Chapter 349 How many concubines can you have?

The next day, the wind was clear and cloudy.

Luo Jiuli ran into Xiao Zuo as soon as he went out. He saw her dressed in a man's clothes rolled off the wall. Xiao Zuo stalked her, no matter what she said, he would pester her and go with her.

Luo Jiuli was helpless, thinking that he had indeed promised him before that he would teach him some techniques and let him open his eyes and see the ghosts, so he compromised and agreed.

Outside Fushan Village, before Luo Jiuli arrived, he saw Cao Yongchu and Mao Sihu from a distance, followed by several villagers who came to join in the fun.

Who in their village doesn't know that the old Zhang family's daughter-in-law regards the big locust tree as more important than her life, watering it day and night, and feels very distressed even if a leaf is missing.

Now I heard that someone actually wants to attack the big locust tree, which is a great excitement for the village.

Someone pointed at Luo Jiuli and Xiao Zuo who were walking towards them and asked, "Old Cao family, is this the master you are talking about? So young???"

"Yeah." Cao Yongchu responded, "She's very capable!"

After finishing his words, he ran towards Luo Jiuli and waved, "My hero, you have finally arrived."

Seeing someone following Luo Jiuli, he asked doubtfully, "Who is this?"

"My brother."

The word "brother" that Luo Jiuli blurted out made Xiao Zuo's back straighten up, as if it was something to be proud of.

Luo Jiuli was walking in front and could not notice his changes, but Wen Yi and Kuang Yan in Huansheng did.

The big one and the little one looked at each other and pursed their lips at the same time, making a look of disdain.

"Oh, good brother, good brother." Cao Yongchu greeted with a smile.

"Hey, who is your brother?" Xiao Zuo rolled his eyes, walked a few steps and stood side by side with Luo Jiuli, holding her hand, smiling like an idiot, "Only my sister, oh no, only my brother can call me that." I."

"Hey!" Luo Jiuli said that goosebumps were rising, and he pulled out his hand with force, "Can you be normal? You are a tall guy of 1.8 meters, so please don't disgust me with your pretentiousness."

"Hey hey hey~"

Xiao Zuo scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. Although he didn't know what Luo Jiuli meant by feeling, he still knew whether it was good or bad, but he still smiled stupidly because Luo Jiuli said he was her brother.

Sister Luo said he was her brother, hehehehehehahahaha! ! ! ! !

Wen Yi and Kuang Yan stared at each other, "."

I'm afraid he's not a fool! ?

Cao Yongchu caught up with Luo Jiuli, fearing that Luo Jiuli would think it was disrespectful to her that only he and Mao Sihu came.

He was the first to explain: "Last night when we came back, we lit a lamp beside Aunt Jiang's bed. The boss has been guarding it personally, and he still doesn't dare to relax."

"Lao Wu's mother has a deep affection for the big locust tree. He is still kneeling at his house to beg for her."

"As for the second child, you know what kind of hero he is. It's not easy to take him out."

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli had no such thoughts. He just thought he was looking for a topic, so he casually agreed and said, "Take me to see Aunt Jiang first."

"Hey, okay, okay." Cao Yongchu nodded, approached the crowd, and pulled Mao Sihu, "Old Four, Old Four, you take the hero to the bamboo forest to see Aunt Jiang, and I'll go see Lao Wu and see what he's doing How are you doing?"

Before Mao Sihu could respond, a villager in the crowd took the lead in shouting loudly.

"Hey, Master, I heard that you are very powerful. I wonder if you can help me calculate how many litters my dog ​​can give birth to this time. Will the puppies born have the same temperament as my cat? If they do, forget it. If they don't, forget it. Is there any way to solve it?"

"And me and me. My family hid private money at home. I saw it with my own eyes, but I couldn't find it after searching it over. Master, please help me do the math. If you find it out, I won't interrupt. His dog legs!”

"Some people say that my grandson was born as a literary star and came to earth. The master helped the old man calculate whether he could be the leader of high school in the future? What kind of high official can he be? How many concubines can he have?" Luo Jiuli said in confusion in the wind: "."

Except for the last one, what the hell are all the others? ? ? ?
Forget about where the private money is, what about whether cats and dogs have the same temperament? ? ?

"Pfft!" Xiao Zuo couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud, "Hahahaha, uncle, you asked us to calculate how many dogs a dog can have and whether they are compatible with cats. Why don't you just ask us to calculate how many dogs are in the house? A rat hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!”

"That's okay. It would be better if we could count how many mice there are in the house."

Luo Jiuli: "."

Is he really someone who dares to speak out and respond as if she doesn't exist?
"Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!" Xiao Zuo laughed even louder, his stomach hurt from laughing, "Hahahahaha, brother, do you always do this to others outside? Hahahahaha!!!! "

Luo Jiuli glanced at him and gave him a death stare.

Xiao Zuo was startled and his laughter stopped abruptly.

But his trembling shoulders and flushed face showed how hard he endured it.

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, "Laugh if you want."


Xiao Zuo looked up to the sky and laughed, his laughter was so magical that it made the villagers, as well as Wen Yi and Kuang Yan in Fantasy Sheng, all affected by it and burst into laughter.

"Okay, okay, third cousin, Aunt Hu, please don't cause any trouble. Hero, brother, let's go this way."

Mao Sihu covered his mouth and smiled. While leading Luo Jiuli, he turned back and said to one of the old men.

"And your Grandpa Huang, your grandson has only been born for three days. He hasn't even taken a sip of milk, and his teeth haven't even grown yet. You've already started to worry about women for him. What's the hurry and what's the trouble!"


Everyone laughed even more.

After the laughter, some people followed Luo Jiuli toward the bamboo forest, and some people still had work in the fields and walked into the fields carrying hoes.

When he arrived at the place where Aunt Jiang was staying, Luo Jiuli didn't do anything. He just took out the magic talisman she put in yesterday from her arms.

As she expected, after a night, the magic talisman no longer had the charm of yesterday. The color was a little darker, and one corner was as black as fire.

"What's going on?" Cao Yongnian stayed up all night and was unshaven. "We didn't even move the talisman, so why did it turn black?"

Luo Jiuli took out Zhang Xinling Talisman from his arms and put it on Aunt Jiang. He glanced at the bedside candlestick and asked Cao Yongnian, "Did the candle go out three times during the night?"

"Yes, it was destroyed three times, but I lit them all in time." Cao Yongnian's heart tightened, "Is there something wrong?"

"It's okay. The dangerous night has passed. There's no need to keep watch anymore."

Luo Jiuli knew it well, but because it involved more profound Taoist knowledge, he was afraid that it would get out of control when he talked about it, so he didn't plan to explain more.

She put her hands behind her back, took a few steps to the door, and stopped in front of Mao Sihu.

"Take me to see the big locust tree."

"Hey, okay, okay, let's go this way."

Luo Jiuli followed Mao Sihu and walked out. After walking a few steps, he turned back and glanced at Lu Daniu, who was sitting on a stool in the room, stunned. At some point, a spiritual talisman appeared on his fingertips and handed it to Mao Sihu. before.

"Put a red cloth over this and put it on him."

(End of this chapter)

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