Chapter 53 If I don’t sign, they will beat me!
"I'm quite happy staying here, so I won't go out yet." Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows towards Cao Yongnian, "If you have a bad conscience because you have wronged me, just hand over the antidote. By the way, Find a doctor for him."

Luo Jiuli looks like this, and it's obvious at first glance that he's not easy to talk to.

On normal days, Xiong Shuren would have walked away long ago.

But now, thinking about the evil god who was still in the yamen, he had to smile and said, "What did you say, sir? This cell is not a good place. What's so good about it?"

Seeing that Luo Jiuli didn't speak, he kicked the two people who were still lying on the ground and wailed, "These two blind things have poisoned your friends, please hand over the antidote!"

The two of them groaned in pain, gritted their teeth and said unconvinced: "Master, why are you talking to her so loudly and angrily? It was she who beat us, but she wasn't, oh!"

The two of them were kicked by Xiong Shuren again.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Xiong Shuren said with a straight face, "Hurry up and hand over the antidote."

"Master, what are you afraid of her doing? She beats Agent Hu, Lord Magistrate."

"Shut up!" Agent Hu quickly scolded, stood up from the side, and bowed slightly, "My lord, you are right, you are right to beat me, I deserve to be beaten!"

"Hurry up and hand over the antidote!" Xiong Shuren's tone was serious, and his goatee was about to stand up in anger at these two brainless things.

Even if he is not successful in doing things, he still dares to bite the magistrate at random.

If that evil god knew about this, it would be fine.

No matter how slow the two detectives reacted, they overreacted at this time.

It's okay for Master Xiong to be afraid, but he knows that the county master is Hu's uncle, and he is usually the master of the yamen who is not afraid of anything.

Now that he suddenly looks like this, I'm afraid he has met someone who even the magistrate can't afford to offend.

And this person who can't afford to offend
The two of them looked at each other, then looked at Luo Jiuli. Suddenly they felt their feet go soft, and their voices were light and soft, "That, that's not poison, it's just, it's an ordinary soft muscle. It will naturally heal in two hours." , will recover.”

When Mao Sihu and others heard this, they suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s okay if it’s not poison, it’s okay if it’s not poison!
"Since there's nothing wrong, let's go, sir!" Xiong Shuren smiled at Luo Jiuli until the creases at the corners of his eyes deepened.

"Go? Where to go?" Luo Jiuli pretended to be stupid.

"Just get out."

"When did I say I wanted to go out?" Luo Jiuli turned his back to everyone, "It's nice here. I won't go out, so you can leave!"

Seeing that she refused to leave, and was thinking about the evil god in the yamen, Xiong Shuren wiped the sweat from his forehead anxiously, and tried to persuade her, but suddenly a voice came from the door, "The county magistrate is here!"

"Your Majesty, please come this way, please be careful where you step, be careful where you step."

Before anyone arrives, the sound arrives first.

Soon, a chubby man wearing official uniform appeared in front of everyone.

He was smiling like a chrysanthemum, half-bent to guide the people next to him.

I saw the person next to him, dressed in white, with jade trees facing the wind, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, his steps were neither hasty nor slow, and his whole body exuded a noble aura.

Everyone was surprised, who is this person?
They could actually make Hu Yuan, the aloof and superior county magistrate who usually made comments to them, nod and bow to please them.

"Sister-in-law Wang! It's Brother Wang! It's Brother Wang!!" Wen Yi floated over excitedly, circling around Jun Mohan, "Brother Wang is here to save Sister-in-law Wang! Hahaha!"

Seeing Jun Mohan coming, Xiong Shuren and others who knew his identity hurriedly knelt down and saluted, "See you, Your Majesty!"

People who didn't know Jun Mohan's identity also knelt down when they heard the names of Xiong Shuren and Hu Yuan, "See you, Your Majesty!"

Luo Jiuli turned around, looked at the person who came, and lazily raised his eyelids, "Why are you here?" "Of course you are here to take A Li back home." Jun Mohan approached, sat down by the bed, and said She straightened her hair and asked, "Why don't you go out?"

The people kneeling on the ground stiffened when they heard Jun Mohan ask this question.

Especially the two detectives who had not treated her well since Luo Jiuli came in, and even secretly smeared Ruanjin powder on the side of her bowl. They were so frightened that they were trembling slightly.

None of them expected that Luo Jiuli had such a big backer!
If they had known earlier, even if they had been given [-] courage, they would not have dared to deal with Luo Jiuli like this!
Agent Hu's face didn't look very good either.

Who would have thought that if you just catch anyone in a small village, you can catch such a character!

Hu Yuan chuckled, "Your Majesty, this gentleman must be..."

"Do I, the king, give you permission to speak?" Jun Mo said coldly.

"No, no, it's the lower official who talks too much! The lower official talks too much!" Hu Yuan said to himself, stepped aside and said nothing.

In his heart, he was very frightened by this legendary Lord God of War.

I was afraid that I would accidentally lose the black gauze hat on my head.

"But what grievances have you suffered?" Jun Mohan looked at Luo Jiuli and said warmly: "Who bullied A Li? Tell me that I make the decision for A Li."

Luo Jiuli clicked his tongue: "..."

Dude, the two faces change quite quickly!
Someone wanted to support her, and Luo Jiuli couldn't help but ask for it.

She sat up quickly and pointed out the three of them without hesitation, "He, him, and him!"

She wasn't afraid that Jun Mohan would offend anyone because of this.

After all, he is a dignified king and has a lot of troops. If he can't deal with these little minions, it would be better to abdicate early and make way for others.

"They accused me of committing murder! They also gave me Ruanjin powder! They forced me to sign a confession! If I didn't sign, they would beat me!"

Everyone: "..."

It's so embarrassing for you, a grown man, to file a complaint!
Moreover, the three people you pointed out are all lucky, so you are safe and sound. Who hit whom?
Luo Jiuli was obviously aware of this problem. She pointed at Mao Sihu and the others next door, "They really want to beat me. If you don't believe me, ask them!"

Mao Sihu and others who were suddenly called on nodded their heads, and even Cao Yongnian, who was slumped in the corner, moved accordingly.

Jun Mohan raised his lips and rubbed Luo Jiuli's head, "No need to ask, I believe everything A Li said."

Luo Jiuli clapped his hand away and said through gritted teeth in a voice that only two people could hear: "What are you doing! Don't touch me, I am a man now, a man! It's not good to be misunderstood!"

"I am not afraid of being misunderstood!" Jun Mohan also imitated her way of speaking in a low voice.

After saying that, he continued to reach out and rub her head.

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes: "..."

You fucking don't care!
I care!

Wei Yan, who was following him, glanced sideways at the two of them, "..."

These people are nervous and scared to death, but you two still have time to flirt!
"Your Majesty, I forgive you. I didn't mean to embarrass this gentleman." Hu quickly suppressed his fear and said, "It is indeed stipulated by the law. Witnesses need to come to the Yamen to record their statements. That's why I brought this gentleman back."

"Your Majesty, have mercy on me, Your Majesty, have mercy on me, I didn't mean to despise my position!" The other two detectives also kowtowed and shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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