Chapter 354 Look, he is such a thin lover

"What!!!" Cao Yongnian exclaimed, "It's so serious, but where are we going to find the pure land of reconciliation of yin and yang you mentioned?"

The third aunt stopped talking this time and remained silent, as if she had some concerns. She opened her mouth several times but hesitated.

Luo Jiuli said calmly, "You don't have to worry about this. I had already chosen the place when I entered the village."

"Master, that" the third aunt asked Luo Jiuli several times, and expressed her concerns, "my son was born because of the locust tree, so the master back then was your master. Your master said that my son was born because of the locust tree." Life, so his fate and destiny in this life are closely related to this big locust tree. If, if we want to move this big locust tree now, then, will my son..."

Luo Jiuli did not respond directly to the third aunt, but first glanced at Zhang Huai beside him.

The breath of the locust tree resides in the body, and this life is really connected with the big locust tree.

"Don't worry, it won't happen." Luo Jiuli said, "This locust tree is an ancient tree. If it is not planted in this location, it is a spiritual tree that can drive away evil spirits and turn evil spirits into evil spirits. Over the years, with the help of thousands of talismans, evil spirits can be committed here. Staying in the position for a long time is the limit. If you don't move, thousands of talismans will be broken and it will be empty inside, which will be the day when your son will die."

"Hero, I have brought everyone!!!"

Mao Sihu came with a group of people. They were carrying hoes and looked menacing, as if they were about to do something big.

As they got closer, someone joked, "My wife from the Zhang family, you have been guarding this locust tree like a calf all day long. Hahaha, why are you willing to dig it up this time?"

"Hahaha, that's not the case. Last time, my kid just climbed up and down a tree and was chased and beaten by you. This time you are willing to do it."

The people in the village are like this. Even if there are any frictions on weekdays, it is just a minor quarrel and it will be over after being talked about. No one will remember it.

If someone needs help afterwards, everyone will put aside their past grudges and help if they can, keeping in mind the friendship between neighbors.

The third aunt glared at the two people talking, "You two should seal your mouths."

Then he ignored it and looked at Luo Jiuli, "Will this tree die after being dug up? If so, my Huaier's life will be in danger. I"

"Don't worry, it won't happen." Luo Jiuli was confident.

"Yes!" After getting the answer she wanted, the third aunt took a deep breath and no longer hesitated, "dig!"

Anyway, if you don't dig out or move thousands of talismans, Huaier may not be able to survive. Now if you dig and move them, not only may Huaier be fine, but you can also save a life. What's more, Luo Jiuli also gave her a reassurance.

If we don’t dig now, when will we wait?
Hearing the third aunt relent, Mao Sihu waved his hand and led the people back to the foot of the locust tree. You hoeed and I started digging.

The ghosts in the locust tree were very excited when they saw this.

"Cancancan, what are these people doing? Do they want to release us all?"

"Cancancancancan, ignorant human beings, I'm afraid they don't know what ignorant and stupid things they are doing, but it's okay. When they uproot this old locust tree, nothing can trap us anymore, and there will be nothing left to trap us." There is nothing that can protect them."

"Dig, dig quickly, I've been hungry for so long, and I'm finally going to have a full meal."

"Look, he is such a ruthless lover. He deceived others into committing suicide and ran away, but now he comes to dig up their homes and destroy them. I really don't want to live anymore!"

The people digging the tree couldn't see the ghost, they just worked hard, but for some reason, they were working hard even though the weather was so hot. Normally they would be sweating profusely, but now they didn't sweat even a drop. Even worse, he felt faintly cold.

"Don't tell me, this locust tree is really amazing. You can work under it on such a hot day without even sweating."

"No, it's really a sacred tree for cooling off. I didn't believe it when someone told me yesterday. I didn't expect that the old Zhang family's daughter-in-law was really willing to dig up this tree." "Don't say she is willing to dig up this tree. Even I can't. Usually I was sweating profusely when I came back from the field, but as soon as I passed here, the sweat disappeared immediately."

Everyone talks and digs, digging and digging, and the movements of their hands never stop.

The same goes for Cao Yongnian. He stayed up all night. Everyone tried to persuade him to go back to sleep first and come back after he had a good sleep, but he didn't want to and insisted on following along, holding a hoe and digging together.

In the end, he was exhausted and fainted to the ground. It was Cao Yongchu and Zhang Huai who fought him back together.

Luo Jiuli stood on a hillside outside the crowd. He was in an excellent position and could have a panoramic view of the people who worked together to dig the tree and the entire locust tree.

Those who don't know just think that she is hiding for a while, but those who know know that she is looking for opportunities.

As for the timing, it will be revealed from time to time.

Xiao Zuo followed her every step of the way, which was called protection.

Wen Yi floated on Luo Jiuli's shoulder and glanced sideways at Xiao Zuo, "Fear is fear, but also protection. Tsk tsk tsk. I have seen a lot of the world, but I have never seen such a shameless person."

"That's right." Kuang Yan nodded, "I've never seen such a shameless person."

Xiao Zuo rolled his eyes, "What else can you say besides being just?"

He put his hands on his hips and said vigorously, "I'm not afraid. I'm a handsome young man with a lot of yang. I'm not even afraid of you two, so how can I be afraid of these things? I'm just afraid that Sister Luo will be afraid, so I stay here to protect her." .”

"Hey!" Wen Yi rolled her eyes, "What do you mean you are not afraid of the two of us? The things in the locust tree are much more vicious than the two of us."

"That's right." Kuang Yan stuck out his tongue, "She's so cute!"

The locust tree has a long history and a huge root system. In order to keep its root system intact, the group of people dug from the time the sun rose in the east to the time when the sun was at the top did not finish digging.

The third aunt called several women who came to help the man's family to cook together. Since it was a last-minute idea, there was no time to prepare the dishes, so they had to pick them freshly from various fields. In addition, the bacon hanging on the hanging beam was reluctant to eat on weekdays. It’s a full table.

"The food was prepared in a hurry, maybe it's a bit unsatisfactory, but don't worry, the food is still enough. You eat with an open stomach, eat enough, drink enough, and work hard in the afternoon. I will go to the city later. Go buy some good wine and food, let’s have something good for dinner!”

As long as the third aunt is not too arrogant, she can still be considered heroic.

After saying these words, everyone was really encouraged and refueled.

When the sun was a little behind, I picked up the hoe and started digging again.

The more everyone works together, the more excited the ghosts become and scream.

"Oh, I can already feel the radiant taste of freedom."

"Yeah, I feel it too. Shinkankankankan. The pretty widow from the next village is always wearing makeup and makeup every time she passes by. She's so sexy. It makes us feel itchy. I must go there tonight when I go out. Let her have enough fun!”

"You stinky men, you think about something every day, don't be ashamed!"

"Hey, what do you know, you hanged ghost? You've been without a man your whole life, and you've only been guarding an empty branch. Are you terribly lonely? Why don't you, brother, let me have some fun first?"

(End of this chapter)

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