Chapter 72 Normal Death
The sky was getting dark, the fruit plate and tea on the table had been changed countless times, and envoys from various countries had gone to the toilet countless times. The autopsy was finally carried out and the body sheet was presented.

Just as Luo Jiuli expected, Wu Zuo really didn't find out the reason.

The corpse list says - normal death!
The envoys from various countries were in an uproar when they heard this.

"How is it possible! It was a normal death!"

"Yes! Even the flesh and blood are gone and only the skin is left. How can it be a normal death!"

"Could it be that I saw a ghost in broad daylight?"

"What the hell, it must have been a mistake in the autopsy!"

Wu Zuo was frightened and said, "Your Majesty, please forgive me. Your Majesty, please forgive me. Let the common people examine the bones and record it truthfully. Don't dare to lie! Let alone take it lightly. I have tested it several times. The noble man indeed died of a normal death!"

At this time, Wei Yan who was searching the mountain and the guards guarding the entrance and exit also came back to report.

"Your Majesty, no suspicious persons have been found in the mountain!"

"Prince Qi, there are no idlers coming in or out at the entrance and exit!"

There was another uproar in the arena.

"Could it be that I really saw a ghost!"

"Don't lie, there are no ghosts in the world! There are no suspicious people in the mountain, and there are no people waiting to come in or out at the entrance. I'm afraid the murderer is among us!"

"Impossible! Who has the ability to transform a living person into such a ghostly state in a short period of time!"

"If you ask me, it's hell!"


These words seemed to trigger a certain nerve in Luo Jiuli's heart. She suddenly remembered something and got up and rushed out, "I want to go and see the scene again!"

"It's getting late, send all the envoys back to the city!" Jun Mohan ordered Kang Xiang, and then strode after Luo Jiuli.

Returned with her to the spot where the body was found.

The sky has turned completely dark, and there are cicadas and frogs chirping everywhere in the mountains. From time to time, a rabbit or other small animals will run past.

"Isaiah's clothes were scratched by branches and other things. If he walked just at the speed, it would be impossible to make such a big gash in his clothes."

Luo Jiuli took out a fire stick from his arms and blew it. He stared around and said, "Unless he was running, and running quickly, how could his clothes be so torn by the branches."

"You suspected that something was chasing Isaiah at that time. When you came back here, you also wanted to see if the murderer had left anything around." Jun Mohan also followed Luo Jiuli to look for him.

"That's right." Luo Jiuli nodded.

As long as that person leaves something behind, she can discover the identity of the murderer through resonance.

"Your Majesty." Wei Yan came from a distance with a group of Xuanjia troops holding torches. "Old Kang is already escorting the envoys back to the city. What are you looking for? My subordinates can help."

Someone helped Luo Jiuli, who was eager to ask for help. "Look around to see if there is anything left behind by the murderer."

Wei Yan led the Xuanjia Army to join in the search for things.

Several people searched the area inside and outside, and even along the way, but could not find anything left behind, so they had to return without success.

When passing by the autopsy tent, Luo Jiuli paused slightly, "Is the body still inside?" "Yes." Wei Yan respectfully replied, "Old Kang went to the front to see the people off, and his subordinates went to the back to carry the body.

Luo Jiuli opened the curtain and went in. Looking at the two familiar figures inside, he exclaimed, "Why are you two here!?"

Feng Qingze and Situ Qiao turned around when they heard the noise.

"Just now I saw the master running out suddenly, I guessed that you must have turned around to look for clues." Situ Qiao took two steps, "I and Brother Feng also want to do their best for this, so they are here to wait for you. .”

Situ Qiao said a lot, and Feng Qingze nodded, "That's right."

Luo Jiuli glanced at Bai Feng lightly, "You are weak and don't know how to take good care of yourself. You just like to join in the fun. You deserve it!"

Feng Qingze's body has been weak since he was a child. Even though the two of them haven't seen each other for many years, from his slightly pale face at this moment, Luo Jiuli knew that his body was still the same as when he was a child, very weak!
I just feel tired for a while and I'm going to die.

"It's been a long time since I've seen my junior brother show off his magical powers. I just want to follow him and have a look." Although Feng Qingze doesn't know Xuanmen magic, but he has never eaten pork and has he seen a pig run away?
He realized from the beginning that the way the body died was not something ordinary people could do!

"Senior brother?" Jun Mohan came in from outside and obviously heard what they said.

"Well, my master's eldest disciple." Luo Jiuli nodded. Seeing that there were no outsiders around, he finally took off the package he had been carrying all afternoon and handed it to Situ Qiao, "Thank you for the last time, Third Prince."

If he hadn't changed his story and said that the Red Flame Ice Silkworm was originally given to her, the palace would not have let her go so easily even if Jun Mohan escaped from prison.

Not to mention sending any shocking gifts to the house on the second day.

"Princess, you're welcome." Situ Qiao glanced at the thing in Luo Jiuli's hand. Even if he didn't open it, he knew what was inside based on its outline.

He did not answer it, "Since the prince said this was a gift of thanks to the princess, then it is a thank you gift. Thank you to the princess for saving my brother's life."

In fact, Situ Qiao was shocked when he learned Luo Jiuli's identity from Situ Yu.

After all, the Princess Yi that the world knew and the Luo Jiuli he saw were very different.

But thinking about the scene where Jun Mohan took Luo Jiuli away from the door with a distressed look on his face, he felt that he could still accept it.

Even the cold-faced King of Hell has a tender side, let alone others.

"This is your southern Xinjiang treasure. It's not good for me to accept it. The third prince should take it back!" Luo Jiuli said, "I saved Situ Yu's life, and the third prince saved my life by saving me from the prison." , it’s even, so this thing is no longer needed.”

"What are you talking about, Princess? It's not this prince who saved you from prison." Situ Qiao still didn't accept it, his purple eyes fell on Jun Mohan, "That person is King Yi."

Luo Jiuli didn't know, he just thought that Jun Mohan wanted to rob the prison on a whim and wanted to experience different excitement.

However, Situ Qiao knew it.

That day he heard the news that Luo Jiuli was imprisoned for the Red Flame Ice Silkworm, and immediately entered the palace. At the palace gate, he met Jun Mohan who came out, accompanied by Pei Yong, the chief guard of the imperial family.

At first he didn't think anything was wrong, but after he came out of the palace, he soon heard about King Yi's escape from prison to save Princess Yi, and he realized something was wrong.

They all grew up in the imperial power, and they have a natural acumen in this regard.

Especially after the prison robbery, no one was looking for trouble, except for Jun Mohan who had military power and great power.

The most important thing, I'm afraid, is what agreement he made with the emperor.

Anyway, no matter what, after Jun Mohan leaves the palace, whether he goes or not, whether he changes his mind or not, has little to do with what will happen next.

(End of this chapter)

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