Chapter 54
"Stipulated by the law?" Luo Jiuli sneered, "Which law of Yuan Sheng requires witnesses to be jailed?"

"Which law stipulates that the witnesses should take the blame before the truth is found out?"

"What other law stipulates that the witness is given Ruanjin powder in a bowl and forced to sign a confession?"

After asking three questions in a row, several people were sweating coldly.

"My lord."

Hu Yuan wanted to say something, but Jun Mo coldly glanced at him. The unspoken words were stuck in his throat and he did not dare to speak.

"Government officials are supposed to make decisions for the people and regard the people as their top priority. However, you do not distinguish between right and wrong and slander others at will. This is indeed contrary to the way of being an official. You must take off your official robe and never use it again. Drag it down and use the staff once." Hundred."

As soon as Jun Mohan finished speaking, Wei Yan stepped forward, grabbed the collars of the three of them and dragged them out like chickens.

The muddy ground dragged out several long and ferocious marks.

"My lord, have mercy on me! My lord, have mercy on me! I am unjust for being humble! I did not mean to be humble! It was not intentional!"

"Please, Your Majesty, spare your life! I will never dare to humble myself again! I will never dare again! Your Majesty, have mercy on me, please spare my life!"

"My lord, have mercy on me! Have mercy on me!!"

The operation was so fierce that the brothers next door were dumbfounded.

I didn't expect the hero to have such a background.

This prince also truly trusted the hero, and he easily dismissed three people from their posts just by relying on his words.

"You are a parent and an official, but you are not strict in teaching, and you are in danger of making a big mistake by ignoring the lives of others."

After dealing with the small ones, let’s deal with the big ones.

Jun Mohan's face was cold and he looked at Hu Yuan, "The crime of dereliction of duty is unforgivable. I will punish you by removing you from your official position and giving you fifty sticks. Do you have any objections?"

Hu Yuan's feet went weak, and the screams not far away made his body tremble. He said with a sad face, "No, no, I have no objection. I will obey the prince's decree."

Losing your official title is a small matter, but saving your life is a big deal.

Mao Sihu and others: "."


The county magistrate has done it all!
"Are you satisfied, Ali?" Jun Mohan looked at Luo Jiuli with a smile, "Are you willing to go out?"

"Satisfied, satisfied, willing, willing." Wen Yi was so excited that she floated around to answer for Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli gave her a big look, lifted up his robe and walked out, "Don't laugh like that, you're very coquettish!"

Several people were still kneeling on the ground. When they heard this, they were sweating like rain.

This man is so brave, he actually dares to speak like this to King Yi!

However, Jun Mohan himself followed him with a smile, "I only smile so coquettishly at A Li."

Everyone: "."

Luo Jiuli: "."

Can you still maintain your face as the God of War in front of others?

She paused slightly in front of Mao Sihu's cell and said, "Let them all go."

Walking a little further, the clatter of the board and the screams became clearer and clearer. Wei Yan was standing on the side to execute the sentence, and several policemen in the prison were executing the execution.

Seeing them coming, Wei Yan saluted and followed them out.

When they were leaving, several secret guards appeared in the prison to serve as prisoners.

The moonlight hangs slantingly, and the warm wind blows.

Luo Jiuli was released from prison again. She stood at the door of the cell and stretched, "The air outside is really fresh!"

Without the outsiders, Jun Mohan directly picked the person up by his waist, tapped his forehead with his fingers, and said dotingly: "The king doesn't want to take you back to his home in a place like this tomorrow."

Luo Jiuli screamed in pain, and reflexively wrapped his hands around Jun Mohan's neck, "I didn't ask you to come pick me up. Besides, even if you don't come, I have a way to get out myself."

It just has to pass the application time before it can come out.

It's just later.

"You little heartless thing." Jun Mohan laughed.

He was worried about her, so he came all the way here and saved her by mistake.

Kang Xiang drove a carriage from a distance. Jun Mohan hugged Luo Jiuli and got into the carriage. Wei Yan sat down next to Kang Xiang outside the carriage.

The carriage drove slowly into the night.

When Mao Sihu and others carried Cao Yongnian out of the prison, they could barely see a black shadow as big as a sesame seed.Luo Jiuli broke away from Jun Mohan's arms and said, "Tell me honestly, have you found someone to follow me?"

Otherwise, why would he even know about her being in Xingping County Prison?

"No." Jun Mohan shook his head, "That's protection."

Luo Jiuli: "."

So, what’s the difference between the two?

Luo Jiuli was angry and bared his teeth fiercely at him, "Don't let them follow me again, or else"

"Otherwise?" A hint of smile flashed in Jun Mohan's eyes, "How about Ali?"

"Otherwise I won't let it go." The voice stopped suddenly.

The suddenly enlarged face and the soft and moist touch between his lips made Luo Jiuli's eyes suddenly widen and his breath suffocated.

Damn it!What is he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he is doing! ! !
"Fool, pay attention to your breathing."

The teasing tone suddenly brought Luo Jiuli back to her senses. The numb and warm touch of her lips made her cheeks turn red, and her ears were red and bleeding.

She pushed him away violently, "You are a dog, you know how to bite me!"

Jun Mohan was pushed to the side and hit, and a 'dong' sound alerted the two people outside.

Wei Yan, "Master, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Kang Xiang, "What happened!"

"It's okay." Jun Mohan replied calmly, rubbing his head in a blink of an eye, and facing Luo Jiuli aggrievedly, "Madam, it hurts!"

Luo Jiuli: "."

You change these two faces so quickly!

She snorted, "It hurts you to death!"

"It hurts so much. My husband is afraid that my wife will feel distressed."

"Bah! Who is your wife! Shameless!"

"The only wife I have for my husband is A Li." Jun Mohan smiled and leaned closer.

"Shit!" Luo Jiuli stretched out his hand to push his head away, "You have a lot of wives, and I'm not the only one!"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Jiuli was stunned.

Why did she say this as if she was jealous?

While she was distracted, Jun Mohan quickly pulled her into his arms and stroked her hair, "My lady is jealous!"

The strong heartbeat in Jun Mohan's chest made Luo Jiuli feel her cheeks getting hotter and hotter. She gritted her teeth: "Bah! I'm jealous of your uncle!"

She is jealous, how could she be jealous!

She is someone who wants to fly everywhere in the sky and the sea!
How could he be trapped in this small back house?

When we returned to the palace, it was already late at night.

In order to avoid leaking his identity, Luo Jiuli did not go through the front door. Instead, he let the carriage park randomly around and climbed over the wall to enter the palace.

As soon as the person landed, he heard a "bang" sound coming from behind him.

She turned around and said in surprise: "Why did you climb over the wall?"

Is it because the way in from the gate is no longer fragrant?
When the majestic prince returns to his mansion, he actually has to climb over a wall!
"The woman sings and the husband follows." Jun Mohan walked over and took her hand with a smile on his lips.


What a good wife to follow her husband!
She was speechless!

There was a "bang" sound, and another person fell from the wall, it was Wei Yan.

Luo Jiuli: "."

How did these two masters and servants learn the hobby of climbing over the wall?

She asked, "He is a married woman who follows her husband, so what are you?"

Wei Yan: "."

What kind of woman follows her husband?
His eyes wandered between Luo Jiuli and Jun Mohan, and finally landed on the hands held by the two.

(End of this chapter)

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