Chapter 346 Prepare for funeral!
"It's okay." Luo Jiuli shook his head, throwing away a trace of sadness, and said to Jun Mohan with a smile, "I just thought of a joke, can I tell it to you?"

"Okay." Jun Mohan placed a gentle kiss on Luo Jiuli's forehead, looking at her with doting eyes.

"In the past, when the elder brother was checking his younger brother's homework, he asked the younger brother, why did you write "nose" for "answers to all questions"? "Answer to all questions"? The elder brother hit the younger brother on the head, saying that he was not serious and should be beaten, but the younger brother did not do it. He said unconvinced, "Why is it not a nose? I asked you a question that day, didn't you snort with your nose and leave?"

"Hahahahahahaha, is it funny to ask questions or not? Hahahaha, this brother is such a live treasure, so funny hahahaha!!!!"

Luo Jiuli laughed so hard that he turned around. Jun Mohan was unmoved at first, but seeing Luo Jiuli's appearance, he started laughing too, "Hahahahahahahaha."

"It's funny, hahahaha. I'm telling you, there's another one that's even funnier."

Luo Jiuli sat up from Jun Mohan's arms, changed from his delicate look just now, waved his big hand, and hugged his shoulders boldly. Those who knew knew that the two were husband and wife, and those who didn't knew thought that the two were buddies.

"One day the master asked A Ming, do you like small animals? A Ming said yes, the master was pleased and asked, how much do you like it? A Ming thought for a while, how should I put it, just have them all!"

"Hahahahaha, every time, hahahaha, this is how he likes small animals hahahahaha!!!!"


She was making trouble and he was laughing, and the scene was very warm. It wasn't until Kang Xiang came over and saw something wrong with his expression that the laughter stopped abruptly.

"What happened?" Jun Mohan asked.

Kang Xiang: "Mo An is back and seriously injured."

"What's going on?" Jun Mohan led Luo Jiuli downstairs.

Kang Xiang followed closely, "Last time, the Xiao family intercepted a person into the house, and within a few days they threw the person into a mass grave and wanted to burn him. Mo An rescued the person, and then he was chased and killed. Fortunately, Mo Yu arrived in time, otherwise his life might have been in danger."

Mo An was placed in Wei Yan's house. When Jun Mohan and Luo Jiuli arrived, the lights were brightly lit and the room was dead silent.

Mo Yu knelt on the bedside, his face and body were stained, and he was seriously injured.

Kang Xiang said, "The people on the other side are all dead soldiers."

Dead warrior, no wonder he could injure the secret guard commander and deputy commander so seriously at the same time.

Hearing the noise, Mo Yu turned her head sluggishly, with two lines of clear tears and blood hanging from the corners of her eyes. She bowed deeply to Jun Mohan and Luo Jiuli, and kowtowed loudly, "Prince, Princess, please Save him, save Mo An."

The Mo Yu whom Luo Jiuli knew had always been cold and aloof, like a cold swordsman, heartless and ruthless.

If it hadn't been a matter of life and death, why would his voice be trembling?

"Wei Yan has already gone to ask Doctor Wan. You are also seriously injured. Get up quickly and let Zi Su and Xin Yi give you some medicine first."

Luo Jiuli felt a little distressed. Mo Yu was not much older than her. Even strictly speaking, with modern experience, she was much older than her.

The young girl had no father or mother, and now she had to face the loss of her only relative. The world was difficult and she was alone and helpless. How could Luo Jiuli not sympathize with her and not feel sad for her.

That's right, it's lost.

Before she even set foot, she saw the lifelessness of this house from a distance.

"I don't, I can't afford it." Mo Yu cried and shook his head, "I want to see Mo An, I want to see that he is fine."

She dragged her feet and knelt back to the head of the bed, leaving a pool of blood where she had kneeled, soaking the floor tiles.She held Mo An's hand, put it to her cheek, and rubbed it as if to absorb the warmth, "Brother, A Wu is here. A Wu is not going anywhere. You have to hold on, the imperial doctor will be here soon, he will be here soon."

Awu is Mo Yu's nickname. In the past, Mo An liked to call her that.

'Awu, my brother followed the prince to Yuhu Lake in the desert today. There he actually saw a golden feathered bird that only exists in the forest. Don't you like its beautiful feathers the most? So my brother plucked its feathers and made them for you. Pen. '

'Ah Wu, my brother saved someone. To express his gratitude, he gave me a piece of warm jade. Now my brother will give it to you. May Ah Wu live in peace in the capital forever. '

'Awu, brother saw a child today who looks like you when you were a child. '

'Awu, after months of severe drought, it finally rained in the border area, but the rain seemed to pierce the sky, and it fell so hard. The prince was leading troops to dig ditches for flood control, and so was my brother. '

Mo Yu was truly remorseful. She had always thought that after her parents died, she had lost her heart and could only survive in this world. It wasn't until Mo An's accident happened that she suddenly realized that she had not lost her heart, but that she still had the last bond.

If she had known this, she should have written a few more words in her reply and expressed more concern instead of hastily replying.

'It's boring, so don't do it. '

'I am Mo Yu. If I call A Wu again, I will stop writing. '

'Oh. '

'understood. '

Luo Jiuli sighed heartily and stopped trying to persuade him. The life and death of his only relative was unknown, and no one else would be able to give him the medicine with peace of mind.

She glanced at Mo An, who was lying there, with a lifeless face. The black night jacket was punctured in the chest, and blood was gurgling. The rest of the place was also dripping with blood, and there was no flesh anywhere.

On the other side of him, on the small couch facing the window, lay a man covered in blood, with the same lifeless face and pale lips.

Seeing her looking over, Kang Xiang said, "This is the person who was kidnapped by the Xiao family."

Luo Jiuli: "I know, Lu Daniu."

He was indeed kidnapped by the Xiao family. So when Cao Yongnian came to find her, why he couldn't figure out anything at first, and why he could suddenly figure it out again, it all makes sense now.

At first, I couldn't figure out where he was because he was still in the Xiao family and still under Bai An's wings. As for why I could suddenly figure out later, it was that he had been thrown into a mass grave to be burned.

No wonder they couldn't find anyone when they rushed to the mass grave. It turned out that they had been rescued by Mo An.

No wonder they chased until dark but couldn't catch up and couldn't find anyone. It turned out that Mo An was leading people to avoid being chased.

"This Lu Daniu has lost all his three souls and seven souls, leaving only a body. Even if he is revived, he is nothing more than a walking corpse. Alas!" Luo Jiuli sighed, "For this reason, he ignored himself and fought until he had only one breath left. How could he be so stupid. "

When Wei Yan came with Dr. Wan, Luo Jiuli was not here. Instead, he went to Luo Mansion to invite Qiao to stay.

Qiao Su and Luo Gan had just finished drinking and talking and fell asleep when Luo Jiuli dragged them to Prince Yi's Mansion.

When they arrived at the door, Dr. Wan had just finished the diagnosis, "Your Majesty, I have tried my best. The young man by the window will wake up soon after taking medicine, but this young man... well, let's prepare for the funeral!"

Hearing this, Mo Yu felt as if the sky was falling, his vision went dark and he fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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