The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 75 Where did this wild girl come from? She is so shameless!

Chapter 75 Where did this wild girl come from? She is so shameless!
Luo Jiuli was not really angry, he just wanted to tease Du Qing, otherwise he would have overturned his stall at Ruyi Restaurant.

Seeing his grimace now, Luo Jiuli stopped and asked, "Do you really know that you are wrong?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know I was wrong!" Du Qing nodded repeatedly, "Next time, before making any decisions about things in the building, I will definitely get your consent first, my boss. I will never make the decision privately, otherwise the sky will strike like lightning, forever."

"Hey, okay, okay! Stop talking!" Luo Jiuli interrupted him in time.

The more he talked about it, the more outrageous it became. Those who didn't know it thought that the two of them were going to have a private life-long marriage.

She sat back and said, "I forgive you, tell me, what talisman is missing?"

"Thank you so much, boss! Thank you so much, boss!!"

At this time, Du Qing smiled naively, not at all as smart as he was when facing guests.

"We are missing the marriage talisman, the luck talisman, and the peace talisman. Due to the incident involving the second prince of Canaan in the past two days, the most lacking thing is the peace talisman."

"Don't use the transport talisman indiscriminately. When you use it, your luck will be very good for a while, but once the time limit expires, you may be unlucky for a while. You need to make this clear to your guests to avoid trouble in the future."

"Also, I can give you the marriage talisman, but the name of the one who caused trouble in the building last time is Fang Xinman. If she comes to ask for it, she is not allowed to give it to her even if she has it. Do you hear me?"

Dare to miss her man and return the marriage talisman, what a piece of shit!
I didn't give her a bad luck charm, it's because of her arrogance!
"I know, I know." Du Qing nodded like garlic.

"As for Ping An Fu, you don't need to set any consumption threshold, just give it to yourself!"

Although she didn't catch the ghosts, she could still provide them with peace and blessing.

"Okay, okay." Du Qing continued to nod.

"Every man in the building also wears a Zhang Ping'an Fu. If any relatives at home ask for them, they will be given to them as employee benefits."

After Luo Jiuli finished his instructions, he stood up and said, "Okay, go back. I will have Zisu deliver these talismans to the building before sunset."

"Okay." Du Qing responded, opened the door diligently, watched Luo Jiuli leave, and then went out through the back door on his own.

The three masters and servants were walking on the corridor.

Zisu supported Luo Jiuli and asked curiously, "Master, there are rumors that the second prince of Canaan Kingdom turned into a mummy in an instant, are they true?"

A little maid passed by and saluted Luo Jiuli, "Slave, please see the princess."

Luo Jiuli nodded slightly and walked slowly over with Zisu's support.

After walking far away, she asked, "What do you think?"

"I don't know, this news is spreading like crazy outside." Zisu was annoyed and looked at Xin Yi who was following him, "Sister Xin Yi, what do you think?"

Luo Jiuli also looked at Xin Yi, wanting to hear her opinion.

"My slave thinks it's true." Xin Yi came to a conclusion first, and then continued: "Otherwise, why would the master bother to tell Shopkeeper Du so much, and specifically said that every clerk in the building must wear one."

"That's it!" Zi Su suddenly realized, but his eyebrows furrowed even more tightly, "Then the death of the second prince of Canaan Kingdom was particularly ugly!"

Luo Jiuli: "."

Her idea is a bit different!When people die, the first thing she pays attention to is whether they look good or not when they die!
After walking through the last corridor, the master and servant finally arrived at the entrance of Jinglan Courtyard.

Seeing Luo Jiuli approaching, the guard who was waiting at the door immediately clasped his fists and saluted, "I'm here to see you, Princess!"

"Excuse me, I remember that you are the guard at the door, why are you here in Jinglan Courtyard? Ahem, but what's the matter?" Luo Jiuli stopped, his voice was as gentle as water, and Wei Yan, who was standing by, was inexplicably shocked. A chill.

Jun Mohan moved to Jinglan Courtyard, and the Xuanjia Army guards, including Wei Yankangxiang, naturally followed him.

"Princess, there is a woman outside the door who claims to be the princess, and she also says that she is the prince's wife." The guard glanced at Luo Jiuli. Her soft and gentle appearance made him miss the last two words. In the throat, it was hard to say anything.

"Wei? What?" Luo Jiuli asked softly.

The guard then blurted out, "Fiancée, she also said that she is the prince's fiancée, and she came here to pay homage to the prince today."

"But the prince left the mansion early in the morning, did you tell her?"

The guard's words made a figure suddenly appear in Luo Jiuli's mind.

A person I just mentioned not long ago.

"The slave said that, but the woman also said that it doesn't matter if the prince is not here, the same goes for meeting the princess."

"Oh?" Luo Jiuli's lips turned into a smile, "Well, since it's the same when meeting me, let her come in!"

Luo Jiuli said that he turned around and did not go back to Jinglan Courtyard. Instead, he headed towards the main hall of the front yard, where guests were received.

Not long after Luo Jiuli arrived and sat down in the hall, a woman's figure walked in under the leadership of the guards.

She wore a peach-pink soft satin embroidered with floral patterns, a light green printed blouse, a stone green floral pleated skirt, and a snake whip hanging from her waist.

Walking step by step, if you ignore the bruises on your cheeks, you will look like a flower fairy descending to earth.

But it was limited to the image. As soon as he opened his mouth, his true identity was revealed, "Are you the legendary sickly princess of Brother Han?"

Fang Xinman!
Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows lightly, but he didn't expect that he was really an acquaintance.

You can go out now. It seems that the beating yesterday was not enough!

Thoughts like this, she still had a bright smile on her face, "This sister is very interesting. She seems to be lively and active. I like her. Xin Yi, please pour tea for this sister."

"Yes!" Xin Yi stood up in response, poured a cup of tea and handed it to Fang Xinman, "Miss, please have some tea."

"Tea is too bitter. I don't like it, so there's no need." Fang Xinman didn't answer, but went straight to another seat next to Luo Jiuli and sat down. "I know you, your name is Luo Jiuli is Brother Han's princess, but you were born frail and don't know how many years you can live, so Brother Han won't like you."

She rested one hand on the tea table, with traces of scratches on the corners of her eyes. She looked at Luo Jiuli and said, "Brother Han likes this princess. This princess will not bully you. You promise to make peace with brother Han. May I, the princess, give you 10 taels of silver?"

"Where did you come from, a wild girl, so shameless!" Zi Su was furious and started to yell, "If you want to dream, just go home and sleep in your bed. You also want to be a princess, what a beautiful dream!"

"How presumptuous! It's not your servant's turn to interrupt what the master is saying!" Fang Xinman slapped the table and stood up. She waved her hand and was about to give Zi Su a slap in the face, but Zi Su dodged and kicked her. foot.

Fang Xinman staggered two steps and was so angry that she gritted her teeth. She looked at Zisu who was hiding behind Luo Jiuli and asked sternly, "Is this the way Princess Yi treats guests? Even the maids around her can treat guests so well." Beating and scolding at every turn!?"

(End of this chapter)

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