The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 89 I want to admit my guilt after doing something bad!

Chapter 89 I want to admit my guilt after doing something bad!
"Why is Lu Tinglan so prosperous? Why don't you two tell me honestly and quickly, what is this thing for?"

Gongsun Yue was stunned, causing Lu Tinglan, who was already weak with fear, to tremble, "Sir, you people, civilian women, recognize it, recognize it..."

"Sir, this is just a folk remedy that my cousin's wife had a headache a while ago. It's not a rare thing." He Xingwang interrupted Lu Tinglan's words in time.

The stinky bitch actually kept everything!
I want to admit my guilt after doing something bad!
Even the autopsy couldn't tell if he was poisoned. They couldn't figure out what kind of poison it was. It's not that easy to get him to plead guilty!
"Hey! Do you know all the remedies your cousin-in-law has for her headaches?"

Luo Jiuli's strange words made He Xingwang stiffen and his expression was gloomy.

Why is this man so haunted!You have to add a sentence to everything!
"Okay, you dare to stare at my wife Wang!" Wen Yi floated over Lu Tinglan and slapped He Xingwang hard, "I'll make you stare, I'll make you stare, I'll make you stare again!"

He Xingwang felt his face feel cold. He rubbed his face with his hands in an attempt to warm it up, but it had no effect. His scalp also hurt inexplicably.

"Sir, there are two people outside who claim to be villagers of Yonghe Village. They have clues to report." An officer and soldier came in from outside.


As Gongsun Yue finished speaking, two women dressed as women in their forties walked in from a group of onlookers.

They looked at Lu Tinglan with disgust, who was lying on the ground crying.

They all saluted Gongsun Yue in unison, "The women of the common people are here to see you, sir."

"Sister-in-law Yao, Aunt Fang, why are you two here?" He Xingwang greeted the two of them familiarly, riding on his shoulders, the ghost holding his hair also shouted, "Sister-in-law Yao, Aunt Fang" .”

How could it be that both women couldn't see him.

The woman called Sister-in-law Yao didn't even look at He Xingwang, "Don't call us two like that, we two can't bear it."

"Sister-in-law Yao, where are you talking about?"

"No courtesy." He Xingwang was interrupted by Gongsun Yue before he finished speaking.

"Thank you, sir." The two women stood up.

"What clues do you two have?"

Gongsun Yue asked, and the master picked up his pen and prepared to write.

The two women looked at each other, and Sister-in-law Yao said, "I'm stupid, you can tell me."

"Okay." The woman known as Aunt Fang nodded, "Sir, in fact, when the case was first tried, the civilian woman and Sister-in-law Yao had been listening outside. He Xingwang didn't even look at it on weekdays. Like a cruel person, Lu Tinglan has always been coquettish. We couldn't believe it until we heard about this young master." Aunt Fang looked at Luo Jiuli, " He said that Lu Tinglan and He Xingwang were having an affair, and then the woman and sister-in-law Yao remembered some past events and hesitated for a long time before deciding to come in."

"Well, you tell me." Gongsun Yue said.

"The village women are the best friends with Sister-in-law Yao in the village. Usually when the men go out, the two of us will go to wash clothes, fetch water and so on."

Aunt Fang said, "One day, as usual, the two of us went to fetch water after washing our clothes. The well was the farthest from Lao Zou's house, but the closest to He's house. It was right behind He Xingwang's house. I had an upset stomach that day, and Sister-in-law Yao helped me fetch water. While Sister-in-law Yao was fetching water, I saw He Xingwang entering the house with a girl in his arms."

"Because the grass and trees beside the well grew quite tall, and I was squatting. The woman was also held in He Xingwang's arms. She couldn't see her face clearly, but the woman vaguely recognized her figure. , that’s Lu Tinglan.”

"I was talking to Sister-in-law Yao at the time, but Sister-in-law Yao said it was impossible. The Zou family's mother was seriously ill and Lu Tinglan had no time to spare. I thought about it for the same reason. Although I still felt something was wrong in my heart, I slowly took my time. Forget about this."

"But not long after, the Zou family's mother passed away. They were all from the village, so we naturally had to help. It was the first night after the Zou family's mother passed away. Sister-in-law Yao and I were ready to leave after washing the dishes. At that time It seems that the people eating the funeral meal haven’t dispersed yet.”

"They haven't dispersed yet, there are still many people left behind." Sister-in-law Yao answered, "The two of us hadn't gone far when we saw two dark figures hugging each other in the field. Maybe they heard something. Each one of them covered his face and ran very fast."

Aunt Fang said, "Yes, but they don't think about it. It doesn't matter if they run fast. There are several girls in the village who have such a figure as Lu Tinglan. Their waist is so thin and their steps are so charming, but they don't have the fire." , we all recognize her."

"This time, when we think about what we saw at the well before, we guessed that the man was probably He Xingwang, but it was so dark at night. Even if we had common sense in our hearts, we didn't want to wrongly accuse a good person. I just wanted to wait and ask around when I went to have breakfast the next day."

"I didn't know that what I asked was that He Xingwang was with Zou Dagang the whole night, accompanying him to keep vigil. Lu Tinglan only left the lower door when sending Zou Dagang to the village chief's house. The time happened to be when we discovered the fields. When those two people were hugging each other."

"About what time?" Luo Jiuli asked suddenly.

Aunt Fang thought for a while, "Absolutely, at the end of Shen Shi and the beginning of You Shi?"

"At the eleventh hour," Sister-in-law Yao said with certainty, "My little baby was sick at that time, and I calculated the right time to go back and give him medicine."

"Impossible!" Yinhun was so anxious that he floated down from He Xingwang's shoulder, "I went to the village chief to borrow something for the next day, and I left the house at the very last hour."

Yin Hun said and came to his senses, looked at Lu Tinglan who was lying on the ground, gritted his teeth and said, "I was just wondering why this poisonous woman had to send me out that night, and for the first time, she took the initiative to hold my hand and lead me to the fields. She looked reluctant to leave and even took the initiative to hug me!"

"He is the same!" Yinhun glared at He Xingwang, "I asked him why he suddenly changed his appearance and insisted on staying with me all night to keep vigil for my mother. At that time, he only thought that my mother was good to him when she was alive. He felt sad. I stayed here without any intention, just to cover up their adultery!"

Aunt Fang continued, "Sister-in-law Yao and I don't talk much. After that day, we found out that we had misunderstood Lu Tinglan and He Xingwang, and we both felt very embarrassed. We have never said these words in front of others. However, even though we met and hugged them several times later, because we couldn’t see their faces clearly and had misunderstood them once beforehand, we just turned a blind eye and didn’t pay much attention to them.”

"It's such a coincidence that sister-in-law Yao and I went out yesterday and we bumped into each other again. It was just getting dark and Dagang hadn't come back from selling vegetables. The two of them came out of Dagang's house holding hands. , we saw him clearly, we didn’t alert him at that time, we just went home and talked to the boss.”

(End of this chapter)

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