Chapter 344: What does a thousand-year-old bastard pretend to be?
Until there was a bang at the door, the two of them looked at each other.

"Sorry, sorry, I, I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it, I just came to take a look, hehe, take a look, you guys keep going."

Wei Yan was so stared at by Jun Mohan that his scalp went numb. After explaining quickly, he turned around and ran away.

However, after running for two steps, he fell back, picked up the broken bowls and chopsticks on the ground, gathered up the white rice scattered on the ground, looked at the two people who looked at him again in the room, and laughed, "Hehe, hehe, My humble job is just to deliver a meal, now it’s better, now it’s really good, you guys just keep going.”

Wei Yan was holding the dirty food, bowing and retreating step by step. In addition to the flattering smile on his resolute face, there seemed to be a trace of gritted teeth.

Luo Jiuli didn't know, but Jun Mohan knew very well. Wei Yan must have been tricked by that old fox Kang again.

Luo Jiuli: "Has he always been so stupid?"

"Yeah." Jun Mohan didn't hesitate.

"Haha." Luo Jiuli's mouth twitched slightly, "You should respond so quickly. After all, this person is a soldier under your command or a personal soldier. Don't you know how to protect him a little bit?"

"Why does this old man protect him?" Jun Mohan hugged Luo Jiuli, sniffed close to his ear, and said gently: "The only one I have to protect for my husband is my wife."

"Hey!" Luo Jiuli jumped up, with accusations in his almond eyes, "Why don't you be so disgusting!"

Jun Mohan raised his lips and smiled without saying a word.

'Boom! 'There was a knock on the door.

Luo Jiuli turned his head and saw Kang Xiang standing there, smiling as always, his narrow eyes gleaming like a fox, unable to hide.

Behind him were Zisu Xinyi and Wei Yan who had just escaped from here, each carrying food in their hands.

"Prince, Princess, it's late at night, do you want to eat first?" After Kang Xiang asked, his eyes fell on Luo Jiuli, and he added with a smile, "This food has been hot for a while, I'm afraid it won't be as good if I don't eat it again." Delicious."

Look, he is indeed an old fox. Although he didn't say it clearly, didn't he say that Jun Mohan cared about her, so much that he didn't even eat, but just heated the food and waited for her to come back to eat together.

"Princess, why did you come back so late? My servant and Sister Xinyi thought you had followed Master Bai back to live in Luofu!" Zi Su said while putting the dishes on the table.

Luo Jiuli took Xin Yisheng's meal and said, "No, I just encountered something on the way."

Zi Su nodded and put down the last plate of food in her hand, "The concubine just came back from the palace."

"Xiao Ruoling?" Luo Jiuli paused while picking up the rice. She has not forgotten the injustice she made her two girls suffer when she was not in the house. She also gave her Buddha's lotus and Buddha's dew flower concentrate, and she also had a good reputation. Say pray?
Haha, forget about praying for her uncle, she will also pray for her today.

Luo Jiuli put down his bowl and chopsticks, and casually wiped the food residue from the corner of his mouth with his sleeves. He looked like he was fighting, "Where are you now? Ningshuang Courtyard?"

"It's a good time to eat, don't worry about the rest." Jun Mohan gave Luo Jiuli the chicken legs she liked to eat, and then winked at Kang Xiang, who nodded understandingly, as if he knew it, and was offended. People's affairs really fell to him again, and he had to do it again.

Seeing Kang Xiang's appearance, Wei Yan, who had just been lured in by him to explore the way, finally felt better.

An old fox, a thousand-year-old bastard pretending to be whatever he wants.

Looking at Kang Xiang's leaving figure, Luo Jiuli's red lips were slightly curved, with a clear smile in his eyes, but he said softly: "Oh, it's already midnight, I think the concubine and sister must have fallen asleep, let's go and disturb her now. Isn't she okay?"

"." Wei Yan has been tempered for a long time, and now his expression has not changed, except for his eyeballs moving.

This is also a person who eats people without spitting out their bones.

Everyone knew her, so she was pretending to be someone who had never seen her crushing rocks with her bare hands.

"How about I go with him? Lao Kang is so thin, what if he meets that shrew like Mother Jiang and he can't handle it."

Luo Jiuli said that he was about to chase Kang Xiang, but Jun Mohan pulled him back, "Eat first." Luo Jiuli was not happy, "That prayer flag?"

"I know how to make it." Jun Mohan continued to add vegetables to Luo Jiuli's bowl.

"There are also thousands of rules and regulations"

"I will copy it."

The next day, the morning light leaked through the clouds like gold and filled the entire Yiwang Mansion. The golden light shone, the petals were wrapped in dew and fell down, soaking the winding stone road. The grass on the side was swaying, like a baby waiting for feeding, trying hard to absorb nutrients and rise up. .

Not far away, two maids were walking hurriedly carrying porcelain jars, cloth strips and other items.

"Sister, why would the person from Ningshuangyuan want these things this early in the morning?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, haven't you heard? That guy knelt in the ancestral hall all night last night."

"Ah? Kneeling all night? Why is that?"

"Who knows? It's said that in order to pray for the unborn little prince in the palace, I want to make prayer flags with my own hands!"

"Pray for blessings? Prayer flags? How is it possible? Didn't the concubine enter the palace a few days ago to accompany Concubine Shu? Wouldn't it be better to pray at the national temple? How could it be possible?"

"Okay, don't talk anymore. It's better for us slaves to talk less about the masters' matters. When we get to Ningshuang Courtyard later, be sure to talk less and leave as soon as you're done."

"Well, thank you sister for the tip. Don't worry, I know."

After noon, several servants sneaked out of the backyard carrying two large bags.

Immediately, rumors spread around the house.

"Hey, have you heard about it? Someone in the backyard carried the dead man out at noon."

"Ah, dead people! Where did the dead people come from in the house?"

Luo Jiuli has been in control of the house these years. Although she doesn't care about current affairs on the surface, Xin Yi still watches her in private.

The two masters and servants played the role of one strong and one weak, singing and harmonizing to take care of the palace very well.

At least he won't take the lives of innocent people.

Therefore, while it is normal for other families to die, in Prince Yi's Mansion, it is considered big news.

"I heard that two little girls who didn't know the seriousness of the incident collided with the concubine and mentioned the stillborn little prince, so they were beaten to death with sticks. At that time, someone was sweeping the wall next to Ningshuang Courtyard and listened with their own ears. When I arrived, I said the screams were incredible."

"Hey! You said it wrong. It's two people, but it's not two girls. There's only one girl, and the other one is He Meiren!"

"Ah? What a beauty? Is she the concubine of the Household Secretary? The one who talks about having a son all day long when the prince is gone?"

There are many beauties in the mansion, and the forces are complex. In addition, there are occasionally a few with the same surname, so it is normal for the maids to have one or two beauties they don't know.

"Yes, that's her, what a beauty."

"Oh? I think this sister knows something. Please tell us in detail."

(End of this chapter)

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