Chapter 88 The Wooden Box

There were many people, so Luo Jiuli didn't say anything. At that moment, Bai Yue raised the candied haws and handed it to Luo Jiuli's mouth. She said in a sweet voice, "Senior brother, take a bite too."

Luo Jiuli smiled and shook his head, "I just ate a bunch, that's enough. Be good, Xiaoyue'er, and eat it by yourself."

"Oh! Okay then!" Bai Yue took back her hand.

"Wow! It turns out he is Mrs. Wang's little junior brother!" Wen Yi reached out to rub Bai Yue's face excitedly, "What a beautiful kid, as cute as a little fat ball! Sister loves it so much!"

Luo Jiuli: "."

Why did she think Wen Yi was dull and timid before?
Obviously very good!

Wen Yi played with Bai Yue alone for a while. Bai Yue couldn't see her, so she felt bored after a long time.

She looked at the ghost next to her, "Hey, um, how did you die?"

"Poisoned to death." Yinhun said.

"Poisoned to death?" Wen Yi became interested. She floated over and stopped next to the ghost. "Tell me, who was poisoned to death? How?"

Wen Yi's ferocious appearance just now was still vivid in his mind, and now he suddenly became like this again. Yin Hun was a little uncomfortable and said nothing, looking at Luo Jiuli not knowing what to do.

"Ouch! What are you looking at, Mrs. Wang? There are so many people here, Mrs. Wang will not pay attention to us."

"Wang, Wang's wife?" Yin Hun couldn't believe it, "Master, she's a woman!"

"What do men and women have to do with you!" Wen Yi floated to the side and waved to the ghost, "Come here, come here, tell me how you were poisoned to death."

"Oh!" Yinhun floated over obediently and told Wen Yi what he had just said to Luo Jiuli.

At the end of the sentence, Wen Yi became angry, "There is such an ungrateful person in this world! Who is it!?"

Wen Yi pointed at Lu Tinglan and He Xingwang who were slumped on the chairs, "That's the two of them, right?"

Yinhun nodded.

So, there is the next scene.

"Slap him hard! Slap him!!"

"Pull up her hair, yes, yes, yes!!!"

"Wrap around his neck!! Neck!!!"

"Let the two of them hook up and commit adultery! It's so shameless! Bite him, bite him!!"

Lu Tinglan suddenly felt cold all over and the roots of her hair hurt.

He Xingwang also felt chilly all over and a little out of breath.

The two ghosts here were very busy. Ye Yuwei was whispering something to Bai Hua on the other side, which made Bai Hua roll his eyes one after another and snort one after another.

Even the servants nearby couldn't stand it. When had their master begged someone like this?

They took a step forward and wanted to beat Bai Hua, but Ye Yuwei scolded them and turned back to continue talking quietly with Bai Hua.

An hour passed, and the officers and soldiers finally fell back. The leading officer and soldier held a two-hand-sized red box in his hands. The red box was locked, and the paint peeled off on the upper right corner, revealing the original color of the wood, but it was still smooth and smooth. He must be its owner. I cherish it very much and can only keep it that way by petting it often.

Seeing the red box in the hands of the officers and soldiers, Lu Tinglan finally couldn't bear it anymore. Her body went limp and she fell to the ground, crying loudly.

"My cousin-in-law, what's wrong with you? Get up, get up."

Lu Tinglan's posture made He Xingwang feel uncomfortable. He calmed down the panic in his heart and went over to help Lu Tinglan up.

But at this time, Lu Tinglan really had no strength at all. She was lying on the ground like a puddle of mud. The weight was many times heavier than usual, and He Xingwang was unable to lift it up even though he was trying to feed himself.Gongsun Yue came out of the back room after hearing the commotion. He breathed a sigh of relief in the corner, as if he was relieved. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, straightened his official robes and emotions before sitting in the courtroom.

The gavel clapped, "Ascending to the hall!"

'Mighty~' The sound of firewood sticks hitting the ground.

"Sir, this is the wooden box that Xiaguan and others found at the foot of Zou Dagang and Lu Tinglan's bed." The leading officer and soldier bowed slightly while holding the red box in their hands.

Gongsun Yue said 'hmm', raised his chin, and the leading officer and soldier immediately walked towards Lu Tinglan, "Lu Tinglan, get up and open the lock."

Lu Tinglan didn't move, lying on the ground and crying non-stop. Wen Yi sat on her, "You deserve it! Why did you go there earlier? Now you know how to cry!"

"There is nothing in this wooden box. I just heard He Xingwang say that he had already asked Lu Tinglan, a poisonous woman, to throw away the poison." Yinhun sat on He Xingwang's shoulder, holding his hair with his hand, feeling depressed.

"Why are you panicking?" Wen Yi rolled her eyes at him, "Sister-in-law Wang dares to suggest that someone get this wooden box, so it must be safe."

"My lord, my lord, this wooden box contains the private belongings of my cousin's wife. Can you please check it out?"

He Xingwang felt something was wrong and wanted to discuss it, but Luo Jiuli interrupted slowly: "You know all the private things I keep? Haha, do you still say that you two have no relationship?"

He Xingwang turned to look at Luo Jiuli, clenching his fists and looking fierce.

He obviously looked angry, but he forced out a smile, "This, isn't this what you said before, Master?"

"Did I say it? When did I say it? What did I say? Why didn't I know? Can you tell me?"

Luo Jiuli's words succeeded in making He Xingwang freeze up, and said stiffly: "That's right, didn't the young master say that the wooden box is at the foot of the couple's bed? This, this foot of the bed, isn't it usually placed at the foot of the bed? Something private, right?"

"Well, that sounds like it."

Luo Jiuli's words of approval gave He Xingwang hope, but the next moment.

Only to hear Luo Jiuli say again, "Whether it is a private thing or not is not the point. The point is that the things inside can let us know why Zou Dagang died of poisoning but could not be found out."

"Didn't Master Wuzuo say this?"

He Xingwang wanted to say something more, but was interrupted impatiently by the leading officer and soldier, "Okay, the wooden boxes have been brought. No matter whether they are private things or not, they have to be opened and looked at."

The leading officer and soldier said, looking at Lu Tinglan and giving him an ultimatum, "Lu Tinglan, are you going to get up and use the key to open it yourself, or are we going to forcibly search for the key from you and open it."

"Sir, sir, woo woo, woo woo, civilian woman, woo woo." Lu Tinglan finally reacted, but she had no strength and couldn't get up on her own.

"Sir, I am my cousin's niece."

He Xingwang still wanted to persuade, but the leading officer and soldier ignored him at all. He winked at the officers and soldiers standing beside him. Someone immediately came forward and used firewood sticks to force Lu Tinglan to stand up, and roughly searched her chest. Got the key.

Without the support of the firewood stick, Lu Tinglan fell softly to the ground again, and no one cared about her.

With a 'click' sound, the lock opened.

Opening the wooden box, I saw that apart from a few copper plates and two grains of silver, there were only two silver hairpins that were half new and half old. There was a small paper package under the silver hairpins.

When I picked it up, I saw that there was a similar but somewhat old paper package under the paper package.

There was white powdery stuff in both paper bags. When I took a closer look, there was no smell at all.

Wu Zuo looked over and shook his head to express his ignorance.

 嘤嘤嘤, what, this, is Jiang Zi, the weather is a bit cold, so there are only [-] words updated today!

  Hmm... how about a preview? ——Watch dog eat dog tomorrow! (over)

(End of this chapter)

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