Chapter 74: This lady can’t tolerate cheating
Luo Jiuli frowned, "Did that ghost come in the afternoon too?"

"Yes." The ghost nodded and pointed at Isaiah's body, "He, he was eaten by that ghost."

"At that time, we happened to be hiding in a cave nearby. We saw with our own eyes that after the ghost ate the man, he suddenly disappeared out of thin air."

"Do you know its origin?" Luo Jiuli asked.

"I don't know." Yin Hun shook his head, "It suddenly appeared a few days ago. We thought it would not come again after eating so many ghosts in the mountain last time, but we didn't know it would come again today."

"Yes! We are lucky to have escaped once, and we are lucky to have escaped the second time. We are afraid that it will come again for the third time, and we are about to run away." Yinhun looked at the talisman that had turned into ashes and fell to the ground. , said aggrievedly, "Unexpectedly, I smelled a fragrance. It was very fragrant. I thought there was something good here, so I came here after smelling it."

Luo Jiuli: "."

After all, it’s Zhang’s middle-level spiritual talisman. What a grievance!
She asked, "Did it appear twice at the same time?"

Yin Hun thought for a while, "No, last time it came after Hai hour, this time it was in the afternoon."

"I, I think it's a little bigger this time than last time." Another ghost said.

"Okay, I understand." Luo Jiuli waved them away.

Anyway, apart from knowing that what happened to Isiah was the work of a ghost, and since I couldn't get any useful information out of it, I might as well let them run away for their lives.

The death of the second prince of the Canaan Kingdom in Yuansheng was considered a state matter between countries, and Yuansheng had to give an explanation no matter what.

However, this explanation cannot be because Isaiah was unlucky and fell into the hands of the ghost.

Seems ridiculous.

Therefore, Luo Jiuli did not tell what happened in front of several people. Instead, he told Jun Mohan that it was the work of a ghost after getting on the carriage.

As for what to do next or who will take the blame, Luo Jiuli has no control over it.

Under the hazy moonlight, the soil was moist, and the carriage drove by, leaving two long wheel marks on the ground.

Back in the mansion, it's past time.

"Why are you following me?" Luo Jiuli looked at Jun Mohan beside him and pointed in a direction, "The Bamboo Garden is over there."

"Who said that I am going back to Xiuzhuyuan." Jun Mohan held Luo Jiuli's hand and led her to Jinglan Yuan as a matter of course, "I am going to live in Jinglan Yuan with my wife."

Luo Jiuli was speechless, "Save some shame, who is your wife!"

"This does not allow the wife to cheat. You are Princess Yi who has been married by the king's three secretaries and six marriages, and has been married to the royal jade plate."


It's okay, you can still reconcile.

The news that the second prince of Canaan, Isaiah, suddenly turned into a mummy spread like wildfire, and the news spread in the city.

The common people believe in ghosts and gods, and are afraid of suffering such unreasonable disasters. The number of people going to Ruyi Restaurant to seek peace and blessing is increasing day by day.

Because of this, Ruyi Restaurant became famous.

Luo Jiuli was lying on the couch with his legs crossed, holding a storybook and reading with gusto.

Zi Su was waiting by the side, fanning her, and occasionally feeding two iced grapes into her mouth.

"The life of a pair in this story book is really beautiful." Zi Su fanned her fan and looked at the story book in Luo Jiuli's hand, "It would be great if it was like this in reality."

"Silly girl!" Luo Jiu closed the storybook, knocked Zi Su on the head, and joked with a smile, "Why are you so sad before we get married! Do you want to get married?" Zi Su cried out in pain while holding her head. His face turned red, "Master, what are you talking about! I have said before that I will serve my master for the rest of my life and will not marry!"

"Oh, it's time for men to get married and women to get married, why are you so shy?" Luo Jiuli sat up and stuffed a grape into Zi Su's mouth, "Don't worry, I will personally strictly control your marriage to Xin Yi in the future." I will ensure that I will find a satisfactory husband for you, and you will be a couple for the rest of your life, so comfortable."

Zi Su was shy and said, "Humph, I don't want a husband. I want to stay with my master and serve him until I grow old."

"Bah! What a beautiful thought!" Luo Jiuli smiled and poked Zi Su's eyebrows, "It's been such a long life, and if you don't dislike me, I still dislike you!"

At this time, Xin Yi came in from outside the door, "Master, shopkeeper Du is here."

"Oh? Someone is here?"

This was the first time Du Qing visited her in person since he took her magic talisman as a gift.

She thought he wouldn't come!
Luo Jiuli stood up and asked, "Where is he?"

"Backyard, side house."

Because of this identity and the reason for pretending to be ill, Luo Jiuli completely transformed herself into a housewife who would not get involved in any business or restaurant.

Therefore, it was not convenient for Du Qing to enter through the main entrance of the palace, but quietly took the back door.

"Let's go and take a look." Luo Jiuli raised his hand, and Zisu immediately and cleverly supported him.

The three masters and servants walked through the corridor, passed the garden pavilion, and finally arrived at the backyard.

Xin Yi sent the little maid guarding the door out, and only the three masters, servants and Du Qing were left in the house.

Luo Jiuli sipped her tea lightly, "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"Isn't it the end of the month soon? I just wanted to show my employer the account books for this month." Du Qing chuckled and handed the three thick account books to Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli raised his eyelids, and Zisu beside him immediately took the account book and put it on the table.

"Okay, I've accepted the account book. I'll look at it some other time. Let's go back." Luo Jiuli said nonchalantly, put down the tea cup, stood up, and was really ready to leave.

"Alas!! Don't bother me, boss!" Du Qing stopped Luo Jiuli and smiled with a flattering look on his face, "Please take a look at this month's account books. The profit is hundreds of times that of previous months!"


It’s been a loss every month!
As long as you make money, it will be doubled!
What's more, I used my mother's magic talisman as a gift this month!

If he doesn't make any money, give him a discount on his legs!

"It's okay, I know that shopkeeper Du has a good way of making money. He has helped the building make a lot of money this month. Don't worry, I will take a look at the account books when I get back. Then all the people in the building will be rewarded!" Luo Jiuli said, walking around Du Qing, Walk out slowly.

"Thank you, boss!" Du Qing smiled and followed Luo Jiuli, "My boss, the magic talisman in the building is out of stock. Can you give it to me?"

"Spirit talisman? What talisman?" Luo Jiuli pretended to be stupid.

damn thing!
When using my mother's magic talisman as a gift, I do not need my mother's consent first.

Now that the magic talisman is used up, I know I'm coming to the door!
Du Qing scratched the back of his head, "It's peace and blessing, a marriage talisman."

"No!" Luo Jiuli answered simply.

After saying that, he continued to walk out, but Du Qing grabbed the corner of his sleeve and said with a sad face: "My boss, I know you are angry with me because I gave the magic talisman as a gift without your consent. I know I’m wrong, but I’m doing this for the sake of the building, please forgive me this time!”

(End of this chapter)

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