Chapter 59 Dog man, so rich!
"Why are you beating me?" Luo Jiuli opened the door, "I can't beat him!"

"How could it be!" Wen Yi smiled mischievously, "Brother Wang doesn't even have time to hurt you. If you beat him, how can he fight back?"

Ha ha!

Luo Jiuli didn't even bother to roll her eyes. There were people outside the door, so she stopped talking to Wen Yi to avoid being regarded as a madman.

When I went down to the second floor, I happened to meet Yang’s mother coming up from downstairs at the stairs.

Behind Mama Yang were Miaoyin and the maid in green clothes.

Seeing Luo Jiuli, Yang's mother came over with a smile and waved her handkerchief, "Master, are you leaving now?"

Luo Jiuli hummed, looked at Miaoyin and said, "Sorry, I couldn't help you."

"Young Master." In front of Yang's mother, Miaoyin still called him, and she chuckled, "At least he has made the slave family more valuable!"

yes!The net worth doubled from 1 taels to 10 taels!
That bitch man is really rich!

Thinking of Bai Huahua's 10 taels of silver, Yang's mother smiled brightly, and said to Luo Jiuli diligently: "Thank you very much for this time, Master. Next time Master comes, mother will give you a cheaper price!"

"If it's cheap, there's no need. I'm not short of money." Luo Jiuli glanced at Mother Yang and suddenly said, "Mother Yang, your Yintang is dark and your wealth is shallow. You should be more careful these days."

"Oh! What did the young master say? Bah, bah, bah!!!!"

Mother Yang would not take Luo Jiuli's words seriously. She had just put 10 taels of silver into her pocket. She said that her financial luck was not bad these days. What she said was that her financial luck was shallow. It was fake. It was fake.

Mother Yang twisted her waist and passed in front of Luo Jiuli.

Even if she didn't take it seriously and didn't take it seriously, Luo Jiuli still warned, "If necessary, you can lose money and avoid disaster."

Mother Yang paused slightly and continued walking. She didn’t know whether she had written it down or not.

Luo Jiuli still climbed over the wall to return to the palace. Dinner time had long passed and many people had already fallen asleep.

Zi Su was waiting outside the door, taking advantage of the moonlight to catch a glimpse of Luo Jiuli on the wall.

"Master, come down quickly." Zisu went over and pretended to catch Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli moved twice, avoiding Zi Su's position and jumped down.

"Master." Zisu felt aggrieved and went over to help Luo Jiuli, "I can catch you."

"There's nothing wrong with me." Luo Jiuli dusted off the corners of his robe and strode inside, "I'm afraid I'll crush you to death."

Zi Su: "."

The candles in the room kept burning after dark. Luo Jiuli went in, opened the tea cup, added a cup of tea, and drank it in one gulp.

Zisu followed in, looked at her hands, and exclaimed, "Master, what's wrong with your hands!"

"It's okay." Luo Jiuli shook his head calmly and asked, "Where is Xin Yi?"

"Sister Xinyi is afraid that you will need to take a bath when you come back, so she has been guarding you in the kitchen." Zi Su dug out an ointment in the corner and applied it to Luo Jiuli distressedly, "Why did your hand get injured after being out for only half a day? .”

"I accidentally scratched my hand, it's nothing serious."

After Zi Su got the medicine, Luo Jiuli said, "Go and ask Xin Yi to come back. There is no need to keep guard. Let's pack up and go back."

"Go back?" Zisu blinked, "Go back to where?"

"Damn girl, you've forgotten where we live!" Luo Jiuli laughed and scolded, poking her forehead, "Of course we're going back to Jinglan Courtyard!"

"Ah??? Why do you want to go back???" Zisu was puzzled. Isn't it nice to live in Xiuzhuyuan these days?
"How can there be so many reasons! If I say move back, I will go back!"

Zi Su hesitated, "But there isn't even a bed in Jinglan Courtyard..."

"If there's no bed, move to the penthouse first." Luo Jiuli interrupted Zisu and pushed her out the door, "Go, go, go quickly, call Xin Yi back." "Hey! Yes, yes, yes!!" Zi Su responded repeatedly, stepped back and put down the ointment before running out the door.

After a while, Xin Yi was brought back.

Xin Yi put a plate of Luo Jiuli's favorite cakes in front of her, "Master, did you have a quarrel with the prince?"

"There's no way he and I could have any quarrels and not have any encounters."

Luo Jiuli's words came out like a barrage of words, speaking so fast that there was no punctuation mark.

Xinyi Zisu laughed softly when he heard this.

They grew up with Luo Jiuli, and they knew exactly what Luo Jiuli looked like now.

She became anxious at the mention of the prince, fearing that her master was attracted to her without even knowing it!
"Why are you two laughing so hard!" Luo Jiuli glared at them, pushing them and urging them: "Hurry up, hurry up, each pack your things and go back to Jinglan Courtyard."

Kang Xiang stood guard outside the door of Xiuzhuyuan, clicking his tongue as he watched the three masters and servants approaching from a short distance carrying large and small bags of things.

"What are you doing, princess?" Kang Xiang asked.

Looking at the hand in front of him, Luo Jiuli didn't even raise his head, "Want to fight?"

A light word, full of murderous intent.

Kang Xiang raised his eyebrows and looked at Zisu and Xinyi behind Luo Jiuli, what's going on?Did you take dynamite?

Zisu and Xinyi all turned their heads without even looking at him.

The little one looks very arrogant, just like their master.

Luo Jiuli was impatient and said, "Get out of the way."

Kang Xiang realized what was going on and stopped. After Luo Jiuli left, he made a gesture to summon the secret guard to inform Jun Mohan.

Jinglan Courtyard was really desolate. When we moved out, there was nothing left. Later, Pei Huaian and his men searched it again. Everything in the courtyard was staggered and nothing was good.

The master and servant did not take care of the things in the courtyard, leaving Xin Yi to sweep the house. Zi Su and Luo Jiuli put down their things and returned to Xiuzhuyuan.

I wanted to go to the penthouse and carry the bed back, but found that the bed was too heavy and I was too lazy to lift it.

Therefore, the master and the servant decisively gave up the bed and moved away all the bedding they usually slept on.

"Master..." Zi Su hugged the quilt and looked at the bed with only a wooden board left, "Isn't it good for us to......"

She thinks the prince will go crazy when he comes back!

"Nothing wrong." Luo Jiuli picked up the last quilt and walked out, saying matter-of-factly: "I want the quilt and he wants the bed, perfect."

Zisu: “…………”

Kang Xiang, who had a clear view of everything, watched Luo Jiuli leave this time, not even daring to stop him, for fear that he would accidentally become a punching bag.

He summoned another secret guard to report the news, his eyes full of joyful smiles.

"Sister-in-law Wang, Brother Wang is not such a person." Wen Yi floated next to Luo Jiuli and explained weakly: "In the past, when we were at the border, several neighboring countries sent beauties to Brother Wang to show their goodwill. Brother Wang all If you ignore it, how can you fall in love with Miaoyin?"

Luo Jiuli hugged the quilt and continued walking, ignoring her.

Fortunately, it was late at night and I met no one on the road.

Otherwise, if someone saw Luo Jiuli hugging the huge quilt on the bed and walking majesticly, he would probably doubt his life.

Is this still the sick princess who fainted because the queen spoke too loudly?

(End of this chapter)

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