Chapter 71 Mummy
Luo Jiuli rolled her eyes at him and said in a rough voice, "Be obedient. I have never seen such a corpse as labor and management. Quickly open it."

This shit is so ambiguous!
I don’t know who he thought was having an affair with him!
'Pfft! '

It was Feng Qingze who laughed out loud.

Luo Jiuli turned his head and looked past Situ Qiao, looking at Feng Qingze at the end, giving him a fierce look, why are you smiling?

Feng Qingze felt the killing look in Luo Jiuli's eyes, put away his smile, pressed two fingers between his lips, and made a "shut up" gesture.

Luo Jiuli then turned his head and urged: "Open it quickly! What a waste of time!"

Jun Mohan sighed helplessly, his eyes full of doting.

Why is his wife different from other women!

He turned around and said, "Open it."


Several guards squatted down in response, and one of them tore off a piece of armor, revealing a miserable corpse in front of everyone.

I saw a dry corpse under the torn clothes.

The corpse seemed to have no flesh and blood, leaving only a layer of dry and cracked skin tightly wrapped around the skeleton, with a few ribs clearly reflected. The head was like this. Under the dry and cracked skin, the face was sunken, and the eyes were reduced to the size of peas. .

I probably found it in a ditch. The ditch was so narrow that it could only accommodate half of my body when it was turned sideways.

Therefore, half of the corpse's dry and cracked skin swelled when exposed to water, causing it to become wrinkled and white.

The appearance of the corpse has long been lost. If it weren’t for these clothes and shoes, no one would dare to recognize it. This is Isaiah, the second prince of Canaan!

Luo Jiuli took a breath of air, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger.

"The person who was alive an hour ago turned into a mummy in the blink of an eye!" Situ Qiao's purple eyes were filled with surprise.

Feng Qingze said, "I'm afraid this is not something that humans can do!"

Jun Mohan's eyes were cold, he raised his hand, and the guard immediately put the armor back on the body.

He ordered in a deep voice, "Search the mountain and send people to block all entrances and exits in the mountain to see if there are any strangers in the mountain."

"Yes!" Wei Yan took the order and took the people to leave.

At this time, a group of Xuanjia troops happened to come and met Wei Yan head-on.

"Commander Wei!" Xuan Jiajun saluted with clasped fists and turned sideways to let Wei Yan go first.

Wei Yan said 'hmm' and said, "Good work, brothers!"

Then, take people away.

Walking among the Xuanjia Army was a man wearing rough clothes and carrying a wooden box.

Wu Zuo had gray hair on his head when he was in his forties. It was probably the first time he saw so many noble people. He walked over tremblingly and bowed, "Liu Shuang, a common man, meet you all."

"Without ceremony." Jun Mohan ordered, "Take the body back and ask someone to move it to a place for autopsy."

"Yes!" Xuan Jiajun stepped forward to lift the body without saying a word, and followed Jun Mohan and others.

After exiting the path, Luo Jiuli deliberately lagged behind and stood shoulder to shoulder with the two Canaan Kingdom guards.

Pretending to be regretful, he said: "Alas! The second prince doesn't look very old, why?"

"Alas!" She looked at the corpse and sighed again, as if saying to herself: "I wonder how old the second prince is? Can he get married and have a son? If he gets married and has a son, it will be fine, and he will not be here in vain. This is a life spent in this world." "The second prince has already decided to get married, and the prince and concubine will not enter the palace until next month!" The Canaan Kingdom guard said with a sad face, "Who knew that at this time, something unexpected happened in your place! "

"You haven't married yet! That's such a pity!" Luo Jiuli shook his head, "I remember that in your country, a man must be 20 years old before he can get married, right?"

"It's a pity to say it. If only you, the second prince, had turned 20 earlier and married earlier, maybe the children would be several years old now!"

Of course Luo Jiuli said this nonsense, just to make a fool of himself!
As Feng Qingze said, this matter is obviously not something that humans can do. Even if they try it, they probably won't be able to find out the reason.

Sure enough, when the Canaanite guard heard this, he immediately said: "What is 20 years old? No, in our Canaanite country, men can marry after they are 15 years old, and women can marry after they are 13 years old. The second prince and the prince's concubine have a deep relationship. , the second prince has already reached the marriageable age, but the prince and concubine will not turn thirteen until next month, so this marriage has only been delayed for two years!"

"It's been two years! You two princes are already 17 years old. Have you never taken a concubine in the past two years?"

Luo Jiuli pretended to be surprised and chatted with the two guards all the way back before finally figuring out Isaiah's birth date.

The Xuanjia Army used the leftover fabrics from the tent construction to quickly build a tent not far from the envoys from various countries for autopsy.

Jun Mohan returned to his original position and waited for the autopsy results with everyone.

Luo Jiuli spoke to Jun Mohan, found a remote and uninhabited place, bit off his fingertips and wrote Isaiah's birthday in the lower right corner of the charm.

Pinch the finger flowers and mutter something.

The talisman flew into the air and ignited spontaneously without fire. Even if the cool breeze blew by, it did not go out.

After a while, the talisman turned into ashes and fell from the sky.

Luo Jiuli's face turned ugly.

Her spiritualism failed again!
Alan was unable to successfully summon the soul because someone used a soul-locking array, and her soul might have been controlled by others.

But this time!

What could be the reason?
Unbelieving, Luo Jiuli took out the magic talisman from his waist and tried again, but still failed!

She fell back with a normal expression. People who were not familiar with her would not notice anything strange, but Jun Mohan could tell at a glance that something was wrong with her expression, "What's wrong?"

"This time things are not simple!" Luo Jiuli looked serious, "I just got Aisaiya's horoscope, and I wanted to summon his soul to find out who killed him, but my spiritualism failed! "

"Spiritualism, unless he has been reincarnated, even if his soul is in the underworld, I can still recruit him!"

"But I can't recruit it now, and it's impossible for a new soul to reincarnate so quickly, let alone such a ghost that died violently, so there are only two possibilities!"

Luo Jiuli looked at Jun Mohan, "Either his soul is controlled by others and I can't recruit him, or he and his soul are scattered and I can't recruit him."

"No matter which one it is, it is all man-made, and it is very likely that it was done by someone from Xuanmen!"

Luo Jiuli was not sure whether the sudden transformation of Isaiah into a mummy was a forbidden technique in Xuanmen's forbidden news.

Because the Xuanmen forbidden news she read was handed down from ancient times to the present, and many of the pages were incomplete. She had never seen a technique that could turn a person into a mummy.

The Xuanmen forbidden information in Bai Hua's hand was complete, but ever since Bai An used forbidden techniques to harm people, his master had made a rule that no one would be allowed to see it unless he was the master of the Tianshan Pavilion.

Jun Mohan seemed to sense Luo Jiuli's uneasiness, held her hand tightly, and said comfortingly: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Which one of his eyes saw that she was afraid!

She was just worried that more people would die from it!
 (curious face) Little sisters, don’t you have some ghost stories to share with me!

(End of this chapter)

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