The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 353: What kind of bullshit spread this rumor?

Chapter 353: What kind of bullshit spread this rumor?

"I know that I am very powerful, I know that I will definitely not be a thing in the pool in the future, I know that I will definitely be able to be a high official in the future, but there is no need to have a group of wives and concubines!!!"

Xiao Zuo was afraid that the third aunt would continue to speak out, so he hurriedly clasped his hands towards her.

"I'd like to lend you some good words, I'd like to lend you some good words!!"

"You kid, you are so sensible!"

The third aunt looked at Xiao Zuo like a mother-in-law looks at a son-in-law. The more she looked at him, the more she liked him. She took his hand and patted him.

"I wonder if there is a marriage in the family???"

Xiao Zuoyou was frightened by the third aunt's enthusiasm, and quickly took out her hand, shaking her head and waving her hands, "No, no, no, no, no, no, ah!!!"

As soon as Xiao Zuo finished speaking, Wen Yi and Kuang Yan emerged from Huansheng and screamed in fright.

Out of reflex, he jumped behind Luo Jiuli and pulled her sleeves.

"Sister Luo, Brother Bai, yes, yes, yes"

Although he was scared, luckily he still had sense, and when the words came to his lips, Sister Luo was promptly changed to Brother Bai.

"Okay, come on, drink some water and calm down."

Luo Jiuli looked indifferent, put a cup of tea into his little left hand, cracked the melon seeds, looked at Wen Yi stretching in the air, and Kuang Yan floating around happily, and said to Xiao Zuo.

"What are you afraid of? Aren't you usually most interested in these things? Now that you have finally seen them, you are afraid?"

Luo Jiuli's words made Xiao Zuo feel a little ashamed. He closed his eyes to calm his mind before sitting back down.

Then, he took a sip of tea, calmed down, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

As if he was fully prepared, he raised his head and looked at Wen Yi and Kuang Yan in mid-air, and then looked at the darkness on the other side of the house, the countless ghosts hiding in the big locust tree.

He forcefully explained: "I, I'm not afraid, I, I was just not prepared just now. It's because they looked too scary, otherwise I, I..."

"You? What are you?"

Wen Yi suddenly snarled, and Xiao Zuo was so frightened that he leaned back violently. If Luo Jiuli hadn't pulled him back in time, he would have been thrown backwards.

"Hahahaha, you coward." Wen Yi put her hands on her hips and mocked mercilessly, "That's it, you're still talking about seeing the ghost day and night?"

With that said, Wen Yi approached Xiao Zuo again, face to face with him, only a breath away.

"What's the matter? This princess is ugly? How dare I scare you like this?"

After having the experience of being dragged back by Luo Jiuli for the first time, when Wen Yi came closer again, although Xiao Zuo was still frightened, he was not as scared as before.

He did not answer Wen Yi's question first, but glanced at Luo Jiuli first. Seeing that Luo Jiuli was still eating melon seeds with a calm expression, he knew that Wen Yi must not be a bad ghost.

In addition, although Wen Yi is a ghost, she still has a human form. She looks much more pleasing to the eye than the faceless, dark ghosts in the big locust tree outside.

He picked up the water and took another sip. He seemed to be more courageous.

They all dared to look directly into Wen Yi's eyes and said word by word: "I'm not afraid, I just wasn't prepared, that's all."

"Hey!" Wen Yi rolled her eyes, drifted back, distanced herself from Xiao Zuo, turned around and raised her chin towards the big locust tree, "I didn't know who it was just now. I was almost scared to death there, and then I hurried up to look for him. Is Mrs. Wang here?"

"It's him." Kuang Yan pointed at Xiao Zuo without hesitation.

"I don't have one!" When it came to a man's dignity, Xiao Zuo suddenly raised his head. Regardless of whether it was a human being or a ghost, he immediately retorted, "I don't have one."

Except for Luo Jiuli, no one else could see or hear Wen Yi and Kuang Yan's words.Therefore, Xiao Zuo couldn't say the next four words, "Poopy".

Otherwise, if the other people heard it, it would be a bit self-inflicted.

But just like that, his rebuttal sounded not only not a rebuttal, but also a little guilty.

"You don't? Nothing???"

Wen Yi's gaze moved downwards, landing on an indescribable location. His bright, clear eyes were crooked, and his red lips were slightly raised.

Look at that posture, she is still some kind of graceful and luxurious princess, she looks like a female gangster!

"Female gangster! Pervert! Where are you looking?" Xiao Zuo blushed in embarrassment and subconsciously pulled on his clothes to cover himself.

"I'll just watch it. It's not like I've never seen a man before, but I can't stand a little guy like you!"

"That's right! My cousin can't stand a little one like you!!!"

Kuang Yan and Wen Yi were in cahoots.

Xiao Zuo looked at Kuang Yan and said nothing, but his eyes clearly expressed that he and he were entangled in who was the little one?
Luo Jiuli paused while eating the melon seeds, and couldn't help but wonder.

The eldest princess is the most gentle. What kind of bullshit spread this rumor? ? ?

Regarding Xiao Zuo's behavior of talking to himself in the air, the people around him not only did not notice that he had any mental problems, but were actually wary of him.

The third aunt suppressed her smile and looked around, "Master, is there anything unclean here?"

"Fuck! Who are you calling unclean? Who is the unclean thing!!!"

When Wen Yi gets irritable and unhappy, Xiao Zuo becomes happy and relaxed.

He was so courageous that he had already adapted to the presence of Wen Yi and Kuang Yan after just bickering for a while.

Without the previous fear, Xiao Zuo rested his chin on one hand, drank water, and watched the excitement.

Luo Jiuli finished crushing the last melon seed in his hand, clapped his hands, and turned his head to look at the big locust tree, "Yes, there are many more, where are they."


Ever since the big locust tree was transplanted in front of the door, the third aunt knew that there must be a ghost inside, but because of the thousands of talismans left by Bai Hua, she never worried.

The unclean thing she is asking about now is naturally not the ghost in the big locust tree, but the ghost talking to Xiao Zuo.

Although the third aunt is a country woman, she is also a well-known matchmaker in the village, and she is the most observant of words and emotions.

Seeing that Luo Jiuli kept silent, the third aunt was wise enough not to ask further questions.

Instead, he followed Luo Jiuli's gaze and asked, "Master, do you want to cut down this tree?"

Knowing that Luo Jiuli was the apprentice of the original savior, the third aunt trusted her.

But if Luo Jiuli really said he wanted to chop him down, she was afraid...
"What's the point of cutting down such an ancient tree? Not cutting it down, just moving it." Luo Jiuli said.

"Move??? Where to move???" The third aunt frowned, "Didn't you just say that the spiritual energy of Wanqian Talisman is loose, then we don't move the tree, do you think we just need to leave the spiritual energy of Wanqian Talisman to be stable? Is it okay?”

"No!" Luo Jiuli said bluntly, "If Aunt Jiang has not been invaded by Yin Qi, the method you mentioned is feasible!"

"But now, it can't be done. The ghost has already hurt people. Seeing the benefits, it will only be a matter of time before the seal is broken. If we don't find a pure place where yin and yang can be reconciled quickly, by then, not only Aunt Jiang, you, your son, and even the whole village will... They all have to be buried with him!”

(End of this chapter)

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