The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 347: The hemp rope is specially selected for thin cuts

Chapter 347: The hemp rope is specially selected for thin cuts
When I woke up again, it was already midnight the next day.

Zi Su happened to push the door open and come in, holding ointment in her hand. Seeing the person on the bed moving, she looked happy and said, "Sister Mo Yu, you are finally awake!"

"Brother" Mo Yu's throat was dry, and two lines of clear tears flowed down from the corners of his eyes.

"Commander Mo is fine, don't worry." Zi Su quickly put down the things in her hands and quickly walked over to hold Mo Yu up, telling her not to move.

"Are you okay?" Mo Yu was already seriously injured, but after sleeping all day and night, his body was so exhausted that it was difficult to even speak.

"Well, it's okay. Just lie down. Master Qiao said that you are seriously injured and you need to be healthy."

After hearing what Zi Su said, Mo Yu's body finally softened and he lay down obediently, no longer struggling to get out.

Zi Su took advantage of the situation and sat down by the bed, opened Mo Yu's clothes, gently opened the cloth belt, and applied the medicine. However, a day later, the wound was still hideous and dripping with blood.

"Those bastards who suffered a thousand cuts were so ruthless." Zi Su couldn't help scolding.

She soaked the towel with warm water and wrung it out. Even though she was angry in her heart, she still wiped Mo Yu's wound gently.

Knowing that Mo Yu was eager to know about Mo An, after wiping the wound, she said while applying medicine to him.

"Yesterday the princess went to invite Master Qiao. Master Qiao is the ancestor of all poisons. He used Gu poison to force Commander Mo to live for seven days."

"Seven days." Mo Yu grabbed Zi Su's wrist and struggled to spit out two words.

"Yes, seven days." Zi Su took Mo Yu's hand away, continued to apply medicine on it, and continued: "Originally, it was seven days, but my master was kind-hearted and gave the prison butterfly ghost orchid to save Commander Mo. "

"Prison Butterfly Ghost Orchid, this is the best elixir. Master Qiao specially gave it to me. I heard that it can make the living dead with flesh and white bones, but it's so powerful that I didn't even give it to my eldest young master after he asked for it over and over again. Woolen cloth!"

Mo Yu knew about Prison Butterfly and Ghost Orchid since he was walking around the world since he was a child.

I just didn't expect that this legendary holy product of the world would be in the Luo family.

I never expected that such a precious thing would be used by the Luo family to save Mo An without any conditions.

It's not that Mo Yu is looking down on himself, it's that the world is like this, the rivers and lakes are like this, and everything in the world is like this.

They are secret guards, servants, people who cannot see the light, people who walk in the dark side of the world.

Their lives are worthless.

If it were another family, the hidden guard would be dead after being seriously injured like this, and I'm afraid they wouldn't even ask for a doctor, so as not to waste money.

But the prince and princess not only hired doctors, but also hired the best doctors and used the best medicines.

Mo Yu felt grateful, clutched the corners of the quilt tightly, and secretly determined that she would risk her life to protect the prince, princess, and everyone in the Luo family.

"Zisu, is Mo Yu awake?" Xin Yi came in from outside. Before he finished speaking, he saw Mo Yu who was already awake on the bed.

She smiled slightly and said to Mo Yu, "You have finally woken up after being in a coma for a day and a night. Master Qiao said yesterday that you would wake up at this time, so I specially cooked millet porridge and we will drink it after the medicine is given."

Xin Yi was afraid that Zi Su would not be serious, so he put the millet porridge and decoction in his hand on the table, took the ointment and applied it to Mo Yu himself.

Xin Yi looked at Mo Yu closely and noticed that her lips were dry and peeling.

She applied the medicine and blew on it for fear of pain. She said to Zi Su without raising her head, "Pour a glass of water for Mo Yu to moisten his lips. Be careful not to burn them."

"Hey, okay!" Zi Su responded and poured a glass of water.

Mo Yu couldn't get up for fear that she would choke, so Zi Su dipped chopsticks in water and soaked her lips bit by bit.After the medicine was given, he helped the person up and gave him water first, then porridge, and then medicine, taking care of him very carefully.

After drinking water and eating, Mo Yu finally regained some strength, and his throat was not as dry as before. Although he was hoarse, he could still speak.

"I'm fine. You don't have to take care of me like this. You can go ahead. The princess cannot be without people around her."

"It's okay." Zisu shook his head, "Master said, I don't have to go anywhere today, I can just stay here and take care of you."

"Yes, let Zi Su accompany you." Xin Yi put away the dishes and chopsticks, "You guys talk, there is something else in the courtyard, I need to take the first step."

Mo Yu leaned on the bedside and looked at Xin Yi's leaving figure, "Mo Yu is so virtuous that he can let you help him so far."

"Whatever stupid thing you say, you are still not the same Mo Yu who said it all."

"You are a member of our Jinglan Courtyard, and we are sisters. If you say anything about whether to help or not, if you are so polite, I will be angry."

Zisu pouted and snorted.

After spending so much time together, Mo Yu had already figured out Zisu's temperament. Hearing this, he just smiled weakly and stopped talking.

Although Mo An was pulled back from the brink of death by Qiao Su, his heart was pierced by a sharp sword, so he died long ago.

Now, although he has taken the Prison Butterfly Ghost Orchid, his life has been completely saved, but the injury is really too serious, and he may not be able to wake up for a while.

Even if it is not easy to survive, it is very possible to lie down like this and not wake up.

In modern terms, he might become a vegetative state.

Although Lu Daniu lost three souls and seven souls, he had no external injuries and his physical condition was not bad. In addition, Luo Jiuli used magical weapons to help him, and he was able to recall one soul and one soul in time, and he woke up within a few days.

It's just that people are a little silly.

"It's okay, it's okay, just be stupid, as long as you are still alive, thank you, hero, thank you, hero!!!!"

On the third floor of Ruyi Restaurant, Cao Yongnian arrived as promised. When he saw that the brother he had been looking for for a long time had finally been found, he immediately went to pull Luo Jiu away with excitement.

Luo Jiuli ducked sideways. He was not embarrassed. He and his brothers kowtowed to Luo Jiuli, "Thank you, hero. We will never forget your kindness."

"Okay, okay, don't bow." Luo Jiuli stopped him, "I don't need your thanks, as long as you can do more good deeds in the future."

When Cao Yongnian came this time, in addition to his brothers, he also brought an old woman.

The old woman was seriously ill and was carried here. She was afraid that Cao Yongnian would be like the previous days, saying he was looking for Daniel, but there was no news for several days, so she followed him stubbornly.

Even if she was being carried, she would still follow.

The old woman had already burst into tears when she saw her son, whom she had raised for decades, but who had become stupid after not seeing him for just a few days.

"God is really blind. He is specialized in cutting thin hemp ropes!"

"The old lady was seriously ill and couldn't even get out of bed. Now even her only son has become crazy and stupid. Oh God, how can we orphans and widows survive? Cough cough cough!!!"

The old woman has been ill for a long time, and her mood swings should not be too great. When she gets excited, she will cough violently and cannot stop until she coughs out blood, and then her body becomes paralyzed and unable to move.

(End of this chapter)

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