Chapter 52

"But you, my hero." Cao Yongnian hesitated.

"I'm not hungry, you can eat." Luo Jiuli interrupted him, put the bowl on the floor, and continued to lie back on the bed. He put his hands behind his head, looked at the roof, and swayed with his feet up, wondering what he was thinking. What.

"Hey, hero, hero!"

Not long after finishing the meal, there was another voice coming from the next door. Luo Jiuli turned her head and saw that it was Cao Yongnian calling her.

Seeing her looking over, Cao Yongnian rolled his eyes and pointed his eyebrows in one direction to Luo Jiuli: "Someone is coming, someone is coming."

Luo Jiuli looked in the direction he signaled. It was the two detectives just now. They each held something in their hands and were walking this way.

"Come right here, what are you doing to me!" She withdrew her gaze and continued to stare at the roof in trance.

At this time, the sound of a key unlocking came to my ears.

Luo Jiuli didn't even bother to move his head, "Hey, you dare to come in? You're so brave, you're not afraid of getting beaten!"

"Oh, you can only be so stubborn now!" The two catchers quickly walked up to her with swords in their hands, looked at her condescendingly, took out a piece of paper full of words, and ordered: "Sign it."

Luo Jiuli glanced at it and said in a calm tone, "A confession? Haha, I wonder what crime I have committed?"

"Torturing the civilian girl Gao Lan and beating all the police officers." Seeing Luo Jiuli's unconcerned look, the police officer looked ugly and shouted angrily: "You are no match for us now. I advise you to sign quickly. it!"

Not their opponent?

Where did these two people get the courage?
Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows slightly and said lazily: "If I don't sign, are you still prepared to give in?"

The sly smile on her lips made the two policemen furious, and they shouted loudly like thunder, "You are outrageous! We have all the witnesses and material evidence, and you cannot deny it!"

One person slashed at Luo Jiuli with the hilt of his sword.

Luo Jiuli calmly rolled over and narrowly escaped.

The sword hilt fell again, and Luo Jiuli couldn't hide anymore. He raised his foot and kicked his elbow quickly and hard. The sword hilt flew out of his hand, and the sword body separated from the hilt in the air and stuck diagonally on the ground.

"You dare to challenge me with this little Three-Legged Cat Kung Fu, you are not qualified!" Luo Jiuli yawned and fell back to sleep, "Go back and practice for another few decades!"

How could the two of them endure being treated with such contempt? They dropped the things in their hands and roared before attacking with bare hands.

Yo ho!Still not convinced!

Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows, stood up sideways, lazily held up his head, and let the two of them attack her without fighting back. He just dodged by moving left and right. The two of them didn't even touch a piece of her sleeve. .

After a long time, it seemed that he was tired from playing. Luo Jiuli yawned and kicked each of them away.

The movements were clean and sharp, and the five brothers next door were stunned.

If it weren't for the wrong venue, they would all want to applaud!
The two agents helped each other to get up, and with a 'pop' sound, they spit out blood and flowed down the corners of their mouths and chins.

They covered their chests and looked at Luo Jiuli in horror, "How could you, how could you be okay?"

Luo Jiuli has a row of question marks on his forehead? ? ?
What could happen to her? ? ?

Were these two people beaten stupid by her? ? ?
Shouldn't they be the ones in trouble? ?
"Brother!!" A voice suddenly came from next door, "Brother! What's wrong with you! Brother!!"

Luo Jiuli looked over and saw that Cao Yongnian could not stand firmly. His feet were weak and he kept sliding down. If he was not supported by the four brothers in time, he would have fallen to the ground directly.

Her bowl of rice was eaten by Cao Yongnian.After seeing this scene and combining it with what the police officer said just now, Luo Jiuli still doesn't understand anything.

"You guys, poisoned?"

Seeing Luo Jiuli approaching step by step with a sullen face, the two policemen were so frightened that they quickly backed away.

But they were just beaten by Luo Jiuli. They retreated in a hurry and their feet became soft. They stomped their feet and fell down one after another. "No, no, we didn't, no, no."

'ah! 'Two screams.

The two of them were kicked by Luo Jiuli and were thrown on top of each other. She stepped on their chests with her feet and said hard, "Tell me, what kind of poison was administered? Where is the antidote?"

"Ah! No, it's not." The two screamed in pain and were about to speak intermittently, but were interrupted by a rapid voice, "Oh! My ancestors!"

Luo Jiuli followed the sound and saw a man hurriedly coming from outside. He wore a blue cloth coat, a goatee, and the straps on both sides of his hat were flying as he ran.

Behind the man were two agents, one of whom was Agent Hu who ordered Luo Jiuli to be brought back and finally put Luo Jiuli in jail!

The two detectives seemed to have seen a savior, "Help, help, help! Ah!"

"Did I let you talk?" Luo Jiuli stepped hard on his foot, and the two of them screamed again.

At this time, the man with the goatee had already led someone into the cell.

Luo Jiuli rolled up his sleeves and was ready for another fight.

"Oh! You guys, what are you doing!" The goatee man gasped and glanced at the two people who were stepped on by Luo Jiuli. Then he smiled and arched towards Luo Jiuli. He cupped his hands and said, "My lord, please forgive me. My lord, please forgive me. It's because the people under my command are ignorant and blind to the mountains! Please be merciful, merciful!"

Luo Jiuli glanced at the man with a goatee who smiled flatteringly, and then at the two detectives who were following him and had no intention of taking action.

Didn't come to fight?

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Luo Jiuli's eyes fell on the goatee man, and he slowly lowered his sleeves, "I did not kill the person, and I will not sign the confession."

"As for him," Luo Jiuli glanced at Agent Hu behind him, "He deserves to be beaten!"

"Hey! You should be beaten! You should be beaten!" The man with the goatee bowed repeatedly, "What a confession, nothing, nothing."

Open your eyes and talk nonsense!
Is the piece of paper lying on the ground a decoration?

The man with the goatee followed Luo Jiuli's gaze, smiled awkwardly, picked up the paper, crumpled it into a ball and stuffed it into his sleeve, "I am Xiong Shuren, the master here."

"Oh, Master Xiong." Luo Jiuli crossed his arms and said in a calm tone, "If you want anything to do with me, just tell me."

"The matter in Tianshui Village has been investigated clearly. It has nothing to do with you, sir. I am here to escort you out." Xiong Shuren did not care about Luo Jiuli's attitude and said in a good voice.

Luo Jiuli snorted coldly, "You guys are so capricious. When you said it was me, you poisoned my food and forced me to sign a confession."

"Now he suddenly changes his mind and says it's not me and wants to let me go." Luo Jiuli let go of the two of them and walked back to the bed, "How can there be such a good thing in the world? You have the final say whether it's black or white. "

She didn't know why these people changed their attitude.

But since they are so low-key now, something must have happened that she doesn't know about.

They had to coax her and let her go.

(End of this chapter)

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