The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 350: Hanging on the rope is like hanging in autumn

Chapter 350 Hanging that end on the rope is like swinging
"Hey, great, thank you, hero!" Mao Sihu happily accepted it without asking why.

Ever since he saw the magic talisman at Ruyi Restaurant yesterday and suddenly turned into golden light, and after walking around Aunt Jiang a few times and Aunt Jiang's complexion improved, he now looked at Luo Jiuli as if he were a god.

The things given by the gods are naturally good things, so he just accepts them and does as he pleases, asking endless questions.

He put the magic talisman in his arms and said, "I'll ask my mother to help with the embroidery later, and I'll bring the certificate to Daniel. Hey, hero, brother, go this way, go this way."

The bamboo forest is in the west and the locust tree is in the north. The village is not big. A few people walked and chatted, and they arrived in less than a quarter of an hour.

The trunk of the big locust tree is thick and thick, and you can see that it is lush and green before you arrive. When you get closer, it looks like a towering ancient tree, towering into the clouds.

Summer is when the branches and leaves are luxuriant. No matter how hot it is, it feels cool when you approach the trees.

Under the tree, others could only feel the coolness coming from them, which was very refreshing. Even a gust of wind would make them cool.

But in Luo Jiuli's view, even though the green trees can block the clouds and the sun, the ghosts living in the trees are the real source of coolness.

When Xiao Zuo first approached, he shouted that he felt comfortable, and even found a tree branch to lie down on. But after staying there for a while, he rubbed his arms and said, "Why is it so cold?"

He flew down, approached Luo Jiuli, and asked in a low voice, "Sister Luo, there must be no ghosts in this broad daylight, right?"

"What do you think?" Luo Jiuli looked up at the locust tree, "Without that thing, what do you think I am here for?"

"Is it really true?" Xiao Zuo's eyes lit up and he held Luo Jiuli's hand, "Then I want to see it too!"

Mao Sihu also heard Luo Jiuli's words, and a gust of wind happened to blow by, making his scalp feel cold.

He asked Luo Jiuli, "My hero, what do you want us to do?"

Luo Jiuli looked back, "Gather all the strong men in the village and bring hoes."

"Okay!" Mao Sihu was overjoyed. Thinking that he could finally get rid of the ghost tree, he went to the village to gather people.

After Mao Sihu left, Luo Jiuli looked at Xiao Zuo, "Really want to see it?"

"Yeah." Xiao Zuo nodded without hesitation.

"Okay then!" Luo Jiuli didn't try to dissuade him. He took out a small porcelain jar from his sleeve and threw it to Xiao Zuo, "Old man Bai happened to give me this. You can apply it yourself."

The black corpse mud was so disgustingly dirty that she didn't want to touch it.

All your life's wishes are tied to this thing.

Xiao Zuo took the small porcelain jar and wiped it on his eyelids, regardless of whether it was dirty or not.

Before he could even raise his head after wiping, several cold and eerie voices came to his ears.

"Cancancan, what is he wiping on? How dare he smear it on his face when it's so dirty."

"I don't know, but I feel a little scared when I look at that thing."

"Cancancancancancanyou has really disgraced all of us ghosts. You are a ghost yourself. Are you still afraid of those ghostly things?"

"Cancancan smells so good. These two outsiders, the old locust tree, can't protect them anymore. Cancancan doesn't know if they will stay here at night. When the night comes, I will go out hehehehehe~ "

"Especially that person, it smells so good!" Yinhun drooled as he watched Luo Jiuli's leaving figure, "None of you will compete with me later, I will have a feast today!!!"

When Xiao Zuo heard this, he raised his head sharply and saw that the big locust tree that seemed green to him just now turned into a gloomy ghost tree in the blink of an eye.The tree is so big that five people can barely hold it.

But the tree is also small, and it is packed with densely packed ghosts from top to bottom, countless, like black clouds weighing on the top, making people breathless.

Especially where Xiao Zuo had been lying just now, there were actually several female ghosts in red hanging there.

Seeing Xiao Zuo looking over, several female ghosts in red immediately swayed excitedly, with their ends hanging on the rope as if they were swinging.

"Hey, my little husband is looking at me. He must have been attracted by my beauty just now~"

"Don't talk nonsense. My husband is obviously looking at me, and he was lying on top of me just now!"

"You two bitches are talking nonsense. I don't care. This man belongs to me. Why did he molest me and touch my breasts just now?"

"How can you call it indecent assault when someone just casually touches your hand? I'm afraid you've never seen a man before."

"Oh, hey, I've never seen a man. I don't know who it is that hasn't seen a man. She made an appointment to die in love with someone on the wedding day, but she died and the man ran away."

These female ghosts in red were all hanged before they were alive. Their faces were ferocious, there were two lines of blood and tears in front of their eyes, and their scarlet tongues were sticking out for a long time. They were supposed to be jealous of each other, but unexpectedly they started to quarrel as they spoke.

"The man just ran away, what can I do? I don't believe he can live forever? This girl is still innocent at least, unlike some people who were dragged and beaten by their own men before they were sold."

"Who are you talking about, you stinky bitch? Who sold it? Who sold it? Tell me clearly. Who sold it? I can't tell you clearly. If you can't provide evidence, believe it or not. I'll tear your mouth apart!"

The ghost is angry, miserable and shrill, and the wind is even worse, causing goosebumps to rise instantly.

Although Xiao Zuo is obsessed with seeing ghosts and is more courageous than ordinary people, he has never seen this battle.

Especially when he saw that the place where he had just been lying was full of ghosts, he was so frightened that he hurriedly leaned in the direction of Luo Jiuli, but unexpectedly, he came to nothing.

Luo Jiuli left long before he wiped the corpse with mud.

"Mom, Aunt Jiang is about to die, but you are still protecting this tree. Your life is at stake, mother!"

Zhang Huai knelt on the ground and begged the woman.

"You and Aunt Jiang have always been the best friends. Now her life is in danger. Mother, how can you bear to turn a blind eye and not save her!"

"Mom, please, please let us cut down this ghost tree, okay!"

"Shut up!" The woman slapped the table and stood up, pointing to the big locust tree in front of the door, and said angrily: "Anyone can say it is a ghost tree, anyone can have an opinion about it, anyone can say to cut it down, but Only you can’t, your life was saved by it, you are the least qualified to say these words!”

Zhang Huai: "Mom, that happened so many years ago. Aren't I fine now? Besides, he was a charlatan. I don't know whether what he said was true or false, but Aunt Jiang..."

"Aunt Jiang, Aunt Jiang, you guys talk about Aunt Jiang all day long, do you still think of me as a mother?"

"You said the person who saved your life was a charlatan, but a magic stick appeared out of nowhere and you worshiped him like a god, and you still want to chop down my tree?"

The woman was furious, carrying a stool and sitting at the door.

"I want to see who of you dares to touch my tree today. You can touch it if you want, unless you step over my body!"

 Has the update been discontinued for too long and no one has read it?If no one sees it, let’s do a small activity quietly. From now on, until [-] noon tomorrow, if anyone votes, we will add another chapter tomorrow. The more people vote, the more chapters will be added. Of course, if I'm lucky enough to have more than two people voting, I won't be able to update too much in one day, so I'll postpone it later. If one person votes, I'll add another chapter tomorrow, and if two people vote, I'll add another chapter the day after tomorrow. , if someone rewards me, I will update it for three days in a row!
(End of this chapter)

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