Chapter 352 So, is he kneeling in vain? ? ?

Luo Jiuli had been standing outside for a while. She knew exactly what trees the people inside were talking about cutting down, but she was just pretending not to know at this time.

Cao Yongchu: "Yes, it was this ghost tree that was cut down. Didn't you say, hero..."

"What did I say?" Luo Jiuli tilted his head, "Did I say to cut down the locust tree? Didn't I say that if used properly, it can also dispel evil spirits and control the house?"

"Ah, that's right, but doesn't this mean that the tree should be cut down?"

Cao Yongchu was confused, as was Zhang Huai, and so was Cao Yongnian who followed closely.

"No matter if you want to cut down the tree or if you have any other ideas, my tree will never be touched. Master, please take it back!"

The third aunt directly issued an eviction order.

Xiao Zuo was unconvinced and was about to say something, but was stopped by Luo Jiuli.

She yawned and stretched.

"Well, in that case, I'll take my leave now."

She walked out slowly, muttering quietly as she walked.

"I saw that the spiritual energy of thousands of talismans was loosening, and I wanted to help stabilize it, but I didn't expect that people didn't need it. Let's go, let's go back quickly and we can still catch lunch."

"Hey! Master, please stay!!!"

Everyone was shocked and looked at the person who spoke.

The third aunt didn't care about anything else. Seeing that Luo Jiuli didn't stop at all, she immediately abandoned her stool and chased after him, blocking him in front of Luo Jiuli.

He asked tentatively, "What talisman did the master just talk about?"

Luo Jiuli didn't care about her and replied: "Thousands of talismans."

Then he tried to walk around her, but Xiao Zuo followed closely behind.

But before he had taken two steps, his third aunt took his hand and said, "Master, please sit inside, sit inside, that's what I see as a woman. She has eyes but cannot see the mountains. I underestimate you. Let's go, let's go." Please come inside please come inside.”

The third aunt's mouth completely changed at this time, and her smiling and attentive look shocked everyone present.

Cao Yongnian: “…………”

Cao Yongchu: “…………”

Aunt Cao: “…………”

Xiao Zuo: “…………”

His face actually changed faster than him? ? ?
Zhang Huai: "…………"

So, is he kneeling in vain? ? ?

He has spent so much time talking, but it still can't be worth a few words from the hero? ? ? ?
Luo Jiuli was half pushed back to the courtyard by her third aunt, and was served all kinds of delicious food and drinks.

Even though this kind of delicious food and drink is nothing to her, these are indeed all they can bring out.

"Her third aunt, what's going on with you?" Aunt Cao pulled her third aunt aside and asked in a low voice, "Could it be that you are like those brats and have been poisoned?"

Seeing Cao Yongnian and others greeting Luo Jiuli over there, the third aunt said to Aunt Cao with a mysterious look, "Don't worry, do you think I'm as stupid as those others?"

"I just recognized the apprentice of the charlatan sorcerer back then!"

"Apprentice?" Aunt Cao glanced at Luo Jiuli, "You mean, she is the apprentice of the charlatan sorcerer???"

The third aunt nodded repeatedly, "When the locust tree was moved from my parents' house, the charlatan said that the locust tree is a ghost tree and cannot be placed directly in front of the gate. But for the sake of my boy, I have no choice but to plant it at the door."

"The charlatan took out a magic talisman from his arms and threw the talisman into the air. There was no fire, but the talisman ignited on its own."

"Then he told me about the thousands of talismans, and how with this talisman, the ghosts in the tree gather together, and it can't hurt anyone at all. It's just that this talisman can only control for 20 years. After 20 years, a destined person will come. this."

"He also said that if anyone recognizes this talisman, it must be his apprentice, which is trustworthy."

When Aunt Cao heard this, she was so surprised that she could stuff an egg in her mouth, "So... God!" It's not that they don't believe in ghosts, they just have never seen one.

Even if you don't believe it, if you ask for help from Buddha, it will never work.

Believe it or not, for example, the new daughter-in-law of Lao Lin's family heard that a ghost hit the wall last night and she is still lying in bed.

"Okay, stop talking, let's go over there, those brats will soon be unable to take care of us."

The third aunt came over with a plate of melon seeds and sat opposite Luo Jiuli with a smile.

"The master eats melon seeds, where did the master learn from?"

Luo Jiuli: "Tianshan Pavilion."

"Oh oh oh!!!" The third aunt pushed the melon seeds in front of Luo Jiuli and asked, "Who does the master study under?"

"Bai Hua." Luo Jiuli cracked melon seeds and answered whatever he asked.

"It turns out that Master studied under Master Bai!"

The idea was confirmed, and the third aunt smiled even brighter.

"It's a coincidence that I had some connections with my master many years ago."

Luo Jiuli spat out the melon seed shells, "He moved this tree here for you, and he left behind these thousands of talismans."

Luo Jiuli was not even an embryo in this era 20 years ago.

But he said it with certainty, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

"Yes, yes, yes, my master must have told me about it, right?"

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli responded, but secretly rolled his eyes.

Think more!
As for her old man, he doesn't interfere in just one or two things. Wherever he goes, if he encounters someone, there is no one he doesn't interfere in.

This little thing is not enough for him to brag about, so how could he possibly talk about it.

Perhaps, I have long forgotten that there is such a thing.

"Everyone just misunderstood, misunderstood, hahaha, I didn't expect that my family didn't recognize my family."

The third aunt was afraid that Luo Jiuli would become thirsty after chewing melon seeds, so she poured her a glass of water.

"Come, come, master, drink water, drink water, and this, this..."

The third aunt shouted something to Xiao Zuo.

"Brother." Cao Yongchu said, "This is the hero's younger brother."

"Oh, okay, okay, come on, brother, drink water too, drink water."

"Hey!" Xiao Zuo didn't buy it.

He would never forget who had scolded them just now, and who had given them the eviction order.

Luo Jiuli didn't care about him and let him go.

The third aunt chuckled, turning a blind eye to Xiao Zuo's face. She opened her mouth and praised: "Hey, look at the young master's face, eyebrows, and eyes. He is definitely something out of the ordinary. I'm sure he will be a great person in the future." A man of action!”

"Pfft!" Luo Jiuli almost grabbed the tea he had just taken in and sprayed it out.

She glanced at Zhang Huai beside her, and then looked at the third aunt who was still praising Xiao Zuo.

Are you sure these are two girls?

With such a arrogant mother, how did Zhang Huai manage to remain silent even though he didn't talk much?
Was it because his mother had finished speaking and he just listened? ? ? ?
As if feeling Luo Jiuli's gaze, Zhang Huai lowered his head in embarrassment.

The third aunt kept praising her more and more fiercely, and she couldn't hold it back anymore. She praised her so much that her left face flushed, and she shouted, "That's enough, that's enough, that's enough, no more, no more, no more!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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