jiuli threatened with his fist.

The brothers Cao Yongnian laughed and apologized, "How could it be possible? Even if you lend us [-] courage, hero, we wouldn't dare to hurt the master."

"Okay, less ink stains." Luo Jiuli kicked Mao Sihu on the butt. "Hurry up and lead the way. You can't let me tell you where people are going on the street."

Mao Sihu stumbled, and if Cao Yongnian hadn't caught him in time, he would have almost fallen.

Cao Yongnian and others led Luo Jiuli and Bai Hua out of the busy city and stopped at a dilapidated cabin at the end of the street.

"This is the house of one of my brothers. The house is a bit dilapidated. Don't mind it, Master Daxia." Cao Yongnian walked at the front. When he opened the door, a handful of dry grass and ashes fell down, landing directly on Cao Yongnian's head, "Hehehe , It’s been unoccupied for a long time, it’s okay.”

The woman came with them and knew that Luo Jiuli was the hero they were looking for. She poured water for Luo Jiuli and Bai Hua and apologized lamely.

"I am a woman who has never seen much of the world. Just now I was just talking nonsense with my sisters. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Master Hero, I don't remember the faults of villains, so don't argue with me, who is a woman. I'm sorry, sorry!!!" "

Luo Jiuli didn't feel anything was wrong. He took the water naturally and took a sip, "If I really cared about it, I wouldn't follow him."

Cao Yongnian had already explained the relevant matters on the way here.

She looked at him and asked, "Does Lu Daniu have his horoscope?"

"Yes, yes, yes!!!" Cao Yongnian took out a piece of red paper from his waist and handed it to Luo Jiuli, "I know that to calculate those things, you must have horoscopes, so I specially asked for this before I came."

Luo Jiuli took the red paper and opened it. The eight characters on it made Luo Jiuli look startled.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Luo Jiuli's expression, Bai Hua came over, snorted coldly, and said, "Ha! He does know how to find someone."

The horoscopes are like facial features. If there is an aura of death, it can be seen at a glance.

The owner of the zodiac sign originally lived a long life, but now there is a faint decay and black air. It is obvious that he has been exposed to bad luck and is in danger!
This sudden death was either an accident or man-made.

The black energy appearing in the horoscope is man-made.

In addition, Lu Daniu's horoscope is Yin, Moon and Yin. Although it is not completely Yin, it still accounts for two of them. It is not useless, at least it is better than nothing.

Almost as soon as they looked at their horoscopes, the same name came to mind for Bai Hua and Luo Jiuli, Bai An!Are they going to torture Lu Daniu to death like Gao Lan and then take his heart?

Luo Jiuli didn't dare to delay, so he immediately sat cross-legged and counted with his fingers, hoping that there would still be a chance to save his life.

Seeing the solemn expressions on Luo Jiuli and Bai Hua's faces, Cao Yongnian and others felt their hearts pounding and did not dare to ask, for fear of disturbing them by making noises.

"Why do you look like this? Is he a great guy?"

Before the woman could finish her words, Cao Yongnian immediately stopped her, pointed at Luo Jiuli, and made a silencing gesture, signaling her to be quiet and not to disturb Luo Jiuli.

The woman nodded and said no more.

At first, Luo Jiuli calculated for a long time but could not find the traces of Lu Daniu. Bai An must have used forbidden magic to erase the traces of the person as before.

The time was getting longer and longer, everyone was waiting anxiously, and the woman had to endure it hard. If Cao Yongnian hadn't been watching her all the time, she would have been chattering non-stop.

There was no trace to follow, and just when Luo Jiuli thought it would end in failure, a turning point came suddenly.

She suddenly opened her eyes, "Mass grave!"

"What!" The woman's voice was so loud that the roof of the house almost fell down, "Dan Niu is in a mass grave! Is it true?!? Why is he in a mass grave!!!"

Brothers Cao Yongnian felt a bad premonition in their hearts. They thanked Luo Jiuli and left in a hurry.

Luo Jiuli and Bai Hua followed closely and walked out.

But when we arrived at the mass grave, there was no one there.

"Could it be that it has been picked up by corpse collectors?"

Late at night, when Luo Jiuli returned home, the candles in Jinglan Courtyard were dimly lit.

It was Jun Mohan who was waiting for her.

Luo Jiuli's heart felt warm, "Why haven't you fallen asleep yet?"

"How can my husband sleep soundly alone until my wife returns home?"

Luo Jiuli approached, Jun Mohan reached out and took him into his arms easily. Looking at the tired look on the face of the person in his arms, he smoothed the messy black hair on his cheeks, and a trace of distress appeared on his handsome face. He hugged the person tightly Tighter.

"What do you mean when you leave the house today? Why do you look tired, but you are tired?"

Luo Jiuli huddled in Jun Mohan's arms, hugging him back in the same posture, resting his chin on his shoulder, and sighed lazily, "Oh! Don't mention it, I just wanted to go home to see my father today. My mother and I didn't expect that we would meet Cao Yongnian and his brothers on the street when we came out of Luo Mansion, they..."

"Cao Yongnian? Male??" Jun Mohan instantly became jealous.

Luo Jiuli was helpless, "."

Can you still have fun and be jealous?
Moreover, can you pay attention to the key point that people want to express? Is the key point the man? ? ! !

Thinking like this, she still sat up, held Jun Mohan's face, and kissed him hard on his thin lips, "Fool, you are jealous too. You obviously know Cao Yongnian, okay? This time, didn't you come to save me, and then..."

The cherry lips are blocked by someone, and the faint scent of sandalwood lingers, which makes people sink.

(End of this chapter)

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