Chapter 348 The Ghost in the Wood
When Cao Yongnian and his brothers saw this, they felt anxious and hurriedly gathered around, worried.

Cao Yongnian: "Aunt Jiang!!!"

Cao Yongchu: "Aunt Jiang, how are you doing!!!"

Mao Sihu: "Aunt Jiang, are you okay!!!"

Zhang Huai: "Aunt Jiang, the big cow has become like this, please take care of yourself and don't scare us!!!"

"I I didn't cough cough cough."

The old woman wanted to say that she was fine, but as soon as she opened her mouth to say two words, she couldn't stop coughing again.

This time the coughing was even more severe, as if he wanted to cough out his lungs before he would stop. Blood entered his throat, and with a pop, it spread all over the floor.

Now the Cao Yongnian brothers were even more panicked. They said sorry to Luo Jiuli at a loss and hurriedly carried the old woman away.

"Wait." Luo Jiuli raised his hand to stop, looked at the old woman and said, "This is Yin Qi entering the body. If you don't understand the cause and effect, even if you go to the medical center and take more medicine, it will not help. "

"What! Yin energy enters the body???"

Before finding Lu Daniu, Cao Yongnian had half-doubts about Luo Jiuli. Now that Lu Daniu has found him, he has no doubts about Luo Jiuli.

After hearing Luo Jiuli's words, he immediately clasped his fists and knelt down, "Please save Aunt Jiang, my brother. In the next few days, my brother will only follow the hero's lead!"

Cao Yongchu, Mao Sihu, and Zhang Huai also knelt down and shouted in unison: Please save Aunt Jiang, my brother will only obey the hero's lead in a few days! "

Luo Jiuli ignored it. She put her hands behind her back and took two steps closer. She looked around the old woman and counted with her fingers.

"Is there a big locust tree in front of their house? Or is there a big locust tree in your village?"

"Yes Yes Yes Yes!!!!"

Cao Yongnian raised his head sharply. Although he had already believed in Luo Jiuli for a long time, now that he heard her ask this question, he became even more convinced.

He said excitedly, "There is a big locust tree, but it belongs to Lao Wu's family. Their two houses are next to each other, which can be regarded as in front of Aunt Jiang's house."

"Yes, the big locust tree belongs to my family." Zhang Huai said, "It has been there since I was born. That's how I got my name."

"How old is that big locust tree?" Luo Jiuli asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard from my mother that it was moved from my maternal grandfather's house. The trunk of the tree is so strong that five people can barely hold it." Zhang Huai clenched the corners of his clothes tightly and looked at Luo Jiuli and asked cautiously. , "But what's the problem?"

The old woman vomited blood twice and was close to fainting. Her eyes were half-open and cloudy. She looked steadily at Lu Daniu, who was pulled by Cao Yongchu and knelt down with a dull expression. There was distress, unwillingness and helplessness in her eyes.
Xu was furious, and another large mouthful of blood spilled out from the corner of his mouth, slowly flowing to his cheeks and ears, dyeing his gray hair red. Then he tilted his head, closed his eyes completely, and lost consciousness.

"Aunt Jiang!!!!" Cao Yongnian, Cao Yongchu, Mao Sihu, and Zhang Huai shouted in unison.

Luo Jiuli remained calm in the face of danger, and took out Zhang Lingfu from his waist, "Urgent like a law, the turbid air will be cleared!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the magic talisman on his fingertips turned into a ray of golden light, which penetrated into the middle of the old woman's eyebrows and traveled throughout her body.

The golden light was like a warm glow, bringing a bit of life and taking away a bit of darkness and death wherever it went. Until it spread all over her body, the old woman's face finally looked better, as if she was recovering from a serious illness.

Others can only define whether an old woman is good or bad by looking good or not.

And Luo Jiuli saw that indeed, the body that was originally filled with Yin Qi was swallowed up inch by inch by the golden light, until there was no trace of Yin Qi in his body anymore.

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious for now. However, although I have removed all the Yin Qi from her body, the key to whether she can wake up is the big locust tree in front of the door."

"Sophora japonica is a ghost among the trees. It's a good place to go because it's old. I'm afraid it's full of ghosts." Hearing this, Cao Yongnian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, "My hero, what do you think I should do? As long as I can To save Aunt Jiang, we just need to cut down the ghost tree."

Zhang Huai stammered, "Cut, chop?"

"Well, cut it off, otherwise what else can we do? Are you still reluctant to do it?"

Mao Sihu thought that Zhang Huai was unwilling, and showed no anger on his face.

"Don't forget how Aunt Jiang treated us brothers with all her heart."

"Now that ghost tree has caused Aunt Jiang to look like this. If we don't cut it down, what else will we do with it?"

"Didn't you hear what the hero said? It might be filled with ghosts. Now that we know it's causing trouble, if we don't cut it down, what if the ghosts inside don't think it's enough and want to harm the whole village. "

Zhang Huai waved his hands repeatedly, "No, it's not that I can't bear to leave, it's just my mother."

Mao Sihu: "Whether Fifth Aunt agrees or not, if Aunt Jiang is like this, the ghost tree must be cut down. Maybe Daniel is like this because of the ghost tree!"

"Yes, that ghost tree must be cut down!" Cao Yongchu shouted in agreement.

Lu Daniu was beside him, his eyes empty, like a puppet on strings. He would kneel when he was asked, and stand when he was asked to stand. There was no extraneous expression on his face.

"Okay, okay, don't argue."

Luo Jiuli turned around, walked to the table, moved the blank yellow talisman on the side to the middle, picked up the pen, and waved.

In just a moment, a spiritual talisman came into being.

When the ink on the talisman dried, she picked up the talisman again, folded it into a triangle, and placed it on the old woman's chest.

"The old locust tree can't be chopped down if you want. If you chop it down carelessly, I'm afraid it will cause even greater disasters."

"What?" Mao Sihu's eyes widened, "Can't even chop it down? What should we do? We can't keep that harmful tree forever, right?"

Cao Yongnian: "Yes, hero, we can't keep that big locust tree forever. If this happens, what will Aunt Jiang do? Do you have any ideas? Tell me quickly. We all listen to you."

Luo Jiuli stood up, walked around the table, took off the wooden sword, held it in his hand and danced twice.

"Although Sophora japonica is a ghost in the tree, it gathers yin and attracts spirits, but if used properly, it can also transform evil spirits and exorcise evil spirits, and can control the house."

"Don't go back to your house when you return to the village today. Find a place farthest away from the locust tree to stay, and ask a doctor to check it out. Don't put out the lamp beside your bed at night, otherwise it will be dangerous."

"It's getting late now. You just need to survive tonight. I will go and see for myself tomorrow."

Luo Jiuli paused for a moment, thought for a moment, fearing that they would not pay enough attention to it, and continued, "The human body is like a container, divided into two qi, yin and yang. When yang is strong, yin is weak, and yin is strong and yang is weak."

"Whether Yin is strong or Yang is weak, the combination is full and the container is full, no more and no less."

Luo Jiuli raised his chin in the direction of the old woman, "Her current body is a typical case of yin and yang decline. Although the yin is gone now, the yang is not restored overnight and can be restored immediately."

"Just like this empty bottle, it looks round and full, but in fact it is completely empty inside. It needs to be cultivated."

"Of course, in addition to self-cultivation, we must also prevent Yin energy from entering the body again. This is the most important thing at the moment. I put a magic talisman on her body. This is one, and the other is the lamp tonight. But Qian Stay safe Wan."


(End of this chapter)

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