Chapter 60 Bad Reasons

Seeing that she didn't speak, Wen Yi became anxious. She floated to the other side of Luo Jiuli, her face full of anger, "Brother Wang must have been led astray by those two playboys Zheng Chenghao and Yu Shuwen. Sister-in-law Wang, don't be angry. Let’s go beat them up and vent our anger!”

Luo Jiuli: "."

He always tricks her into beating people up, what's wrong with her!
She is a lady who can't lift her hands or bear her shoulders, how can she fight with people everywhere.

"Oh, Sister-in-law Wang, don't be angry. There must be some misunderstanding here." Wen Yi kept talking in Luo Jiuli's ear like a baby.

However, no matter what she said, Luo Jiuli ignored her and just walked forward holding the quilt.

Suddenly, she smiled and came forward, "Sister-in-law Wang, you must be jealous, right?"

"Jealous! How could I be jealous!" Luo Jiuli stopped abruptly and retorted loudly.

"Ah?" Zisu, who was walking in front, turned around with a confused look on his face, "Master? What did you say?"

In the dead of night, Luo Jiuli spoke too loudly, but she couldn't hear him clearly.

"No, it's nothing." Luo Jiuli's ears turned red for no reason, and he said casually, "A mouse just passed in front of me. It scared, scared me."

Wen Yi burst out laughing.

Zi Su's mouth twitched slightly: "."

Such a lame excuse to be a slave?

When you were only seven years old, you could crush a mouse to death with your bare feet. Now you tell her she's afraid? ?

"Who is there?"

The sudden loud noise alerted the people patrolling not far away.

Hearing the footsteps approaching, Luo Jiuli hurriedly stepped forward, and without caring about Sanqi 21, he directly stuffed the quilt in his hand into Zisu's arms.

Zi Su staggered two steps, barely holding on to the quilt.

When the patrolmen approached, they saw two people standing on the dark stone road. One of them was holding a quilt and his face could not be seen clearly.

The other person looked soft and frail just by looking at his figure, and the familiar cough instantly made them know exactly who the person in front of them was.

They stopped a few steps away from Luo Jiuli, "Slave, please see the princess."

The people patrolling were not the Xuanjia Army, but the original servants of the palace.

"Ahem, no courtesy." Luo Jiuli gently held his hand and walked slowly past them.

Seeing that Zisu was having a hard time walking, one of them asked, "Can I help this girl?"

I wish I could!
Luo Jiuli turned around and smiled gently, "How embarrassing is this? How troublesome!"

"I can serve the princess, no trouble at all." Each of them took the quilt in Zi Su's hand.

It is said that the cannibals are soft-spoken and the takers are short-handed. The last time Luo Gan came, they also got some benefits.

It's just a little effort now, so they are willing to help.

There was no time to tidy up the other rooms in Jinglan Courtyard, so Luo Jiuli ordered three floors to be laid together.

After the three masters and servants extinguished the candles, they chatted and each fell asleep.

In the latter part of the night, Luo Jiuli was woken up by a mosquito bite, and then there was the sound of mosquitoes buzzing in her ears, making her toss and turn and unable to sleep.

There happened to be a muffled thunder in the sky, and it was going to rain.

Luo Jiuli got up lightly, walked out of the door, and walked up to Xuan Yu Tower alone.

Fortunately, the swing had not been moved away. She stretched lazily, yawned, and nestled in the swing made of vines.

Close your eyes and wait for the sound of rain.

After a while, the heavy rain really came accompanied by thunder and lightning. The rain beat everything in the world and washed the human soul. The inexplicable depression in Luo Jiuli's heart also disappeared.

It seems like there is a new beginning after the rain.Accompanied by the sound of rain, Luo Jiuli fell into sleep again unknowingly. In her dream, she went back to when she followed Bai Hua many years ago. She went back to the time when the mountains were blocked by heavy snow in Xuanzhuang, and she saw the man in ragged clothes who was trapped with them. A little boy trapped in the mountains.

I don't know what was applied to the little boy's face, and his face was dark. It was impossible to tell what Zhang Cheng was, but Luo Jiuli could not forget those eyes to this day.

Although they were as bright as gems, their watery eyes were full of vigilance and aggression, making them intimidating.

In the dream, Luo Jiuli was floating in the air, watching what was happening from a third-party perspective.

Suddenly, for some reason, she seemed to be squeezed by something, and her breathing became difficult for a while.

Just when she thought she was about to wake up due to suffocation, a large amount of fresh air suddenly poured in, accompanied by a touch of sandalwood, which was simple, calm, and inexplicably reassuring.

"Silly girl, you haven't learned to breathe yet."

The deep voice in the darkness was full of doting.

In the morning, the birds are chirping.

Luo Jiuli yawned drowsily, turning over habitually, but suddenly she lost weight and fell. She opened her eyes wide in fright, and her voice pierced the sky, "Ah!!!!"

Just as she was about to have a close hug with Mother Earth, a strong big hand wrapped around her waist in time, pulled her back violently, and lay her back down firmly.

The swing rocked and rocked.

"Why are you so stupid?"

A familiar voice sounded behind his ears. Luo Jiuli turned his head and looked at the familiar face, surprised, "Why are you here!"

"My wife is here, so my husband is here." Jun Mohan smiled and put his hands around Luo Jiuli's waist.

"Master, what's wrong? What's wrong!!"

Zisu and Xinyi didn't see Luo Jiuli when they woke up. They were looking for someone when they heard voices coming from Xuanyu Tower.

They were so frightened that they hurried over, but when they saw the two people on the swing, they hurriedly retreated, "Excuse me, please!!"

At this time, Luo Jiuli also noticed something was wrong. Why was the place underneath her still warm?

She lowered her head to look, and her cheeks suddenly turned red.

She, actually, was lying on Jun Mohan!

"What's wrong? What's wrong, madam?"

The obviously teasing tone made Luo Jiuli's ears turn red. She hurriedly stood up, but was shaken twice by the swing and fell back onto Jun Mohan.

This time they were face to face, their soft lips pressed tightly together, and their breaths intertwined.


Luo Jiuli's mind went blank before she could react.

Her eyes widened, and she tried hard to break away, but Jun Mohan held her tightly, put one hand on her eyes, and coaxed her in a gentle voice: "Good boy, close your eyes."

After a long, lingering kiss, Luo Jiuli's body was already limp, and she lay on top of him without even wanting to move.

Just lie on him, just lie on him. Even if you kiss him, no piece of flesh will fall off.

"You have no strength now, you useless silly girl." Jun Mohan laughed softly and rubbed her head.

"Bah! You're useless!" Luo Jiuli retorted.

Thinking that everyone is like him, old driver!
A smile flashed across Jun Mohan's eyes, "Whether it's useful for my husband, I still have to try it myself before I know."

Luo Jiuli was stunned: "."

She suspected he was driving!
And there is proof!
 When Luoluo was translating the article, he found that there were many chapter and paragraph comments that the author could not receive in the background, so he could not see and reply in time.

  For those who want Luoluo to see the information in time, please go to the book circle to comment!If you are generous, please give me a five-star review, hahahahaha!

(End of this chapter)

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